Student Organizations Alangilan


SSC-BatStateU-Alangilan - Supreme Student Council - BatStateU-Alangilan

The Supreme Student Council - Alangilan is the highest governing student organization in BatStateU - Alangilan serving 21,000 students. It is recognized by the National Youth Commission (NYC) under the Youth Organization Registration Program (YORP).

ADSS - Association of DOST SEI Scholars - BatStateUJunior Managers' Society

The Association of DOST-SEI Scholars shall lead and coordinate the needs and welfare of its members. It shall help in molding its members to contribute in the acceleration of economic and social development of the communities they belong to through providing training.

CYA - Christ's Youth in Action

Moved by our growing relationship with Christ, we envision Filipino youth leading other young people to pursue personal conversion, Christian character, involvement in community and the Great commission thereby becoming leaders of the Catholic church and agents of social transformation.

FOCUS BCC - FOCUS BatStateU Camera Club

FOCUS BatStateU Camera Club envisions a dynamic and active organization wherein students come together in the interest of photography and videography; and be involved in future photographic events and activities equipped with professional skills.

SPWLA - Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts BatStateU SC

SPWLA - Batangas State University Student Chapter aims to create opportunities that would nurture the students' awareness on the field of Petrophysical studies. To provide an effective and respectful environment that entrusts quality services such as building strong connections to the professionals of SPWLA International and to allow creative and positive communications for the scientific community.

PAPAGAYO - Party of Averse and Progressive Advocates for Gender Affinity and Youth Oneness - The Red Spartan Pride Council

Create a safe space for the Red Spartan community that supports all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (9SOGIESC) driven by gender-eductive programs, relevant advocacies, and social engagement - promoting inclusivity and equality for members of LGBTQIA+ in the university.

CoE Alangilan - Student Council

The College of Engineering Alngilan-Student Council (CoE Alangilan-SC) aims to develop a well-rounded graduate imbued with moral and ethical values, spiritual vigor, and utmost concern for the environment as integral parts of furtherance of a chosen profession.

ABMES - Association of Biomedical Engineering Students

The mission of ABMES is to foster leadership, stimulate students' growth, and encourage participation. Through student services, academic, socio-civic, and leadership programs that challenge and encourage student leaders, we enrich the university experience.

ACerES - Association of Ceramics Engineering Students

The Association of Ceramics Engineering Students, also known as "ACerES", exists to strengthen the bond of students, help them excel academically, and develop the skills of the members.

ACES - Association of Civil Engineering Students

The Association of Civil Engineering Students - Batangas State University (PICE/ACES BatStateU), is entrusted to develop a well-rounded graduate attuned to the promotion of the national identity imbued with moral integrity, spiritual vigor and credible and relevant ideas in he pursuit and furtherance of the civil engineering profession.

AeESS - Aerospace Engineering Students' Society

The objective of the Aerospace Engineering Students' Spciety (AeESS) is to take into account the opinions of all its members, to carefully consider what they have to say, and to provide a protected setting for them to work in.

AFES - Association of Food Engineering Students

The Association of Food Engineering Students (AFES) envisions to be a leading college organization that creates an avenue for promoting excellence, leadership and sense of responsibility of its members contributing to the applications of food engineering program.

AICES - Association of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Students

The Association of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Students is a college-based student organization that creates an integrated and challenging educational experience, which nurtures intellectual and personal skills and abilities and rational excellence.

ATES - Association of Transportation Engineering Students

The Association of Transportation Engineering Students (ATES) envisions establishing a spiritually, intellectually, socially, morally, and emotionally concerned environment in Batangas State University - Alangilan, to fulfill its mission of creating dedicated future engineers who will one day make a global difference; by being academically competent, bringing inspiration to the Filipino youth, and pride to the University.

GEP BatStateU-SC - Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines BatStateU - Student Chapter

The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Batangas State University - Student Chapter (GEP BatStateU - SC) ensures to provide intellectual students and great leaders with morale, decency, diligence, and confidence to perform their duties in preparing themselves for the profession.

JIECEP - Junior Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines

Junior Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines - BatStateU commits itself to seek an increasingly prominent role in maintaining a sense of moral and social responsibility while encouraging a high standard of scholastic value to its members.

JIIEE - Junior Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers

The Junior Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers - Batangas State University Chapter (JIIEE- BatStateU Chapter) is committed active in equally valued and inter- related missions on student's welfare, education, and promoting values and traits. The JIIEE - BatStateU Chapter will continue to be a dynamic student's organization that shall serve as an avenue for showcasing the intellectual abilities and technical competencies of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering.

JPIIE - Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers

Junior Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (JPIIE) - Batangas State University Main II is a student organization which operates to increase the competitiveness of its members in the academic and professional aspects in response and alignment to the challenges of the 21st century, provide opportunities in all forms through active participation in worthwhile undertakings, and encourages self and team building as their equipment to lead the society towards advancement.

JPICHE - Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers

The organization seeks to accelerate knowledge for the upliftment of educational standards in the field of Chemical Engineering at the Batangas State University.

JSMEP - Junior Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines

Junior Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines aims to provide leadership that develops and empowers metallurgical engineers of the future, helping the community to have an effective and efficient industry.

JSONAME - Junior Society Of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Junior Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering is an organization that aims to support upcoming architects and engineers of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering department in researching maritime technology, innovating machinery and creating opportunities that will boost them to the path of excellence and pave the way towards global innovation and develop leadership in marine corps skills and motivate individuals with the highest standard of training. To provide high- quality marine and associated education.

MESS - Mechanical Engineering Student Society

The Mechanical Engineering Student Society aims to promote academic excellence in the students. It encourages establishing harmonious relationships and strong camaraderie among each member of the organization. It is attuned to develop members who pursue researches and extension services beneficial to both university and community.

MEXESS - Mechatronics Engineering Students Society

The Mechatronics Engineering Students Society aims to strengthen the whole being of the students through the synergy of knowledge and activities and provide highly skilled engineers with high professional spirit and strong basic engineering knowledge.

PSSE - Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers

"The PSSE BatStateU SC organization aims to impart fundamental knowledge on the course and to promote social awareness and environmental concern to the members as well as to the other students.
We endeavor to establish camaraderie among members and to indicate moral principles and practice in preparation of them for successful careers in professional practice."

SAES - Society of Automotive Engineering Students

The Society of Automotive Engineering Students (SAES) is committed to creating an educational environment for students to acquire the professional and technical skills necessary for success in Automotive Engineering related endeavors.

SAGE - Student Association of Geological Engineers

The Students' Association of Geological Engineers (SAGE) provides an opportunity for its members to have an identity beyond being a student by forming profound connections among its members through a shared spirit of passion and in-depth knowledge of Geological Engineering, showcasing the field of Geological Engineering with its exploratory nature among members, and use the skills honed for serving the community that is exposed to the challenges of the 21st Century.

SPE BatStateU-SC - Society of Petroleum Engineers BatStateU Student Chapter

This organization is committed to provide quality educational activities and events for its members through a well-structured and systematic form of organization as well as transparency and good governance to its student body while upholding the school's vision to fulfill the educational goals of its members.

CAFAD Alangilan - Student Council

An organization committed to developing and creating a community of students and student leaders who are capable of embodying the sense of equity, connections, and transparency; building a collaborative and innovative department; and nurturing a community of student-professionals who are passion-driven, gender-sensitive, and well-sensible of the mental and environmental current crises.

IDEAS - Interior Design Edifying Auxiliary of Students

To challenge members of the Interior Design Edifying Auxiliary of Students (IDEAS) to explore their own ideas of others in the campus community in an effort to enhance greater multicultural awareness and promote dialogue exchange.

TAS - Thema Arts Society

This society is a scrupulous organization that protects and promotes the rights and welfare of its art fervor individual; defines its responsibility with spiritual and philosophical knowledge to bring about the enrichment of our aesthetic experience and the understanding of the sociologist as manifested by work of art.

UAPSA- United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxillary

United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary Batangas State University Chapter is born out of commitment in providing knowledgeable activities to empower architecture students of Batangas State University based on excellence, cooperation and commitment anchored through values, discipline and responsibility to God's graciousness and as a spirit of a true Borbonian.

CICS Alangilan - Student Council

The organization aims to develop Information Technology students through their ability in academic, social, emotional, spiritual and economic concerns. Thus, contributes to the welfare of the development by practicing the members and enhancing them through the organization's activities with great purposes.

ACCESS - Association of Committed Computer Science Students

Batangas State University is committed to the holistic development of productive citizens by providing a conducive learning environment for the generation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge through innovative education, multidisciplinary research collaborations, and community partnerships that would nurture the spirit of nationhood and help fuel national economy for sustainable development.

IINTESS - Integrated Information Technology Students' Society

The organization aims to develop Information Technology students through their ability in academic, social, emotional, spiritual and economic concerns. Thus, contributes to the welfare of the development by practicing the members and enhancing them through the organization's activities with great purposes.

JPCS - Junior Philippine Computer Society BatStateU Alangilan Chapter

The JPCS aims to provide its members with experiences that complement the knowledge members acquire in their respective schools, thus better preparing each student for his future role as a world class ICT professional.

CIT Alangilan - Student Council

Serves as the mother organization in the college seeking for the enhancement and promotion of the general welfare and unity among the students, contribute significantly in the practice of peace and order in the campus and be of service on the other sectors of the community.

ACTS- Association of Computer Technology Students

The Association of Computer Technology Students- (ACTS) is committed to the belief that student's organization must contribute to the personal, family, social life of the individual. It aims therefore to offer a well-rounded organization by developing the students intellectually, physically and socially to the end that may become a productive and responsible citizen.

CCM- Christian Campus Ministry

The Christian Campus Ministry (CCM) is committed to the belief that students organization must contribute to the personal, family, social life of the individual. It aims therefore to offer a well-rounded organization by developing the students intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually to the end that may become a productive and responsible citizen. It seeks to provide an environment productive to the enhancement of Filipino entity and the pursuit of excellence and permitted by knowledge in technology that strengthens camaraderie and build up personal character.

IEETS- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Technology Students

The IEETS is an active participating in encouraging, developing and promoting the expression of individual competencies in the field of Electrical and Electronics Technology. It shall also provide information on current trends and innovations in the electrical and electronics field to further advance the competencies of its members. It will also serve as a breeding ground for developing future leaders and useful members of the industrial society, not only locally but globally as well.

METALTECH-Machine, Engine, Toque, Arc, and Letters Technology StudentsCCM- Christian Campus Ministry

The METAL TECH is a dynamic student organization that serves for showcasing the intellectual abilities and technical competencies of Machine, Engine, Toque, Are and Letters in the College of Industrial Technology.

MICS- Mechatronics and Instrumentation and Control Society

An organization within the college devoted to the development and advancement of common good and solidarity among students, as well as to making major contributions to the maintenance of peace and order on campus and to providing assistance to other segments of the population.

CICS - Balayan Student Council

Believes that every learner has innate capabilities and competitiveness through dynamic talents and skills within themselves with the help of each and everyone.

CIT - Balayan Student Council

College of Industrial Technology Student Council - Balayan was founded under the authorization of Batangas State University. It is an organization that intends to develop the academic aspects of the students which is directed on love, improvement, and appreciation on moral, spiritual, social, and mental aspects of every student toward globalization.

FEA - Future Educators Association

It commits to the development of school and motivation of members to promote the spirit of cooperation despite of having different departments but with unity and achieving one goal.

CICS-Mabini Student Council

CICS - Mabini Student Council will be an organization of dedicated, energetic teams inspiring and guiding the students of the BatStateU Mabini Campus as they prepare for a world of rapidly developing technological innovations.

Society of Development Communication Students

The Society of Development Communication Students is a platform to produce catalysts of change in accordance with the University's academic standards with inoculation of values, for the enactment of God-given talents so they may serve the society productively and effectively.

Society of Marketing Management Students

An organization established as a strong support system to business students and aspiring young professionals by providing an environment conducive to the career path that is set by the continuously changing business industry. SMMS goal is to provide activities and instill accepted business practices that will serve as an assistance and guide to the students taking a degree in Business in BatStateU - Mabini Campus on matters that are vital to their own growth and development together with the businesses and companies they will work with in the near future.

CAF - Lobo Student Council

The CAF Student Council is tasked to promote service-oriented activities that will develop holistic learning for students, protect the environment and promote sustainability through a strengthened collaborative partnership with the community, government and non-governmental agencies.

SOYA - Society of Young Agriculturist

BatStateU-SOYA is an academic and service-oriented organization that serves as a model and source of agricultural information and extends service to the young students and rural farmers by extension services.

SCCME - Society for the Conservation of Coastal and Mountain Ecosystem

The Society is tasked to coordinate and conduct relevant community based projects. Designed to educate various sector of rural areas, dependant on utilizing natural resources Ecosystem.