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Message from the Vice President for Administration and Finance

Dear Fellow Advocates of Good Governance,


Warmest greetings on behalf of the Administration and Finance Division.

Batangas State University – The National Engineering University is one of the leading providers of higher and advanced learning in the country. The Administration and Finance serves as a solid pillar in sustainably supporting the University’s four-fold mandate of instruction, research, extension and production. It delivers excellent services to the BatStateU community, and responds to their short and long term needs.

In line with the University's Strategic Plan 2019-2029, the Administration and Finance develops, implements, monitors and evaluates programs, activities and projects relative to administrative and financial matters. It strengthens the University's operations towards the achievement of goals as "The National Engineering University" - a pioneering and distinctive mandate bestowed upon the University through the passage of Republic Act 11694.

Composed of the Administration Services (Human Resource Management, Records Management, Procurement, Property and Supply, and General Services); Financial Services (Accounting, Budget and Cashiering); Health Services; and Project Management, the Administration and Finance provides quality services and sustained stewardship of the University's financial, human and physical resources.

Looking ahead, the Administration and Finance shall remain steadfast in effectively managing public funds while upholding fiscal discipline and promoting long term fiscal sustainability. It shall continue in efficiently delivering administrative services and ensuring compliance with the monitoring and regulatory agencies. It shall sustain its commitment in supporting the University towards its quest for national relevance and global presence.

Atty. Luzviminda C. Rosales, CPA
Vice President for Administration and Finance