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Powers and Functions
- Undertakes administrative consideration of the fiscal aspects of academic policies, plans and programs.
- Provides over-all direction and supervision in the following areas and functions:
- Management of the operating budget;
- Implementation of policies and procedures for accounting, allocation and disbursement of funds;
- Financial reporting for the internal and external clients;
- Procurement, and management of supplies and materials;
- Management and development of human resource;
- Keeping and management of records;
- Repair and maintenance of buildings and facilities;
- Health and safety; and
- Development and implementation of infrastructures.
- Allocates available funds for the programs and projects on the basis of approved guidelines and priorities.
- Initiates review and evaluation of work methods, procedures and processes on administrative and financial matters.
- Briefs higher authorities on the status of appropriations and allotments of funds and such other related matters as may be needed.
- Recommends appropriate actions to higher authorities on matters relating to acquisition and utilization of equipment and supplies.
- Reviews and improves budget methods and procedures.
- Supervises the preparation of periodic, annual and other required reports.
- Supervises the Directors for Administration Services, Financial Services, Health Services and Project Management, as well as their respective Assistant Directors.
Orientation on the Preparation of Special Budget for Free Higher Education
February 7, 2022
Records Management Office Staff processing the Freedom of Information Request
Meeting on the Monthly Accomplishment Report
September 22, 2021
Health Services Office Personnel assessing the students before undergoing vaccination
Atty. Luzviminda Rosales, Vice President for Administration and Finance, during the Budget Deliberation FY 2023
Meeting on the Updates for the Preparation of Administrative Manual and PRIME HRM Compliance Documents
March 11, 2022
Human Resource Management Office Personnel assisting the Applicant for the documentary requirements
Discussion and Consultation of the Online Health Management System
February 21, 2022