College of Law
The College of Law is steadfast in its vision of academic excellence. It is rigorous in the maintenance of academic standards. Thus, when it comes to faculty hiring, the process is rigorous. The faculty consists of trial judges, seasoned practitioners, and scholars, all whom possess the work ethic of a competent and dedicated law professor. Just as Rome was not built in one day, the Batangas State University College of Law is optimistic that, guided by its vision of academic excellence, it will in due time produce competent and socially responsible lawyers.
Philosophy or Rationale of the Program
The College of Law is a young department established in 2005. Guided by its vision of academic excellence, it caters to the aspirations of professionals mostly from Region IV to become part of the legal profession. To achieve its aim of developing competent and morally upright lawyers, the College is composed of faculty members who are trial judges, seasoned practitioners and scholars who possess the work ethic of a dedicated law professor. It is steadfast in its resolve to contribute to the achievement of the Batangas State University’s vision and mission of producing leaders for the 21st century.
Goals and Objectives
The aim of the college is to develop competent and morally upright lawyers who are vital in facing the challenges of the 21st century.
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Program Educational Objectives
Graduates from the College are expected to attain or achieve the following program educational objectives within a few years of graduation:
- Specialist - Development in the different fields of the law profession
- Professionalism and Leadership - Positions of leadership in the public and private sectors
- Lifelong Learning Engage themselves in public interest issues and concerns
Student Outcomes (SO)
- Discipline Knowledge. Develop clear understanding of basic principles, rules and doctrines.
- Investigation. Define and access information needs; assess and organize information and knowledge; produce, share, and utilize information and knowledge.
- Problem Analysis. Apply the basic principles, rules and doctrines to hypothetical and actual cases.
- Ethics and Professionalism. Apply ethical principles and professional responsibilities in law situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of law solutions in global, environmental, and societal contexts.
- Communication. Communicate effectively on complex law activities with the community, and the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Environment and Sustainability. Recognize the impact of legal solutions in societal, global, and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
- Lifelong Learning. Recognize the need for, and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of the legal profession.
- The Lawyer and Society. Apply reasoning based on contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, cultural, contemporary issues, and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional law practices.
- Social and National Responsibility. Apply acquired knowledge and skills in law in addressing community problems that contributes to national development.
Contact Us
Telephone Number: (043) 980-0385 local 1126
Email Address: batstateu.collegeoflaw@gmail.com
Facebook Page: Batangas State University – College