General Functions of Units
Updating of the Administrative Manual
Administration Services
Facilitates University activities and operations; and provides proficient and economical services relating to records, humans resources, procurement, property and supply, and general services.
Human Resource Management Office
Performs human resource responsibilities on recruitment, selection and placement; learning and development; rewards and recognition; and performance management, and ensures that the University strengthens employee empowerment.
Meeting on the Deliberation of the Awardees and Retirees FY 2021
Canvassing of goods
Procurement Office
Procures best quality goods and services; reviews the accuracy and completeness of all documents pertaining to procurement transactions; and ensures effective and efficient management of procurement processes and procedures.
Records Management Office
Performs systemic and administrative control of records; ensures efficiency, consistency and uniformity of records management in terms of access, confidentiality and security; and complies with the rules and regulations that govern the management of public records.
Safekeeping of documents
Inspecting of supplies
Property and Supply Office
Manages, utilizes and safeguards the properties and supplies against loss and wastage in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of the University which ensure the effective and efficient delivery of services to internal and external clients.
General Services Office
Implements policies and guidelines on general services functions such as facility management services; building, equipment and grounds maintenance, and motor pool services.
Cleaning of the building
Reviewing the accuracy of financial documents
Financial Services
Provides quality financial services relating to accounting, budgeting and cashiering which include the effective and sustainable allocation and management of funds that support the strategic plan of the University.
Accounting Office
Maintain records of financial transactions, prepares financial reports and statements; and assesses and communicates financial information based on accounting and auditing rules and regulations for efficient management of University operations.
Preparing of Financial Statements FY 2022
Preparing of Budget Quarterly Reports
Budget Office
Performs the budgeting process from budget preparation to execution and accountability; and coordinates with the concerned offices/agencies on the proper allocation and utilization of government funds toward effective and efficient fiscal leadership.
Cashier Office
Ensures safekeeping of money, checks and official receipts; ensures that all collections are properly recorded and timely deposited; and maintains a complete record of check disbursement and accounts.
Releasing of checks
Monitoring of infrastructure project
Project Management Office
Develops and implements plans for infrastructure development; and ensures that infrastructure projects are properly coordinated and consistent with University's strategic thrusts and priorities.
Health Services Office
Provides medical services to University personnel; plans, implements, monitors and evaluates the health and safety programs of the University; and ensures the University's compliance to the health and safety laws, rules and regulations.
Posting of vaccination IEC materials