Be a Red Spartan!
Be a Red Spartan!
Documentary Requirements:
- Filled out Application form and Admission Test Permit from BatStateU TAO webpage
- 2 pcs. Passport size picture (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) of good quality, white background
- Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00
- Original & Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate
Age Requirements:
- Must be aged 5 years old by October 31 of the school year they will enroll in.
- Fill out the Application Form for Integrated School and Laboratory School Admission and Admission Test Permit
- Submit the accomplished Application Form and Admission Test Permit as well as other requirements to the Testing and Admission Office
- Pay the Testing fee at the Cashier’s Office
- Present receipt of payment to the TAO for the issuance of Admission Test Permit with the schedule of examination
- After examination, result will be announced on TAO FB Page https://www.facebook.com/TAOBatStateU
Documentary Requirements:
- Filled out Application form and Admission Test Permit from BatStateU TAO webpage
- 2 pcs. Passport size picture (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) of good quality, white background
- Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00
- Original and Photocopy of SF 9 (Form 138 - Report Card) from Previous Grade Level: with no grades lower than 80%
- Fill out the Application Form for Integrated School and Laboratory School Admission and Admission Test Permit
- Submit the accomplished Application Form and Admission Test Permit as well as other requirements to the Testing and Admission Office
- Pay the Testing fee at the Cashier’s Office
- Present receipt of payment to the TAO for the issuance of Admission Test Permit with the schedule of examination
- After examination, result will be announced on TAO FB Page https://www.facebook.com/TAOBatStateU
Documentary Requirements:
- Filled out Application form and Admission Test Permit from BatStateU TAO webpage
- 2 pcs. Passport size picture (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) of good quality, white background
- Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00
- Original and Photocopy of SF 9 (Form 138 - Report Card) from Previous Grade Level (Grade 5 card)
- With general average of 90% and above
- Without a quarter grade lower than 80%
- Fill out the Application Form for Integrated School and Laboratory School Admission and Admission Test Permit
- Submit the accomplished Application Form and Admission Test Permit as well as other requirements to the Testing and Admission Office
- Pay the Testing fee at the Cashier’s Office
- Present receipt of payment to the TAO for the issuance of Admission Test Permit with the schedule of examination
- After examination, result will be announced on TAO FB Page https://www.facebook.com/TAOBatStateU
Returnees must coordinate to their respective department and registrar
Documentary Requirements:
- Applicants must have completed high school in any recognized school or must be enrolled in Senior High School, if not yet completed.
- Applicants must submit the following:
- E - copy of Filled –out Application Form
- E- copy of one (1) recent Passport size picture with white or plain background
- Certified e-copy of final grades in Grades 10, and 11 in Math, English and Science
- Grades Form 1 (for Regular Admission) / Grades Form 2 (for ALS)
- Junior High School and Senior High School Form 137
- Certification of completion of SHS and respective strand or enrolment therein, if not completed
The original hard copy of requirements shall be submitted upon request of the Testing and Admission Office (TAO), the University Registrar, and/or the College concerned.
In addition to the general requirements stipulated above, the applicants must qualify for the program’s specific requirements, as follows:
A. Engineering Programs, BS Chemistry, BS Computer Science, BS Biology, and BS Mathematics
- Completion of STEM/ Pre Baccalaureate Maritime strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
B. BS Architecture and BS Interior Design
- Completion of STEM / Pre Baccalaureate Maritime strand / Arts and Design track program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
C. Education Programs
- Completion of any track or strand in Senior High School or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed (open for all strands – BSEd Math and BSEd Science)
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
- Additional requirement for College of Teacher Education
- any track for Math and Science but no grade below 85%
- passed, based on the rating from the interview by the College
D. BS Criminology
- Completion of any track or strand in any Education program in senior high school or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
- Passed, based on the rating from the screening/interview by the College.
E. BS Accountancy
- Completion of ABM strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
F. BS Customs Administration
- Completion of ABM/GAS strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
G. BS Psychology
- Completion of STEM/ Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime /HUMSS/GAS strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
H. BS Nursing, BS Nutrition and Dietetics and BS Public Health
- Completion of STEM/ Pre Baccalaureate Maritime / GAS strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Submission of certified copies of final grades from Grade 10 and Grade 11, with marks of at least 80% in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.
- Passed, based on the rating from the screening/interview by the College (for BS Nursing only)
I. BS Tourism Management
- Completion of ABM strand/TVL track Major in Home Economics program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
- Passed, based on the rating from the screening/interview to be conducted by the College.
J. BS Agriculture, BS Forestry, BS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Completion of any track or strand in senior high school or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
K. Bachelor of Fine Arts and Design Major in Visual Communication
- Completion of STEM / Pre Baccalaureate Maritime strand/Arts and Design track in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
L. BS Information Technology
- Completion of STEM / Pre Baccalaureate Maritime strand / TVL track Major in Information and Communication Technology strand, ABM strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
M. Engineering Technology Programs
- Completion of STEM/ Pre Baccalaureate Maritime /GAS strand/TVL track in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
N. BS Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Management Accounting
- Completion of ABM strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
O. Bachelor of Public Administration
- Completion of ABM/ HUMSS strand program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
P. BS Hospitality Management
- Completion of ABM strand/TVL track Major in Home Economics program in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
Q. BA Communication and BA English Language Studies
- Completion of GAS/HUMSS strand in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
R. BS Development Communication
- Completion of GAS/HUMSS/ABM strand in Senior High School, or enrolment in the same program, if not yet completed.
S. Foreign students
- a. Online interview with the Head for External Affairs of the concerned constituent campus to be scheduled accordingly, with the interview guide and rubric.
- b. Academic Essay, to be assessed by the Dean and Program Chairperson of the College concerned, using a rubric.
Applicants shall observe the following procedure:
1) Fill out the BatStateU College Application form at the (https://dione.batstate- u.edu.ph/tao/#/application).
2) Upload the scanned copy of Certification of Grades of applicant for the following subjects for each grade level :
- Grade 10 - Mathematics, Science, English
- Grade 11, 1st semester (non-STEM) – General Mathematics, Earth Science and Oral Communication
- Grade 11, 2nd semester (non-STEM) - Statistics and Probability, Physical Science and Reading & Writing
- Grade 11, 1st semester (STEM) – Pre-Calculus, Earth Science, Oral Communication
- Grade 11, 2nd semester (STEM) – Basic Calculus, General Chemistry I, Oral Communication
In case of unavailability of the aforementioned priority subjects, the following alternative subjects may be considered:
STEM Strand:
- English:
- English for Academic Purposes
- Mathematics
- General Mathematics
- Statistics and Probability
- Science
- General Chemistry II
- General Physics I
- General Biology I
- Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction
NON - STEM Strand:
- English:
- English for Academic Purposes
- Mathematics:
- Business Mathematics (for ABM strand)
- Science:
- Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction
The Certification must be signed and certified correct by the Principal/ School Registrar, or equivalent school officer.
3) Wait for the confirmation from Testing and Admission Office (TAO); visit frequently the application tracker: (https://dione.batstate- u.edu.ph/tao/#/application)
4) Once the application is approved, Examination Permit will be issued.
5) Take the BatStateU CAT
6) Wait for the release of the BatStateU The NEU College Admission test result; scheduled date of release shall be given by TAO
7) For qualifiers, a Notice of Admission will be posted in the BatStateUCAT link: https://dione.batstate-u.edu.ph/tao/#/batstateucat/
8) Wait for the enrollment schedule
Documentary Requirements:
- Filled out application form
- 2 pcs Passport size picture (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) of good quality, white background
- Original or Certified true copy of Transcript of Records
- PSA Birth Certificate (to be submitted only upon admission)
- Honorable Dismissal /Certificate of Transfer (to be submitted only upon admission)
- Original Marriage of Contract (for married female applicant only)
- Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00
- Proceed to the Office of the Dean of the respective college/department where you intend to enroll for evaluation
- Submit the filled-out application form and evaluated TOR to the Testing and Admission Office
- Pay the Testing fee at the Cashier’s Office
- Present the receipt to Testing & Admission Office and wait for the issuance of Admission Test Permit for Graduate School
- Take the BatStateU Graduate School Admission Test on the schedule indicated in the test permit
- Secure a Notice of Admission at the Testing and Admission Office.
Documentary Requirements
- Filled out application form
- 2 pcs Passport size picture (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) of good quality, white background
- Original or Certified true copy of Transcript of Records
- PSA Birth Certificate (to be submitted only upon admission)
- Honorable Dismissal /Certificate of Transfer (to be submitted only upon admission
- Original Marriage of Contract (for married female applicant only)
- Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00
- Proceed to the College and submit all the requirements for evaluation
- Submit the evaluated application form to Testing and Admission Office to secure admission test permit
- Pay the Testing fee at the Cashier’s Office
- Present the receipt to Testing & Admission Office and wait for the issuance of Admission Test Permit for Law School
- Take the BatStateU Law School Admission Test on the schedule indicated in the test permit
- Notification will be received thru email or call from Testing & Admission Office.
- Two (2) copies of application form for Doctor of Medicine Program
- Photocopies of Diploma and Transcript of Records of taken Bachelor's degree program, supported by a certificate of class ranking and general weighted average.
- Board Rating Certificate (if the Bachelor’s degree taken is a board program)
- Original and photocopy of NMAT result
- Original copy of PSA Birth Certificate
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from the former Dean, professor, and other government agencies (LGUs, etc.)
- Submission of accomplished health clearance report. This shall include: Complete immunization report (MMR, dT, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A)
- Chest x-ray
- Urinalysis
- Certificate of physical fitness, to be issued by the physicians from BatStateU College of Medicine Admissions Committee
- Passed psychological examination and personal interview.
- Submit all the requirements to Testing and Admission Office
- Proceed to College of Medicine for evaluation
- Secure test schedule at Testing and Admission Office
- Take the test on the scheduled indicated in the test permit
- Proceed to College of Medicine for personal interview
- Receive admission result at Testing and Admission Office

- If you intend to have your enrolment and medical check-up processed on the same day, you may choose an available schedule for both events.
- You are allowed to reschedule your appointment at least a day after your prior scheduled date.
- Click “ID Capturing” button and follow the instructions/steps indicated therein.
- Click “View Subject Status” to check if you have enrolled the complete courses as stated in your curriculum for First Year, First Semester.
If there are lacking or excess subject(s), you may communicate the Registrar’s Office of your respective BatStateU Campus to assist you with the concern.
- Click “Certificate of Registration” button if you want to print/reprint your Certificate of Registration.

- Accomplish the College Admission Application Grades Form
- Form 1 will be accomplished if the applicant graduated Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School (SHS) level. (link)
- Form 2 will be accomplished if the applicant took Alternative Learning System (JHS Level) and regular admission to SHS. (link) - Fill out the BatStateU College Application form at the https://dione.batstate-u.edu.ph/tao/#/application.
- Accomplish the College Admission Application Grades Form
- General Requirements:
- Grades Form 1/2
- Junior High School Form 137 / Certificate of ALS Rating
- Senior High School Form 137
- Certificate of SHS Completion / Enrollment
- In case under AAP, additional requirements must be submitted:
Certificate of ALS Completion - INDIGENOUS STUDENT
Certificate of Indigency
Certificate of Tax Exemption from BIR - INDIGENOUS PEOPLE
Certificate of Tribe Membership - PWD
PWD Identification Card - ISKOLAR NG BAYAN
Certification from the public high school, duly signed by the school principal, of the rank of the applicant in the Top Ten of the graduating (Grade 12) class - CHILDREN OF SOLO PARENTS
I. Email
Applicants who encountered problems upon receipt of the online application forms must provide a VALID e- mail account which is:
- still accessible
- NOT ONLY used to open personal social media accounts
- E-mail account can be opened through Yahoo, Gmail or Outlook.
- An APPLICATION NUMBER is automatically sent to your email address after the initial registration in the online application.
- If you cannot find the message sent by BatStateU Testing and Admission Office (TAO) in your inbox, then check your SPAM folder. Some messages are sometimes directly rooted in your SPAM folder.
- If no application form was sent in your email account, please contact the TAO PB Main I through 980- 0385 local 1148 or tao@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
II. Application Requirements
General application requirements are as follows:
- Duly accomplished College Admission Application Grades Form 1 (for Regular Admission and applicants under Affirmative Action Program - AAP)
- Duly accomplished College Admission Application Grades Form 2 (for Alternative Learning System completer)
- Certified true copy of Junior High School Form 137 (for regular admission) / ALS Rating Certificate (for ALS Completer)
- Certified true copy of Senior High School Form 137
- Certification of SHS Enrollment or Completion
Application Status
- Please be informed that the application status may vary:
- If "For Evaluation", it means that your application is still in process.
- If "Evaluated", with remark/s, it means that your application has incomplete requirements/ information, that means, it must be settled properly. Thus, "Evaluated" status does not mean that your application is already approved. This means that all status with 'EVALUATED' but with remark/s will still be revisited for evaluation. Rest assured that all submitted online application will be accommodated before the release of Admission Result. We are still hoping for your understanding about this matter.
- If "Approved", all submitted requirements and applicant's information are complete.
Attach updated college admission Grades form 1 (link)
Attach updated college admission Grades form 2 (link)
• Graduated SHS - Graduated Senior High School applicants from previous academic year will be scheduled accordingly. An original Grade 12 report card must be brought as scheduled. The TAO personnel will inform you about this matter. Applicants must check their portal regularly. You may also reach us through our email or fb page for further details.
• College Online Interview – If the applicant has chosen BS Nursing, BS Criminology, BS Tourism and Education programs a schedule will be provided accordingly. Please wait for further updates about this matter through your portal and through BatStateU TAO’s official Facebook page.
3) Data Change Request
Incomplete requirements (Certificate of Tax Exemption; Certificate of SHS Completion/ Enrolment; Certificate of Indigency; Certificate of Tribe Membership; PWD ID, SOLO Parent ID) – For applicants who submitted application under the Affirmative Action Program, you may resubmit the specific needed document at your portal.