Vibrant and Dynamic Campus Life
Campus Life
We ensure that our students enjoy their stay in our campuses by providing an academic atmosphere that synergizes technical learning and exciting opportunities for holistic growth in various fields of interest.
With over 180 student organizations, including sports teams and cultural groups, we put premium not only to academic excellence but also to the physical well-being and cultural receptivity of the youth to nurture their passion for sports and the performing arts.

University Student Council
The University Student Council (USC) is the highest student governing body of BatStateU - The NEU. With the aid of the Supreme Student Council of each campus as mandated by the student, it is the official representation of all the bona fides of all the campuses of Batangas State University pursuing their rights, welfare and concerns.
Pablo Borbon
"The Junior Managers’ Society is a mother organization comprising six (6) sub-organizations namely Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX), BatStateU -Economic Society (BatStateU-ECOSOC), Junior Marketing Executives BatStateU (JMEB), Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP), Operations Management Guild (OMG) and Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES). It is an organization which envisions on inculcating knowledge that will empower youths to promote better business practices through free enterprise based on financial literacy, business ethics, success skills, market economics, and entrepreneurship."
Philippine Society of Customs Administration Students
The Philippine Society of Customs Administration Students- Batangas State University-The National Engineering University Chapter is an organization that commits itself in molding national leaders in the government tariff and customs service and the industry as professional practitioners through gradual exposure of its members to customs procedures and practices governed by faith, patriotism, human dignity, integrity, mutual respect, and excellence.
Association of Young Public Administrators
The Association of Young Public Administrators is a socio-civic, advocacy, and political organization of public administration students that ensures excellence in public service, accountability, responsiveness and respect for human rights, gender equality and social inclusion.
Junior Philippine Association of Mnaagement Accountants
The Junior Philippine Association of Management Accountants or JPAMA shall serve as the association for Management Accounting students of the CABEIHM Batangas State University –The National Engineering University Pablo Borbon. The purpose of the organization is to further enhance the academic and non-academic aspects of the members through different activities and programs. Also, to promote and develop among the members the value of unity and teamwork. The organization likewise envisions the total development and improvement of the Management Accounting students as well as the university by promoting personality development, corporate social responsibility, and highly motivated and responsible accountants equipped with a strong commitment to excel in their respective fields of specialization.
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants is an organization of accountancy students whose ideal and objective were geared towards the development of individuals who would share expertise on Accounting practices and procedures. Committed themselves not only in the acquisition of basic skills but to excel and expand into other areas of learning with the cooperation of the administration, members and faculty.
League of Tourism Students of the Philippines
The League of Tourism Students of the Philippines is a tourism youth organization that was founded by Prof. Xander Kim Sigua in the year 2007, he is a renowned activist for the conservation and promotion of the tourist sector, encouraging and motivating the youth by sharing his experience of how he created LTSP despite his lack of resources before. Currently, he is the Executive Director of Tourism Educators and Movers Philippines (TEAM Philippines). Throughout the years, LTSP has been one of the leading national organizations for tourism and hospitality management students in the country that raised the awareness and consciousness among the youth through their opinions and actions’ vital role in societal issues.
Future Hotelier and Restaurateur Society
"The Future Hotelier and Restaurateur Society (FHARS) is an organization of Hotel and Restaurant Management students in Batangas State University Main Campus I. It was established last July 12, 2011 after the department decided to have a separate organization for HRM and Tourism Management students. The name of the organization was created through the efforts of the IHM faculty members and the initial students leaders of the organization. Young Hoteliers and Tourism Professional Society (YHTPS) was the former student organization of the International Hospitality Management department."
College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences - Student Council
"The promotion of integrity, social and personal well – being, the just implementation of rights, awareness in the health field with the active participation in social and academic activities dedicated to it as a form of service and commitment to the organization."
Philippine Association of Nutrition Epsilon-Sigma Chapter
"The promotion of integrity, social and personal well-being, the just implementation of rights, awareness in the health field with the active participation in social and academic activities dedicated to it as a form of service and commitment to the organization. "
Future Elementary Mentors Society
"The Future Elementary Mentors Society upholds that future elementary and early childhood teachers must be given opportunities for them to be holistically developed because the formation years of the young learners lies on their hands."
Teacher Education Association of Mathematics and Science Students
Teacher Education Association of Mathematics and Science Students (TEAMS²) is a recognized socio-academic oriented sub-organization of the College of Teacher Education of the BatStateU-The NEU, Pablo Borbon Campus. It comprises future educators specializing in the fields of Mathematics, and Sciences. TEAMS2 upholds the rights of the student body to every opportunity that will make them better educators in the future. TEAMS2 believes that all students have their unique characteristics, so it defends and nurtures them. TEAMS2 is an advocate of quality education and provides crucial programs to the student body that are necessary for them to be lifelong learners.
Teacher Education Society on Language and Communication (TESLaCom)
"Teacher Education Society on Language and Communication (TESLaCom) A university-recognized sub-organization under the College of Teacher Education, this is the association of the students taking both language subjects, the Filipino and English major students. TESLaCom highly supports the college pursuits to providing students with quality education and curricular activities that will nurture the future educators’ personality and professional development. The organization offers various programs specially activities related to their majorship but will also benefit to the entire education department."
Teacher Education Student Council (TESC)
"The Teacher Education Student Council (TESC) is the highest governing body of the College of Teacher Education of Batangas State University - The National Engineering University Main I, composed of elementary and secondary education student leaders that hold active participation in college and community-based activities which aim for the holistic development as future educators and shapers of the nation."
College of Arts and Sciences Student Council
The College of Arts and Sciences Student Council aids in transforming the CAS students allowing them to hone their excellence and potential, for them to be the best version of themselves and to be of great help and service in the society’s future through amiable and student-targeted movement. The CAS mission is to be one with the students through the different programs and activities, which will allow to strengthen the students’ bond and camaraderie despite the persisting distance and hindrances. The council aims to create a government where students’ voices are valued and heard, and all movements shall be for the students’ greater good.
Biology Major Students' Society
The Biology Major Student’s Society (BioMaSS) is a student-led non-profit organization that aims to cater to the needs of the BioSpartans, the Biology Community of Batangas State University - Pablo Borbon Campus. The organization intends to be the main force in the upliftment of knowledge of its members regarding science and technology and making practical use of the basic theories learned in the field of science, specifically Biology. It promotes dissemination to common people of the acquired knowledge which will be useful in their daily lives. It also encourages members to develop their inherent skills and abilities for the betterment of themselves and ultimately for them to contribute to the improvement of science as well. Also, it creates unity, harmony and togetherness among the members enabling them to function as one.
BatStateU Chemical Society (BatStateU ChemSoc) is a college-based organization in Batangas State University TNEU Pablo Borbon Main I, College of Arts and Sciences, BS Chemistry Program, which establishes and envisions a society promoting opportunities, fostering unity, and igniting passions in the field of Chemistry. The organization was founded with the intention of offering top-notch initiatives and activities for the development of scientific concepts and principles.
Differential Society of Integrated Mathematicians
"The Differential Society of Integrated Mathematicians (DSIM) is an academic organization of BatStateU - The NUE - Pablo Borbon under the College of Arts and Sciences which aims to enrich the knowledge of the students in the field of Mathematics and Allied Sciences and encourage the students to pursue studying Mathematics."
The Psychology Students' Society of BatStateU TNEU - PB is a college-based organization committed to serving Psychology students’ interests and promoting camaraderie among its members. We provide members the opportunities to grow and develop into productive, effective, highly motivated, well-rounded, and versatile Psychology students. An organization that upholds its core values - Knowledge, Action, Positivity, Well-being, and Altruism.
Society of Development Communicators
"The Society of Development Communicators seized itself as an organization capable of promoting human development — physical, mental, social and moral as well as producing competent, highly motivated and responsible communicators equipped with a strong commitment to excel in their respective field of specialization."
Student Broadcasters of Development Communication
The Student Broadcasters of Development Communication serves as a Catalyst of Change for societal development and academic excellence through through radio and tv broadcasting.
Spartan League of Nurses
The Spartan League of Nurses is an organization, that aims to promote social well-being, in order to advance and protect our collectives and alienable rights as citizens and students, in order to upload and embody the College's and University's honour and ideals, and order to become active participants of the University and society, hereby constitute ourselves into an independent, civic-minded and socially aware student body.
Campus Gospel and Light Bringers
The Campus Gospel and Light Bringers is a campus-wide religious organization that supports the university’s adherence to develop morally upright leaders of the society and to instill God’s Word to the heart and mind of each student through small groups and give high regard to the faith of every individual.
CABEIHM Student Council
The highest governing student organization in CABEIHM that unites and uplifts the diverse condition of the whole student body, secure the blessings of autonomy and independence, promote and protect students’ right and welfare, and foster a strong academic community that aligns with the vision, mission and core values of the University.
Alliance of CABEIHM Graduate School Students (ACGSS)
"The Alliance of CABEIHM Graduate School Students (ACGSS) is dedicated to the enhancement of the graduate school experience at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University (BatStateU-NEU). The association has been established to serve as a foundation for building unity, support, academic excellence and work professionalism among graduate students under the College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management and Customs Administration (CABEIHM). The ACGSS will accomplish these goals by designing experiences that focus on, but are by no means limited to, academic support and opportunities for fellowship, service and other analogous activities"
Public Health Alliance for Spartan Society
"PHASS is strategically positioned to lead, influence and contribute to the awareness of students to various public health issues allowing them to create meaningful change in and for the community."
CONAHS Honors Society
"CONAHS Honors Society is an organization dedicated to ensuring brilliance, eminence, and vitality that aims to create a collaborative learning environment for Honor Students in the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University. It acts as an active part of the academic community that always strives to enhance and foster pride in the College and the University. It is also more than just an organization that recognizes academic achievement as it seeks to contribute to the maximum intellectual and skill development of future healthcare professionals in the service of humanity."
Association of Social, Physical, and Technopreneurial Enthusiasts (ASPHYTECH)
The Association of Social, Physical and Technopreneurial Enthusiasts, also known as ASPHYTECH is a sub-organizations of the College of Teacher Education, together with the other three sub-organizations in the college. Its members consists of students from the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED), Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies (BSED - SSTU), and Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Home Economics (BTLED - HE). The organization is committed to develop strong relationship among students in fastering teamwork and cooperation, develops skills and social awareness in the ever-changing world.
Federated Association of MAEd Students (FAMAS)
The FEDERATED ASSOCIATION OF MAEd STUDENTS (FAMAS) is a student organization which primarily addresses the MAEd students’ apprehensions. Furthermore, the student body provides an avenue to engage the students to the differentiated activities promoting continuous professional development and inclusivity across the various fields of discipline.
Integrated School - Junior High School Student Council
The Integrated School Junior High School Student Council is a student government which leads the students and concerns with their welfare. It lets the students express their voices and apprehensions towards the department matters. The organization intends to lead the IS-JHS body wholeheartedly. It aims to serve and provide the students with activities in which they develop camaraderie and solidarity. It would help the students to be a responsible and dependent individuals.
Integrated School - Senior High School Student Council
The Integrated School – Senior High School Student Council (IS-SHSSC) is the mother club and only organization of the Senior High School Department of Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus - Integrated School. By leading and taking charge of the welfare of the senior high school student body, the council oversees and supervises all the activities of the department and promotes the concerns and interests of the community through unified cooperation and camaraderie in pursuit of greatness and excellence. The council functions as the representative which forms a structure that undertakes goodwill and initiatives that benefits the various aspects of student life.
English Language Students Society
The English Language Students Society aims to provide activities for all bonafide BAELS students wherein they could explore and enhance their talents, skills and abilities by providing them opportunities to develop their personalities as students; physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of the personality. Moreover, highlighting their understanding of English, notably in vocabulary and effective usage of grammar. The organization therefore commits on its objective to enlighten the BAELS students on the career opportunities that they may pursue in the future. And to promote the program and to make people recognize the program.
Criminology Students Society
"The CRIMSOC (Criminology Students Society) is a student organization that represents all criminology students at the College of Arts and Sciences of the Batangas State University - The National Engineering University - PB. Its main mandate is to protect criminology students' rights and ensure their voices are heard. The CRIMSOC also aims to develop leadership skills among its members and to provide training and opportunities for young minds to become effective public servants. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, the organization strives to create a supportive community of criminology students who are dedicated to making a positive impact in their field."
CAS Honor Society
CAS Honor Society is an organization which aims to establish a cooperative academic atmosphere among Scholars and Honor students in the College of Arts and Sciences in Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus is committed to upholding excellence, integrity, and responsibility in our future scholarly endeavors.
Vox Cambiari
Vox Cambiari is an organization that develops and promotes journalism within the students while practicing the shared values of Responsibility, Integrity and Service. The organization is responsible in covering different events that happen within the community of BS Development Communication.
Seeds of the Nations
The BatStateU – Seeds of the Nation is a socio-civic and religious organization based on Batangas State University promotes spiritual growth as well as academic excellence at the same time.
Missionary Families of Christ- Youth
MFC Youth is a religious organization envision to share Christ and advocate a pro-life culture in our university. This organization seeks to provide a venue for our fellow college students to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and build lasting Christian friendships in the university.
Red Spartan Law Student Council
The RED SPARTAN LAW STUDENT COUNCIL is a recognized university-wide student organization responsible for improving the academic and social experiences of law students. It organizes events, provides academic support, advocates for student interests, and fosters a sense of community within the law school. It works alongside the College of Law in building a culture of excellence among students and in producing lawyers who are not only academically competent but also morally upright.
San Juan
Teacher Education Student Association
"The Teacher Education Students’ Association is the primary student organization of teacher education students that seeks a gradually foremost role, bind a strong determination that foster cordial relationships among students, maintain the sense of moral and social responsibility and encourage a high standard scholastic value in the chosen field"
The organization is composed of marketing students whose focus is on actions that will benefit its people and prone their talents and skills with kindness, loyalty and respect.
Society of Aspiring Managers (SAM)
The Society of Aspiring Managers aims to become one of the well-performing organization of the university and develop successful leaders, managers or entrepreneurs with courage and consistency towards their duties and responsibilities. The organization also aims to support the advocacy of the university. The Society of Aspiring Managers aims to promote oneness towards its members, collaborative efforts for a common goal and to give service to the university and the need of the community.
Teachers Education Student Association (TESA)
The Teacher Education Student Association is an organization of the students enrolled in the college of teacher of education in BatStateU Rosario. They focus on enlighting the educators’ mind in line with academic excellence, values, virtues, dignity and extension services.
UPright Marketing Organization (UPMO)
UPright Marketing Organization- BatStateU Rosario is an organization formed to meet the additional needs of every marketing student that can make them more competitive in the real world of business after graduating from our university. Its primary aim is to organize different events on the subject of marketing that will give them an actual application of what they have learned in their classrooms and to be an instrument that will bring out the best from them.
Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX)
The Junior Financial Executives Batangas State University-Rosario provides a venue for students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Financial Management, to network with professional financial organizations. The JFINEX is known for producing quality events that empower students' involvement and strengthen the knowledge of its subordinates about financial literacy.
Junior Peoples Management of the Philippines (JPMAP)
"The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines will play as an organization that will help in the shaping of Human Resource Development Management Students as effective leaders and responsible citizens of the country."
INvincible Council of Accountants and Managers (INCAM)
The INCAM Lemery is a school-wide democratic student organization. Power and authority emanate from the student constituency.
The FUTURE EDUCATORS' SOCIETY is an organization that shall develop its members the real essence of being a future educator. It shall help every member to become well-rounded individual that shall lead in the society in the future with their chosen profession.
Organization of Bachelor of Industrial Technology Students
"ORBITS is an organization that shall develop in every member the real essence of being an Industrial Technology student. It shall help every member to become well-rounded individual that shall lead in the society in the future and become model of others."
"SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB is an organization that shall develop their potentials in Physical Education in every one self for being a student and a successful and productive individual in the near future."
Multi-Faith Ministry is an organization that will give spiritual development in our students.
SSC-BatStateU-Alangilan - Supreme Student Council - BatStateU-Alangilan
The Supreme Student Council - Alangilan is the highest governing student organization in BatStateU - Alangilan serving 21,000 students. It is recognized by the National Youth Commission (NYC) under the Youth Organization Registration Program (YORP).
ADSS - Association of DOST SEI Scholars - BatStateUJunior Managers' Society
The Association of DOST-SEI Scholars shall lead and coordinate the needs and welfare of its members. It shall help in molding its members to contribute in the acceleration of economic and social development of the communities they belong to through providing training.
CYA - Christ's Youth in Action
Moved by our growing relationship with Christ, we envision Filipino youth leading other young people to pursue personal conversion, Christian character, involvement in community and the Great commission thereby becoming leaders of the Catholic church and agents of social transformation.
FOCUS BCC - FOCUS BatStateU Camera Club
FOCUS BatStateU Camera Club envisions a dynamic and active organization wherein students come together in the interest of photography and videography; and be involved in future photographic events and activities equipped with professional skills.
SPWLA - Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts BatStateU SC
SPWLA - Batangas State University Student Chapter aims to create opportunities that would nurture the students' awareness on the field of Petrophysical studies. To provide an effective and respectful environment that entrusts quality services such as building strong connections to the professionals of SPWLA International and to allow creative and positive communications for the scientific community.
Create a safe space for the Red Spartan community that supports all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (9SOGIESC) driven by gender-eductive programs, relevant advocacies, and social engagement - promoting inclusivity and equality for members of LGBTQIA+ in the university.
CoE Alangilan - Student Council
The College of Engineering Alngilan-Student Council (CoE Alangilan-SC) aims to develop a well-rounded graduate imbued with moral and ethical values, spiritual vigor, and utmost concern for the environment as integral parts of furtherance of a chosen profession.
ABMES - Association of Biomedical Engineering Students
The mission of ABMES is to foster leadership, stimulate students' growth, and encourage participation. Through student services, academic, socio-civic, and leadership programs that challenge and encourage student leaders, we enrich the university experience.
ACerES - Association of Ceramics Engineering Students
The Association of Ceramics Engineering Students, also known as "ACerES", exists to strengthen the bond of students, help them excel academically, and develop the skills of the members.
ACES - Association of Civil Engineering Students
The Association of Civil Engineering Students - Batangas State University (PICE/ACES BatStateU), is entrusted to develop a well-rounded graduate attuned to the promotion of the national identity imbued with moral integrity, spiritual vigor and credible and relevant ideas in he pursuit and furtherance of the civil engineering profession.
AeESS - Aerospace Engineering Students' Society
The objective of the Aerospace Engineering Students' Spciety (AeESS) is to take into account the opinions of all its members, to carefully consider what they have to say, and to provide a protected setting for them to work in.
AFES - Association of Food Engineering Students
The Association of Food Engineering Students (AFES) envisions to be a leading college organization that creates an avenue for promoting excellence, leadership and sense of responsibility of its members contributing to the applications of food engineering program.
AICES - Association of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Students
The Association of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Students is a college-based student organization that creates an integrated and challenging educational experience, which nurtures intellectual and personal skills and abilities and rational excellence.
ATES - Association of Transportation Engineering Students
The Association of Transportation Engineering Students (ATES) envisions establishing a spiritually, intellectually, socially, morally, and emotionally concerned environment in Batangas State University - Alangilan, to fulfill its mission of creating dedicated future engineers who will one day make a global difference; by being academically competent, bringing inspiration to the Filipino youth, and pride to the University.
GEP BatStateU-SC - Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines BatStateU - Student Chapter
The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Batangas State University - Student Chapter (GEP BatStateU - SC) ensures to provide intellectual students and great leaders with morale, decency, diligence, and confidence to perform their duties in preparing themselves for the profession.
JIECEP - Junior Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines
Junior Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines - BatStateU commits itself to seek an increasingly prominent role in maintaining a sense of moral and social responsibility while encouraging a high standard of scholastic value to its members.
JIIEE - Junior Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers
The Junior Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers - Batangas State University Chapter (JIIEE- BatStateU Chapter) is committed active in equally valued and inter- related missions on student's welfare, education, and promoting values and traits. The JIIEE - BatStateU Chapter will continue to be a dynamic student's organization that shall serve as an avenue for showcasing the intellectual abilities and technical competencies of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering.
JPIIE - Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers
Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (JPIIE) - Batangas State University Main II is a student organization which operates to increase the competitiveness of its members in the academic and professional aspects in response and alignment to the challenges of the 21st century, provide opportunities in all forms through active participation in worthwhile undertakings, and encourages self and team building as their equipment to lead the society towards advancement.
JPICHE - Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers
The organization seeks to accelerate knowledge for the upliftment of educational standards in the field of Chemical Engineering at the Batangas State University.
JSMEP - Junior Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines
Junior Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines aims to provide leadership that develops and empowers metallurgical engineers of the future, helping the community to have an effective and efficient industry.
JSONAME - Junior Society Of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Junior Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering is an organization that aims to support upcoming architects and engineers of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering department in researching maritime technology, innovating machinery and creating opportunities that will boost them to the path of excellence and pave the way towards global innovation and develop leadership in marine corps skills and motivate individuals with the highest standard of training. To provide high- quality marine and associated education.
MESS - Mechanical Engineering Student Society
The Mechanical Engineering Student Society aims to promote academic excellence in the students. It encourages establishing harmonious relationships and strong camaraderie among each member of the organization. It is attuned to develop members who pursue researches and extension services beneficial to both university and community.
MEXESS - Mechatronics Engineering Students Society
The Mechatronics Engineering Students Society aims to strengthen the whole being of the students through the synergy of knowledge and activities and provide highly skilled engineers with high professional spirit and strong basic engineering knowledge.
PSSE - Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers
"The PSSE BatStateU SC organization aims to impart fundamental knowledge on the course and to promote social awareness and environmental concern to the members as well as to the other students.
We endeavor to establish camaraderie among members and to indicate moral principles and practice in preparation of them for successful careers in professional practice."
SAES - Society of Automotive Engineering Students
The Society of Automotive Engineering Students (SAES) is committed to creating an educational environment for students to acquire the professional and technical skills necessary for success in Automotive Engineering related endeavors.
SAGE - Student Association of Geological Engineers
The Students' Association of Geological Engineers (SAGE) provides an opportunity for its members to have an identity beyond being a student by forming profound connections among its members through a shared spirit of passion and in-depth knowledge of Geological Engineering, showcasing the field of Geological Engineering with its exploratory nature among members, and use the skills honed for serving the community that is exposed to the challenges of the 21st Century.
SPE BatStateU-SC - Society of Petroleum Engineers BatStateU Student Chapter
This organization is committed to provide quality educational activities and events for its members through a well-structured and systematic form of organization as well as transparency and good governance to its student body while upholding the school's vision to fulfill the educational goals of its members.
CAFAD Alangilan - Student Council
An organization committed to developing and creating a community of students and student leaders who are capable of embodying the sense of equity, connections, and transparency; building a collaborative and innovative department; and nurturing a community of student-professionals who are passion-driven, gender-sensitive, and well-sensible of the mental and environmental current crises.
IDEAS - Interior Design Edifying Auxiliary of Students
To challenge members of the Interior Design Edifying Auxiliary of Students (IDEAS) to explore their own ideas of others in the campus community in an effort to enhance greater multicultural awareness and promote dialogue exchange.
This society is a scrupulous organization that protects and promotes the rights and welfare of its art fervor individual; defines its responsibility with spiritual and philosophical knowledge to bring about the enrichment of our aesthetic experience and the understanding of the sociologist as manifested by work of art.
UAPSA- United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxillary
United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary Batangas State University Chapter is born out of commitment in providing knowledgeable activities to empower architecture students of Batangas State University based on excellence, cooperation and commitment anchored through values, discipline and responsibility to God's graciousness and as a spirit of a true Borbonian.
CICS Alangilan - Student Council
The organization aims to develop Information Technology students through their ability in academic, social, emotional, spiritual and economic concerns. Thus, contributes to the welfare of the development by practicing the members and enhancing them through the organization's activities with great purposes.
ACCESS - Association of Committed Computer Science Students
Batangas State University is committed to the holistic development of productive citizens by providing a conducive learning environment for the generation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge through innovative education, multidisciplinary research collaborations, and community partnerships that would nurture the spirit of nationhood and help fuel national economy for sustainable development.
IINTESS - Integrated Information Technology Students' Society
The organization aims to develop Information Technology students through their ability in academic, social, emotional, spiritual and economic concerns. Thus, contributes to the welfare of the development by practicing the members and enhancing them through the organization's activities with great purposes.
JPCS - Junior Philippine Computer Society BatStateU Alangilan Chapter
The JPCS aims to provide its members with experiences that complement the knowledge members acquire in their respective schools, thus better preparing each student for his future role as a world class ICT professional.
CIT Alangilan - Student Council
Serves as the mother organization in the college seeking for the enhancement and promotion of the general welfare and unity among the students, contribute significantly in the practice of peace and order in the campus and be of service on the other sectors of the community.
ACTS- Association of Computer Technology Students
The Association of Computer Technology Students- (ACTS) is committed to the belief that student's organization must contribute to the personal, family, social life of the individual. It aims therefore to offer a well-rounded organization by developing the students intellectually, physically and socially to the end that may become a productive and responsible citizen.
CCM- Christian Campus Ministry
The Christian Campus Ministry (CCM) is committed to the belief that students organization must contribute to the personal, family, social life of the individual. It aims therefore to offer a well-rounded organization by developing the students intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually to the end that may become a productive and responsible citizen. It seeks to provide an environment productive to the enhancement of Filipino entity and the pursuit of excellence and permitted by knowledge in technology that strengthens camaraderie and build up personal character.
IEETS- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Technology Students
The IEETS is an active participating in encouraging, developing and promoting the expression of individual competencies in the field of Electrical and Electronics Technology. It shall also provide information on current trends and innovations in the electrical and electronics field to further advance the competencies of its members. It will also serve as a breeding ground for developing future leaders and useful members of the industrial society, not only locally but globally as well.
METALTECH-Machine, Engine, Toque, Arc, and Letters Technology StudentsCCM- Christian Campus Ministry
The METAL TECH is a dynamic student organization that serves for showcasing the intellectual abilities and technical competencies of Machine, Engine, Toque, Are and Letters in the College of Industrial Technology.
MICS- Mechatronics and Instrumentation and Control Society
An organization within the college devoted to the development and advancement of common good and solidarity among students, as well as to making major contributions to the maintenance of peace and order on campus and to providing assistance to other segments of the population.
CICS - Balayan Student Council
Believes that every learner has innate capabilities and competitiveness through dynamic talents and skills within themselves with the help of each and everyone.
College of Industrial Technology Student Council - Balayan was founded under the authorization of Batangas State University. It is an organization that intends to develop the academic aspects of the students which is directed on love, improvement, and appreciation on moral, spiritual, social, and mental aspects of every student toward globalization.
FEA - Future Educators Association
It commits to the development of school and motivation of members to promote the spirit of cooperation despite of having different departments but with unity and achieving one goal.
CICS - Mabini Student Council will be an organization of dedicated, energetic teams inspiring and guiding the students of the BatStateU Mabini Campus as they prepare for a world of rapidly developing technological innovations.
Society of Development Communication Students
The Society of Development Communication Students is a platform to produce catalysts of change in accordance with the University's academic standards with inoculation of values, for the enactment of God-given talents so they may serve the society productively and effectively.
Society of Marketing Management Students
An organization established as a strong support system to business students and aspiring young professionals by providing an environment conducive to the career path that is set by the continuously changing business industry. SMMS goal is to provide activities and instill accepted business practices that will serve as an assistance and guide to the students taking a degree in Business in BatStateU - Mabini Campus on matters that are vital to their own growth and development together with the businesses and companies they will work with in the near future.
The CAF Student Council is tasked to promote service-oriented activities that will develop holistic learning for students, protect the environment and promote sustainability through a strengthened collaborative partnership with the community, government and non-governmental agencies.
SOYA - Society of Young Agriculturist
BatStateU-SOYA is an academic and service-oriented organization that serves as a model and source of agricultural information and extends service to the young students and rural farmers by extension services.
SCCME - Society for the Conservation of Coastal and Mountain Ecosystem
The Society is tasked to coordinate and conduct relevant community based projects. Designed to educate various sector of rural areas, dependant on utilizing natural resources Ecosystem.
Supreme Student Council BatState Malvar
"The highest governing body of all the student organizations in the university and they intend to take an active participation in all schools and community activities and spearhead programs for the welfare of the students."
"The Junior Marketing Executive- Malvar Campus envisions itself to be a channel that will nurture the students towards becoming the finest Marketing Professional and Country’s future leader. To lead the business students into the 21st century through marketing excellence."
Junior Philippines Association of Management Accountants
"The Junior Philippines Association of Management Accountants is an organization carrying out the development of moral, mental, physical and social growth of Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting students. This organization represents the BSMA students’ populace in the Supreme Student Council and in the National Federation of Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants. The organization stands neutral for the benefit of both students and the institution."
Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers - BatStateU Malvar
"The Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (JPIIE) - BatStateU Malvar is an alliance of IE Students in Batangas State University that promotes the interest and competence of the IE profession through organized effort by having dynamic programs and activities that focus on enriching every member’s skill in the field of Industrial Engineering."
Junior People Management Association of the Philippines
"The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is an organization that is at the forefront of the college students and graduates of BSBA-Human Resource Management in all activities and related matters and concerns in the department. It is committed to becoming the model grounded on good character, a deep sense of moral values, and good leadership in promoting the rights and welfare of every student, teacher, and organization alike. It is set up along with participatory democracy, responsible servant-leadership, collaboration, unity, accountability, and efficiency in serving as an advocate for the diverse individuals of Batangas State University-Malvar Campus."
Alliance of Future Psychologist
"The Alliance of Future Psychologists (AFP) is an organization that provides psychology students with adequate training to maximize their potential as future psychometricians. It focuses on the establishment of camaraderie between school officials, educators, personnel, and students; the growth of interest and awareness among psychometricians and; the improvement of student knowledge and skills - which are a bridge to a dynamic and responsive College of Arts and Sciences in the pursuit of transforming into public-serving-based center for excellence."
"The Junior Financial Executives is an organization carrying out the development of moral, mental, physical and social growth of the JFINEX students. The pioneering JFINEX students in Malvar Campus organized the Junior Financial Executives in Batangas State University-Jose P. Laurel Polytechnic College Malvar Campus in June 2009. It aims to establish a harmonious relationship among the students, instructors and university officials, develop awareness and interest in the field of business. Also, to promote and protect the student’s rights, privileges and welfare to develop potential in order to contribute to the realization of national goals."
College of Industrial Technology Student Council
"The College of Industrial Technology Student Council or CITSC is an organization that envision the College of Industrial Technology of BatStateU-JPLPC as a dynamic and responsive center of excellence and steadfast in developing technology based and globally competitive individuals. The CITSC deeply commits to the mission of continuously upgrade the skills and competencies of student’s thereby producing world class workers, to produce well-rounded industrial technologists with high sense values and responsibilities and to spearhead innovative techniques that will re-engineer technological processes. Our organization aims to promote student’s rights and privileges, develop responsible Filipino citizens, protect the students and institution from intruders that may destroy its good purpose, promote activities that will help the students become well rounded individuals, and encourage the students to pursue and finish the chosen career for the welfare of oneself and the community."
Mechatronics Engineering Students' Society
"Established in 2008 as a 29-member student organization, the Mechatronics Engineering Students’ Society - JPLPC-Malvar, also known by “MEXESS,” remains headstrong today in equipping Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering Students of Batangas State University - JPLPC-Malvar Campus with representations of transcending knowledge and capabilities of a Mechatronics Engineer. From Ambitions turned to Innovations, the MEXESS serves as a platform in service of the Mechatronics Engineering Community.
MEXESS continues to hone its constituents with competence and leadership in innovative thinking and developing skill sets revolving around the motto, “We don’t want an easier life; we just want to make life easier.”"
BSU-JPLPC Peer Facilitator's Society
The Peer Facilitator's Society (PFS) is a co-curricular student organization. A university-wide organization that prioritizes students' psychological health, creates opportunities for them to reach out to their peers who need social connection, encouragement, and support. This is an organization of concerned students who will have missions of reaching out to others, especially their fellow students who have problems that affect their studies.
"The Campus Connect Organization is a campus-wide organization that aims to see every student being responsible in every aspect of their lives and to inspire them to allow God to move and shape their future. The organization wants to inspire every student through the word of God and motivate them to excel for their respective careers through leadership training. Also embrace every student and encourage everyone to strengthen the relationships to their family, society and God, to see this nation transform through the people or the students who fear God and love the nation."
Teacher Education Student Council
"The Teacher Education Student Council (TESC) is an organization of pre-service teachers which aim to develop the sense of leadership and camaraderie of the education students which can foster harmonious relationships among them, their instructors and also with the university officials. Also, it envisioned to help its members in molding their potentials and capabilities that can be used in service with the institution."
Lingap Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
"The Lingap Mental Health and Psychological Support (Lingap MHPSS) is an organization that envisions a safe, supportive, and inclusive community which is free from stigma by providing mental health services and psychosocial support accessible to everyone. The organization objective is to provide mental health and psychological support for the community."
Alliance of Criminology Students
"The Alliance of Criminology Students is anchored on the philosophy of establishing a sense of competence and moral righteousness in the minds of the members who would become actively and continually involved in effective and efficient law enforcement. The organization envisions itself as a partner of the institution in developing criminology students who have honor and integrity as future law enforcers so as to promote accountability, candour and nobility, it also focuses on developing future law enforcers who are competent, morally upright, effective and efficient in addressing the problem of criminality in the country and meeting the challenges of mobilization in law enforcement which seeks to establish leadership, integrity, responsibility, and accountability upon the members of the organizations."
Google Developer Student Club Batangas State University JPLPC - Malvar
"Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are community groups in universities that allow students to learn, connect, and grow. It also provides opportunities to students who are interested in Google developer technologies and create solutions to contribute not just in their community but globally most especially the Sustainable Development Goals. The Google Developer Student Club is trying to bridge the gap between Theory and Practice."
College of Informatics and Computing Science Student Council
"The College of Informatics and Computing Sciences Student Council is defined as the independent governing body of the information technology and computer science students of Batangas State University TNEU JPLPC-Malvar. The organization shall develop a higher sense of respect and responsibility that will enable students to maximize their educational opportunities, relative to development among students. Also, facilitate, provide, and support new technologies, with the objective to integrate, foster, and promote the development of imagination, creativity, and innovation in students, professors and faculty."
Junior Hoteliers and Restaurateurs Association
"The Junior Hoteliers and Restaurateurs Association is made up of goal-oriented individuals who come together to learn and support each other. This Organization represents the IHM students' populace in the Supreme Student Council. The organization helps students to create and achieve their goals for better and successful tomorrow. Members establish relationships to expose in the hospitality and tourism industry that will lead to jobs in the field."
Supreme Student Council BatStateU- The NEU Lipa
The highest independent student governing body of Batangas State University- The National Engineering University Lipa
Alliance of Industrial Technology Students
"The Alliance of Industrial Technology Students (AITS) is an organization created for bonafide Industrial Technology students of Batangas State University Lipa and is the major organization of the College of Industrial Technology (CIT). The organization is built to demonstrate the spirit of brotherhood, cooperation, and understanding among members; to represent the College of Industrial Technology in the Supreme Student Council (SSC) Lipa; to support and supervise other organizations in their projects and plans for the benefit of the school and the student; to strengthen the spirit of positive values, good manners, and right conduct at home, and at school; and to unify the members of the college and relate harmoniously with other colleges of the University."
Alliance of Informatics and Computing Sciences Students"
"The Alliance of Informatics and Computing Sciences (AICSS) is an academic organization created for bonafide Computer Science and Information Technology students of Batangas State University The National Engineering University - Lipa and is a major organization of the College of Informatics and Computing Sciences. The organization is built to unify the members of the college and to strengthen the bonds of each student. This organization is dedicated to the development of fellowship and solidarity among its members, while also enriching their knowledge and skills in the fields of informatics and computing sciences. The organization seeks to protect the interests of CICS students within society and encourage the enhancement of computing and IT skills among students. Through providing resources, training, and opportunities, the organization aims to support the growth and success of its members within the field of technology."
Aspiring Future Educators Guild
"The Aspiring Future Educators Guild (AFEG) is the premier organization of the College of Teacher Education at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University on the Lipa Campus that aspires to provide education students with leadership and learning opportunities for their advancement in specific fields of interest towards excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness in achieving future professional goals. The organization strives to implement studentry rationalized activities for the enhancement of professional skills and personal attributes geared towards bringing the college to greater heights committed in upholding educational pillars, innovative learning processes and environment and building together a stronghold of an excellent community of future educators."
Association of College of Arts and Sciences Students (ACASS)
The Association of College of Arts and Sciences Students is one of the mother organizations of the Batangas State University - The National Engineering University Lipa Campus. ACASS plays an increasingly significant role in developing youth with professionalism and leadership skills imbued with the ideals of true Filipino who stands prominently in the community and nation. It commits to the advancement of intellectual, cultural, and social growth in the Arts and Sciences and other disciplines that may emerge in the future.
With genuine service and commitment to serve and lead, the CABE Council strives to fulfill its belief, goal, mission, and vision towards the corner of excellence and success; that success is in the hands of each student; and that the greater the hardships and sacrifices endured, the greater the success and excellence one can achieve. The organization plays an important role in fostering fellowship and solidarity among its members and provide measures that will enrich the students' knowledge and skills in various fields of accounting, business, and economics as well as to protect the students' and society's interests and creating a sense of unity and harmony among the CABE members.
Circle of Psychology Students (COPS)
The CIRCLE OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS (COPS) is an organization dedicated to developing adequate and competent knowledge of behavior and expanding the student’s understanding of themselves and of other people which will be used to improve the condition of each individual, the whole organization, and the entire society. As an affiliate of the Mental Health Association, COPS respects and protects the importance of establishing an empirical inquiry linked with theoretical development, to lead to an expanded scope of practice, increased desire and need for specialized education and training.
Integrated Junior Executives (iJE)
Integrated Junior Executives (iJE) is a student-led academic organization composed of students from BSBA- Marketing Management of the College of Accountancy, Business and Economics in Batangas State University The National Engineering University – Lipa City Campus. The organization aspires to be the premier student organization that promotes competency and professionalism among marketing management students at internationally renowned institutions and other schools. The organization provides a forum for interaction, collaboration, and camaraderie in order to improve the quality of students' work, professionalism, and the departmental atmosphere. It also provides opportunities for members to broaden their knowledge beyond the four concerns of the classroom. The officers of the Integrated Junior Executives for the academic year 2022-2023 are determined to give their all in everything they do. They are examples of leaders who know how to enjoy service while also balancing academic performance. They believe that in everything you do, you should give it your all and, most importantly, share your success and joy with others. The accomplishment of one is the accomplishment of all. They support and treat each other as if they were family, and they are always together through ups and downs.
Junior Philippine Association of Management Accountants (JPAMA)
This organization is composed of all Management Accounting students studying in the campus. It was created in view of promoting academic and non-academic excellence as well as moral integrity to oneself and to others. The organization’s function is purposely learning with the business sector. Its belief, goal, mission and vision are all inclined to the corner of excellence and success; that success relies on hands of oneself of every student; that the greater hardship and sacrifices one has endured, the greater the success and excellence one could achieve. The organization plays a significant role in establishing accounting students to become professionals with prominent ideas of being a responsible citizen of the community he is in. It commits to foster advancement in the field of Management Accounting that the student may engage in the future. With this, the organization has upheld the members through the adopted measures for service and excellence. The goal is to develop fellowship and solidarity among the members of the JPAMA, to provide measures that will enrich the knowledge and skills in the different fields of accounting and to protect the accounting students’ interests as well as that of the society. Its objectives are to establish unity and harmonious relationship among Management Accounting students in Batangas State University -Lipa City Campus
Junior Philippine Institue of Industrial Engineers
The Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (JPIIE) BatStateU TNEU Lipa is an academic organization in which Industrial Engineering students are its members under the College of Engineering Department in Lipa Campus. The organization’s philosophy is “No goal is too high when you climb it with care and confidence.” Its vision is to have a center of higher commitment for the promotion of members, and the organization’s moral, social and spiritual aspects. It also aims to uplift the sense of unity as its mission. Decency and loyalty in connection with moral, social and spiritual aspects; to assume a role of responsibilities; to produce quality scholastic values in our chosen field that ultimately head members to achieve a just, effective and most of all, God-abiding and morally upright organizations. It is composed of 14 officers including the Committee on DRRM Head and 2 Members, 4th and 3rd year rep, Public Relations Officer, Business Manager Auditor, Asst. Treasurer, Treasurer, Secretary, External Vice President, Internal Vice President and the President.
Poderoso Communicador Sociedad
"Poderoso Communicador Sociedad (PCS) is an organization solely in the service of BA Communication students, responsible for conducting programs and activities to enhance the students’ communicative competence, bringing the environment of good public relations. The organization is founded on the following objectives:
1. To formulate, implement and coordinate activities, projects and programs particularly those that are beneficial to the members of the PCS or the general welfare of the students.
2. To promote the development of the cooperatives throughout the campus in order to uplift the academic and extracurricular conditions of the students as a whole.
3. To set up a Foundation for the benefits of the members and organization.
4. To undertake fundraising projects and activities to support the PCS programs and objectives."
Public Administration Student Association
Public Administration Student Association is a sub-organization of the College of the Accountancy, Business, and Economics Council, founded in the present year 2022 - 2023 for the students who's taking up Bachelor of Public Administration. The organization is aiming to give the students of Public Administration a great and unforgettable experience in the whole academic year despite the boundaries caused by the pandemic. With the commitment and assistance of PASA in improving the quality of life of the students of Batangas State University The National Engineering University - Lipa Campus. PASA is made to come up with helpful programs and provide activities to improve the student's life and experiences after years of online classes.
Young People Management Association of the Philippines
The Young People Management Association of the Philippines (YPMAP) is collegebased student organization from BatStateU The NEU Lipa it is an organization created solely for bonafide Human Resource Management students founded on the year 2020. The student organization aims to provide members the service and training they need to become future managers; to enhance and develop their individual purpose and skills for an overall increase of value and relationship. To raise the members to become outstanding Human Resource personnel by giving them preparation and recognition, for we hold unto our philosophy that, “Empower the youth and guide their future, as the young people of today are the masters of tomorrow"
Supreme Student Council - BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus
The Supreme Student Council -BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus is the highest student organization that oversees and supervises all the organizations within the campus. It provides projects and activities that aim to support students' development in all aspects of their academic and non-academic life.
The organization's goal is to aid and help student's mental and emotional health, which may have an influence on their academic performance. Also, to be trained in basic counseling skills for the future use. This organization promotes camaraderie and cooperation among members.
The organization's goal is to produce highly competent, ethical and service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth and development of the nation. The organization unleash the potential of every student through leadership and integrity, that transform the nation into a Godly generation through different training, programs and social activities.
The CABEIHM Student Council is the highest governing student organization undet the College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management that functions as a proponent of camaraderie, enhanced students' potentials and learnings.
JPIA - Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants- BatStateUARASOF Nasugbu Local Chapter
This organization aims to establish the unity and harmonious relationship among accountancy students, to develop socio-civic and cultural consciousness among students through social, economic and cultural development projects, to promote and uphold moral values beneficial to the interest of the accounting students and to build academic excellence and to gain educational advancements in the field of Accountancy.
Junior Marketing Association ARASOF Nasugbu Chapter
Junior Marketing Association ARASOF Nasugbu Chapter is a professional student-managed national organization devoted to create venues for future marketers of Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus to excel through opportunities that will enhance their knowledge and experience.
Junior People Management Association of the Philippines
The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is a national youth organization, guided by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) that commits to develop and empower its members to enable them to grow from academic to professional level as future People Managers of society.
The Hospitality Management Society aims to enhance student skills, knowledge and leadership potentials, through activities that will prepare students to become effective leaders and good citizens.
The Tourism Management Society aims to provide quality education to prepare students for a wide range of careers in accountancy, business, hotel and restaurant management, tourism management, customs and public administration, aspire for continuing education, enhance competencies and hone their leadership to enable them to participate actively in the global market through high quality instruction, research, extension and production which serve as fertile ground for the internalization of values that uplift self, society and environment.
Junior Financial Executives ARASOF-Nasugbu
A competent and good quality of organization that promotes convenient ways of learning Financial Literacies and Business. This organization aims to produce highly competitive students to have a strong foundation of knowledge, outstanding, leadership, and great potential to become business professionals.
College of Arts and Sciences Student Council
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) believes in molding the students with well-balanced and relevant quality education as preparation for life thru inculcating leadership, discipline and positive values, dynamism and providing vicarious experiences for the total development of CAS students.
Association of Psychology Students
The organization that believes that knowing and understanding every individual contributes in creating peacefully and orderly environment in the University.
The Communication Arts Society is a valuable organization committed to promoting students' welfare, righteousness, and appeals and actively works to manage matters that impact BAC students. It also enables student leaders who are essential in advancing quality education, justice, inclusivity, good governance, and systemic transformation in the face of oppression and other societal actualities.
Criminology Executive Student Organization
The organization believes that promotes core ethical and performance values that will instill good characters in the students. The character development of the students can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant quality education.
Criminology Student Organization
The organization that believes that the total development of the youth can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant qualition education as preparation for life thru inculcating, leardership, good governance, positive dynamism, and vicarious experiences for the total development of CAS students.
Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization
Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization is the student organization of the BS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences program, under the College of Arts and Sciences of Batangas State University The National Engineering Univesity ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus founded in August 2022. It is an organization that promotes academic excellence, service, and leadership through various initiatives centered on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation.
College of Engineering and Technology Student Council
College of Engineering and Technology Student Council is the student organization of the BS Computer Engineering and Bachelor of Industrial Technology, aims to develop a well-rounded graduate attuned to the promotion of a national identity imbued with moral integrity and spiritual vigor, with the utmost concern for environmental protection and conversation, and with credible and relevant ideals in the pursuit and furtherance of the chosen profession.
College of Informatics and Computing Sciences Student Council
The student council embraces the mission of sustaining the CICS Department with the firm foundation of leadership and program that will accord the members as unused expertise in line with Computer Science, Information Technology and producing responsive, sensible, and competent student in the CICS Department.
College of Teacher Education Council
College of Teacher Education Council (CTEC) is an organization dedicated to support the university and community for life-long learners by engaging them in various exertion to reach their greatest potential and opportunities to excel. It intends to create aspirational values to develop leaders and students fostering a nature of perseverance, continually learning for improvements and seeking benevolence to help others, and commitment to support the school and society.
Human Kinetics Society BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Chapter
Our philosophy is to develop determination and encourage every student to actively participate in different sports, music and art events.
Student Body Organization Elementary
The SBO Elementary believes in the potentials and capabilities of each individual for leadership and student management that could further the progress of the community. It helps the elementary pupils excel in their respective chosen field of interests, maintain peace and order between grade levels and sections, and provide a pleasant environment for the pupils to improve themselves.
Student Body Organization High School
Student Body Organization - High School is the chief organization of the High School Department that adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all organizations. The organization implements policies of the university, laws, and resolutions of the organization for the benefit of all students and officers of the organization.
Social Science Council is a united organization that helps to provide the acquired knowledge that every member should need. It assembles every being to apply the virtues and culture that would let them grow with all the potential to be great leaders of tomorrow.
The Office of Culture and Arts was established to cater to the different socio-cultural groups in the university and provide opportunities for the enhancement of talents and development of skills towards holistic development. CHED Memorandum Order No. 09 series of 2013 serves as a basis for the university's Culture and Arts program.
There are six cultural groups in the university: BatStateU Adlibitum Chorus, BatStateU Band, Diwayanis Dance Theatre, BatStateU Dance Company, Dulaang Batangan, and the BatStateU Rondalla. These groups are under specific training programs designed by professional trainers.
Training and rehearsals are conducted every Saturday and scheduled practices days, especially during competition season. The training programs are closely monitored by the Culture and Arts Office through the designated heads and coordinators. In addition, the performers attend workshops to further polish their skills.
Number of credits/cultural awards given to students/faculty in publicly accessible works in the most recently available academic year (over a 12 month period). | |||||
No. | Name of accolade/award | Recipient name (faculty or student) | Date award was received | Web link where award and winner are mentioned | Description if web link is not available |
1st Runner up- Festival Queen 2022 | Melany Fowler | November 18, 2022 | |||
Champion- STRASUC Piano Contest | Shayne Camylle Cinco | November 16, 2022 | |||
4th runner up- Short and Sweet Play | Ancel Rei S. Acuna lloyd Alvry Alcantara Sheena Ricci Colandres Ken Zyndrick Del Rosario Paul Jhenlei C. Gabi Judessa Arilyn D. Pesigan |
November 18, 2022 | |||
2nd place- STRASUC Folk Dance Competition | Rodel Jr. O. Panganiban Kimberly Faith J. Garcia Alezandra C. Caringal Enrick Roi M. Gomez John Lewhuj U. Blanco Marianne Dimple M. Macatangay Lionel Vincent E Caguete Ann Camille A. Barrion Francis M.Valencia Nina Kathrene C. Gamboa |
November 16, 2022 | |||
4th runner up-Contemporary Dance-STRASUC | Camille Margaret M. Obviar Mikaela Maxene L. Aclan Sophia Nicole C. Sandoval Josh Red G. Fran Ely Jones A. Depino |
November 18, 2022 | |||
2nd Runnner Up-STRASUC Banduria | Clorateiamme Borbon | November 18, 2022 | |||
4th runner up- STRASUC Guitar Competition | Khizel Areta | November 18, 2022 | |||
5th place-STRASUC hiphop | Brent C. Abrenica Eurice Fortus Caya Floyd Christian M. Espiritu Dantly Yhujuan M. Herella Mac Aeman Nhoel C. Taleño Richie Boy T. Hidalgo Zyryz Kyn A. Camporedondo |
November 17, 2022 | |||
2nd place- STRASUC Vocal Solo | Mienely Jane C. Correa | November 16, 2022 | |||
4th runner up- Festival King | Olin John Carlo Uy | November 18, 2022 |

BatStateU Ad Libitum Chorus
The Batangas State University Adlibitum Chorus is the official choir of the university main I campus. As one of the organizations under the Culture and Arts Department, it's vision is to promote philippine culture through the art form of choral singing, discover and develop not only innovators but promising talents in Batangas City.
Facebook page: Batangas State University Ad Libitum Chorus
Here are the org's achievements and awards under its Conductor and Trainor Ms. Marivic H. Llamas
2015 -
3rd Place Choir Category BSU Culture and Arts InterCampus Competitions
2017 - Champion Choir Category BSU Culture and Arts InterCampus Competitions
4th Place Mixed Choir Category STRASUC Culture and Arts Festival and Competitions
2018 - 2nd Place Treble Voices Category Patimpalak Parangal Kay Apolinario Mabini
- Champion Solo Kundiman Category STRASUC Culture and Arts Festival and Competitions
4th runner up Mixed Choir Category PASUC Culture and Arts Festival and Competitions
2019 - 3rd Place Solo Kundiman Category Patimpalak Parangal Kay Apolinario Mabini
- 2nd Place Mixed Choir Category STRASUC Culture and Arts Festival and Competitions
- Champion Solo Kundiman Category STRASUC Culture and Arts Festival and Competitions

BatStateU Band
Batangas State University Band have always been true to its goal of creating music that inspires people. This group is founded few years ago and is still continuing its objective of helping students reach their fullest potential as an artist. This group is composed of vocalists, bassists, guitarists, keyboardists, drummers and a violinist. The instructor of Batangas State University Band is Mr. Xavier Villena, he has been part of the university for several years now and is still serving the university by guiding the Batangas State University Band Members.
E-mail: bsuband2020@gmail.com
Facebook page: Batangas State University Band
Cuta Looban Battle of the Bands (Champion)
2019 -
Batangas City Day Battle of the Bands (Participant)
2019 -
STRASUC Battle of the Bands (4th place)
2019 -
Intercampus Battle of the Bands (Champion)
2019 -
Intercampus Battle of the Bands (Champion)
2018 -
STRASUC Battle of the Bands (4th place)
2018 -
PASUC Battle o the Bands (Participant)
2017 -
STRASUC Battle of the Bands (Champion)
2017 -
Batangas City Battle of the Bands (3rd place)
2016 -
Rocktober Fest (3rd place, People's Choice Award)
2016 -
2015 Charterweek Intercampus Battle of the Bands (2nd place)

BatStateU Dance Company
The Batangas State University Dance Company was born in 1991 and is the official modern dance group of the university. It specializes in different genres of dance such as jazz, hiphop, urban, contemporary and dance sports. Highly trains not just talented students but academically inclined individuals. We continue the legacy of being one of the prides of the university.
Contact number: +63 945 145 9428
Facebook page: BatStateU Dance Company
Regional STRASUC, Contemporary (1st Runner Up)
2019 – Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan -
Regional STRASUC Contemporary (1st Runner Up)
2018 - Laguna -
USCAA Cheerdance (1st Runner Up)
2018 – Batangas City -
Regional STRASUC, Contemporary (4th Runner Up)
2017 - Marinduque -
Regional STRASUC, Hiphop, (2nd Runner Up)
2017 - Marinduque -
USCAA Cheerdancem, (1st Runner Up)
2017 – Batangas City -
Regional STRASUC, Contemporary (3rd Runner Up)
2016- Lucban, Quezon -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition, (3rd Runner Up)
2016 – Batangas City -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (3rd Runner Up)
2015 – Batangas City -
Regional STRASUC, Contemporary (1st Runner Up)
2014 - Cavite -
Showtime Intertown Edition Abs Cbn (Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly Winner)
2012 - Manila -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2011 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (1st Runner Up)
2010 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (1st Runner Up)
2009 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2008 -
SCUAA Dancesport Competition - Latin (2nd Runner Up)
2008 - Romblon -
SCUAA Dancesport Competition – Standard (3rd Runner Up)
2008 - Romblon -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2007 -
Kotex Cool Groove (Champion)
2006 - Lipa -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition, (1st Runner Up)
2006 -
National E Club @ Studio 23 (Champion)
2005 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (1st Runner Up)
2005 -
Penshoppe Dance Slam (Champion)
2004 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (2nd Runner Up)
2004 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2003 -
National Green Cross Funky Dance Competition (Bronze Award)
2003 – Manila -
Globe Gentext Dance Invasion (Champion)
2003 - Lipa -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (2nd Runner Up)
2002 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2001 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)
2000 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (1st Runner Up)
1999 -
CCYA Modern Dance Competition (Champion)

BatStateU Diwayanis Dance Theater
The BatStateU Diwayanis Dance Theatre was formerly known as “Folkloric Performing Arts” of Pablo Borbon Memorial Institute of Technology. It was established and organized last 2002 headed by Asst. Prof. Normelinda M. Arias and trained by the late Mr. Francis Arce in attempt of preserving and sharing Philippine cultural heritage in the dance art forms among the youth of Batangas Province.
Year 2011, the organization was renamed as the BatStateU Diwayanis Dance Theatre exclusive for college students to compete and join several competitions, celebrations which gain awards and recognitions with the supervision of Engr. Jojo V. Conti together with Asst. Prof Normelinda Arias.
Diwayanis, a school-based organization, was derived from two tagalog words “Diwata” which is said to be the guardian or the protector of the forest and “Bayani” a person who possesses great courage and remarkable strength to protect his people and his country, two words that defines and symbolizes the bravery and beauty of the people who nurtures and values the richness of our country.
The Diwayanis Dance Theatre shares their talent to every members of the group to preserve and showcase the potential of every individual through performing newly learned dances through every school activity, intermissions and even competitions. They are not just performing inside the University but even outside of the vicinity of the school. Diwayanis improves a person’s confidence by giving them the exposure, the knowledge, thoughts and even experiences, which opens every member’s mind and thought that we should always dance not just by using only our feet, smile and movement that is only memorized, we should never forget the heart and the reason why we are dancing. Because of the bond that was strongly built by every member, the outcome of every performance even the smallest and shortest dance will always bring perfection and touches the audience’s heart.
Facebook page: BatStateU Diwayanis Dance Theatre
- Pista alay kay Apolinario Mabini (Collegiate) "Komintang" (Champion)
- Sublian 2018 (Collegiate) "Talumpok" (Champion)
- Sublian 2018 (Community) "Sinala" (Champion)
- STRASUC 2018 Folk dance "Jota Bal" (3rd Place)
- Pista alay kay Apolinario Mabini (Collegiate) "Alitaptap" (Champion)
- Sublian 2019 (Collegiate) "Talumpok" (3rd Place)
- Sublian 2019 (Community) "Sinala" (2nd Place)
- STRASUC 2019 Folk dance "Pasigin" (Champion)

BatStateU Dulaang Batangan
The BatStateU-Dulaang Batangan is an artistic collegiate student group founded by Mr. Mark Emmanuel S. Magsino in 2015 and was recognized as the official theater organization of Batangas State University. It aims to widen the knowledge of its members on subjects concerning theatrical productions, artistic exploration and drama studies. It also envisions to uplift the level of local theatre into a higher spectrum.
Facebook page:Batstateu - Dulaang Batangan
- Tumba-Tumba (STRASUC 2016 Champion)
- Tumba-Tumba (PASUC 2016 Champion)
- Rizal Is My President (Best Cultural Activity 2017)
- Halukipkip (STRASUC 2017 2nd Palce)
- Boatless Badjao (STRASUC 2018 2nd Place)
- Butil (STRASUC 2019 3rd Place)
- Forever And Ever - The Musical (STRASUC 2018 Champion)
- Sta. Cruz Ng Sinala - The Musical (STRASUC 2019 3rd Place)
- Balintataw Champion (2017 - 2018)
- Created And Formed Community Theater Named: Teatro De Juan, Teatro De Talahib And Teatro De San Pedro
- Two-Time Champion In Dswd Regional Community Theater Development Contest
- Consistently Winning Regional STRASUC Culture And Arts Festival
- The Only Undisputed Theater Group Among Region Iv-A Who Bagged National Champion In The PASUC Culture And Arts Festival
- NCCA Accredited
- 2016 STRASUC And PASUC Champion
- 2017 STRASUC 1st Runner Up
- 2018 STRASUC - Short And Sweet Play (Dialogue) 2nd Place
- 2019 STRASUC - Short And Sweet Play (Dialogue) 3rd Place
- 2016 Gawad Pablo Borbon Excellent Award As An Org
- 2017 Gawad Pablo Borbon Excellent Award As An Org

BatStateU Rondalla
BatStateU Rondalla is one of the cultural group of Batangas State University that aims to develop talents and potential skills of the students when it comes to playing rondalla instruments. It was established by Mr. Nelson G. Espejo, together with Ms. Abegail A. Pasia with the help of Culture and Arts office.
Musikahan sa Tagum (Second Runner Up)
March 2019 -
National Music Competition for Young Artist known as NAMCYA (Finalist)
The Office of Sports Development Program is one of the disciplines which is under the direction of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. It is also one of the offices concerned with the support to students specifically in the areas of sports. As such, it provides leadership among sports coordinators, heads, coaches, officials, athletes and students during sports activities and in participation in local, regional, national and international meets and sports competitions. It also aims to establish linkages with different associations to improve the sport development programs of the university. The Office of Sports Development Program supports the University’s vision and mission of academic excellence. It is working hand and hand with the University in serving not only the BatStateU community but also to other stakeholders. To achieve the philosophy and the implementation of the Sports Development Program action plan, the continuous support of the university, in terms of funding of facilities, equipment, supplies, materials, recruitment, training, competitions, presentations and uniforms, is sought for. Furthermore, it seeks the assistance of the Budget Office to allocate funds for the different activities of the Sports Development Program.

Laurelian Sepaktakraw Association, Inc. (LASETA, Inc.)
Laurelian Sepaktakraw Association, Inc. (LASETA,Inc.) is a SEC registered organization and an active sports club of BatStateUJPLPC-Malvar. This organization was based from the word “Lanseta” or knife which is one of the trademarks of Batangueños. This was founded last 2014 by the former athlete and now the Head Coach of Sepaktaktaw Team of BatStateU Dr. Teejay D. Panganiban with the guidance and support of the currently head of sports development program of JPLPC-Malvar Mr. Michael San Miguel and the Director of Sports Development Program of the BatStateU system Dr. Francisco V. Aguirre. This sports club is also a member of Pilipinas SepakTakraw League.
- STRASUC OLYMPICS 2019 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2019 (4th place)
- STRASUC Olympics 2018 (Gold)
- NATIONAL SCUSAA 2018 (Bronze)
- STRASUC OLYMPICS 2017 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2017 (Qualifier)
- STRASUC Olympics 2016 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2016 (Qualifier)
- STRASUC Olympics 2015 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2015 (5th place)
- STRASUC Olympics 2014 (Gold)
- Sipaan sa Malvar 2016 at Malvar Batangas - (Gold)
- PNG 2015 - (5th placer)

Barako Spikers
Passion and Perseverance has always drive the team and players to fight for glory and power. This group is founded on the year 2016 and still continuing to give honor to school. This group is composed of physically fit student who served not only in the court but also extend it's help to different various organization. The instructor/coach of Batangas State University Mens Volleyball Team is Mr. Henry Mensoza and Assistant coaches, both of them has been part of the volleyball team for several years now and is still serving the university by guiding the Batangas State University future volleyball player.
- STRASUC OLYMPICS 2019 (Bronze)
- USCAA 2019 (Silver)
- STRASUC Olympics 2018 (Silver)
- USCAA 2018 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2017 (Qualifier)
- USCAA 2017 (Silver)
- STRASUC Olympics 2016 (Silver)
- USCAA 2016 (Silver)
- NATIONAL SCUAA 2016 (Qualifier)
- STRASUC Olympics 2015 (Gold)

BatState-U Futsal Club
BatStateU Futsal Club had identified Futsal as the training tool to be used during the 2017 in school gymnasiums. This resource is designed to assist all the clubs coaches in designing a training and competition program for your age group. Previous futsal programs in the club were well intentioned, but disjointed and fragmented. By using this resource, the club will have a consistent program for all applicable age groups. All club Coaches are expected to deliver this futsal program whenever their programs are using a gymnasium.
Regional STRASUC Competitions
- Regional STRASUC Competitions
- 2019 – 5TH Place
- 2018-4th Place
- 2017-2nd place
- 2016-1st place
National SCUAA Competitions
- 2019 – Qualifier
- March 20, 2019 Angarra Cup -Champion- Womens Division
- February 8, 2019 Canossa Cup- Champion-Womens Division
- August 4, 2019-2nd place Futsal Club of Sta. Cruz Laguna Womens Division
- January 13,2020- first place- KLL tournament- Mens Division
- January 14,2020- 2nd place- KLL tournament-Women Division

Karate-do Red Spartans
The Karate-do Red Spartans was established on April 2015 under chief instructor, Sensei Dennis B. Espina under the supervision of Dr. Francisco V. Aguirre, the Sports Director of the University. In Batangas State University, PKL – Red Spartans is one of its branches that aims to teach karate in accordance with the discipline and principle of karate-do like honor, loyalty, integrity, unity and humility. It provides students the right knowledge of legitimate karate styles with mental and physical strength and self-confidence. We constantly strive to learn, share and experience karate as a family. Year 2016 the BatStateU-Integrated School Karate-do players became part of the club
- STRASUC OLYMPICS, majority of our athletes participated in the Regional won Gold medals
- NATIONAL SCUAA, several times our athletes won the Over-all championship
- We have numerous number of participation in the different International, National, Regional and Local Competition and majority of the players compete on the different championship category won the Gold including our players from the Integrated School events