Sculpture Garden

BatStateU-The NEU's Sculpture Garden is a lasting tribute to former Governor Pablo Borbon, the 6th governor of Batangas from 1910 to 1916. It honors his remarkable service while providing a serene and contemplative space for visitors to appreciate the artistry and reflect on his legacy.

CITE Ampitheatre

The CITE Amphitheatre is a venue for theatrical performances and activities, empowering students to showcase their talents, engage with the community, and develop their artistic skills. It cultivates theater-related research, teaching, and learning, enriching the University's vibrant community.

Multi-Purpose Hall

The Multi-Purpose Hall provides an ideal environment for hosting diverse events, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and community engagement. It is also purposefully designed for musical performances, rehearsals, and other artistic endeavors.

Art Studio

BatStateU-The NEU Art Studio is designed to inspire students passionate about visual arts, fostering creativity, experimentation, and exploration. This dedicated space empowers students to showcase their skills and transform their imaginative visions into tangible works of art.

Campus Art Exhibition Programs

The Campus Art Exhibition Program exemplifies the University's commitment to enriching culture and arts. This allows Red Spartans to appreciate and learn about diverse art forms. Through exhibitions, students can explore various styles, techniques, and mediums while gaining a deeper understanding of art's cultural and historical significance.

Music Room

The Music Room nurtures Red Spartans' creativity and self-expression through singing, playing instruments, and composing. It is an essential resource for developing artistic abilities and exploring the music world.

Campus Radio Station

DWPB D' Ani Kita FM radio station at the Pablo Borbon campus promotes campus events and activities, keeping the BatStateU community informed and engaged. Additionally, it provides valuable opportunities for students to develop media production skills.

DevComm Audio-Visual Room

The DevComm Audio-Visual Room is a central hub for film screenings, lectures, and related activities. With its immersive environment, this specialized facility enhances the audience's viewing experience, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of cinematic art.