Student Organizations Pablo Borbon

University Student Council

The University Student Council (USC) is the highest student governing body of BatStateU - The NEU. With the aid of the Supreme Student Council of each campus as mandated by the student, it is the official representation of all the bona fides of all the campuses of Batangas State University pursuing their rights, welfare and concerns.

Pablo Borbon

Junior Managers' Society

"The Junior Managers’ Society is a mother organization comprising six (6) sub-organizations namely Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX), BatStateU -Economic Society (BatStateU-ECOSOC), Junior Marketing Executives BatStateU (JMEB), Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP), Operations Management Guild (OMG) and Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES). It is an organization which envisions on inculcating knowledge that will empower youths to promote better business practices through free enterprise based on financial literacy, business ethics, success skills, market economics, and entrepreneurship."

Philippine Society of Customs Administration Students

The Philippine Society of Customs Administration Students- Batangas State University-The National Engineering University Chapter is an organization that commits itself in molding national leaders in the government tariff and customs service and the industry as professional practitioners through gradual exposure of its members to customs procedures and practices governed by faith, patriotism, human dignity, integrity, mutual respect, and excellence.

Association of Young Public Administrators

The Association of Young Public Administrators is a socio-civic, advocacy, and political organization of public administration students that ensures excellence in public service, accountability, responsiveness and respect for human rights, gender equality and social inclusion.

Junior Philippine Association of Mnaagement Accountants

The Junior Philippine Association of Management Accountants or JPAMA shall serve as the association for Management Accounting students of the CABEIHM Batangas State University –The National Engineering University Pablo Borbon. The purpose of the organization is to further enhance the academic and non-academic aspects of the members through different activities and programs. Also, to promote and develop among the members the value of unity and teamwork. The organization likewise envisions the total development and improvement of the Management Accounting students as well as the university by promoting personality development, corporate social responsibility, and highly motivated and responsible accountants equipped with a strong commitment to excel in their respective fields of specialization.

Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants is an organization of accountancy students whose ideal and objective were geared towards the development of individuals who would share expertise on Accounting practices and procedures. Committed themselves not only in the acquisition of basic skills but to excel and expand into other areas of learning with the cooperation of the administration, members and faculty.

League of Tourism Students of the Philippines
The League of Tourism Students of the Philippines is a tourism youth organization that was founded by Prof. Xander Kim Sigua in the year 2007, he is a renowned activist for the conservation and promotion of the tourist sector, encouraging and motivating the youth by sharing his experience of how he created LTSP despite his lack of resources before. Currently, he is the Executive Director of Tourism Educators and Movers Philippines (TEAM Philippines). Throughout the years, LTSP has been one of the leading national organizations for tourism and hospitality management students in the country that raised the awareness and consciousness among the youth through their opinions and actions’ vital role in societal issues.

Future Hotelier and Restaurateur Society
"The Future Hotelier and Restaurateur Society (FHARS) is an organization of Hotel and Restaurant Management students in Batangas State University Main Campus I. It was established last July 12, 2011 after the department decided to have a separate organization for HRM and Tourism Management students. The name of the organization was created through the efforts of the IHM faculty members and the initial students leaders of the organization. Young Hoteliers and Tourism Professional Society (YHTPS) was the former student organization of the International Hospitality Management department."

College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences - Student Council
"The promotion of integrity, social and personal well – being, the just implementation of rights, awareness in the health field with the active participation in social and academic activities dedicated to it as a form of service and commitment to the organization."

Philippine Association of Nutrition Epsilon-Sigma Chapter
"The promotion of integrity, social and personal well-being, the just implementation of rights, awareness in the health field with the active participation in social and academic activities dedicated to it as a form of service and commitment to the organization. "

Future Elementary Mentors Society
"The Future Elementary Mentors Society upholds that future elementary and early childhood teachers must be given opportunities for them to be holistically developed because the formation years of the young learners lies on their hands."

Teacher Education Association of Mathematics and Science Students
Teacher Education Association of Mathematics and Science Students (TEAMS²) is a recognized socio-academic oriented sub-organization of the College of Teacher Education of the BatStateU-The NEU, Pablo Borbon Campus. It comprises future educators specializing in the fields of Mathematics, and Sciences. TEAMS2 upholds the rights of the student body to every opportunity that will make them better educators in the future. TEAMS2 believes that all students have their unique characteristics, so it defends and nurtures them. TEAMS2 is an advocate of quality education and provides crucial programs to the student body that are necessary for them to be lifelong learners.

Teacher Education Society on Language and Communication (TESLaCom)
"Teacher Education Society on Language and Communication (TESLaCom) A university-recognized sub-organization under the College of Teacher Education, this is the association of the students taking both language subjects, the Filipino and English major students. TESLaCom highly supports the college pursuits to providing students with quality education and curricular activities that will nurture the future educators’ personality and professional development. The organization offers various programs specially activities related to their majorship but will also benefit to the entire education department."

Teacher Education Student Council (TESC)
"The Teacher Education Student Council (TESC) is the highest governing body of the College of Teacher Education of Batangas State University - The National Engineering University Main I, composed of elementary and secondary education student leaders that hold active participation in college and community-based activities which aim for the holistic development as future educators and shapers of the nation."

College of Arts and Sciences Student Council
The College of Arts and Sciences Student Council aids in transforming the CAS students allowing them to hone their excellence and potential, for them to be the best version of themselves and to be of great help and service in the society’s future through amiable and student-targeted movement. The CAS mission is to be one with the students through the different programs and activities, which will allow to strengthen the students’ bond and camaraderie despite the persisting distance and hindrances. The council aims to create a government where students’ voices are valued and heard, and all movements shall be for the students’ greater good.

Biology Major Students' Society
The Biology Major Student’s Society (BioMaSS) is a student-led non-profit organization that aims to cater to the needs of the BioSpartans, the Biology Community of Batangas State University - Pablo Borbon Campus. The organization intends to be the main force in the upliftment of knowledge of its members regarding science and technology and making practical use of the basic theories learned in the field of science, specifically Biology. It promotes dissemination to common people of the acquired knowledge which will be useful in their daily lives. It also encourages members to develop their inherent skills and abilities for the betterment of themselves and ultimately for them to contribute to the improvement of science as well. Also, it creates unity, harmony and togetherness among the members enabling them to function as one.

Chemical Society

BatStateU Chemical Society (BatStateU ChemSoc) is a college-based organization in Batangas State University TNEU Pablo Borbon Main I, College of Arts and Sciences, BS Chemistry Program, which establishes and envisions a society promoting opportunities, fostering unity, and igniting passions in the field of Chemistry. The organization was founded with the intention of offering top-notch initiatives and activities for the development of scientific concepts and principles.

Differential Society of Integrated Mathematicians
"The Differential Society of Integrated Mathematicians (DSIM) is an academic organization of BatStateU - The NUE - Pablo Borbon under the College of Arts and Sciences which aims to enrich the knowledge of the students in the field of Mathematics and Allied Sciences and encourage the students to pursue studying Mathematics."

Psychology Students' Society

The Psychology Students' Society of BatStateU TNEU - PB is a college-based organization committed to serving Psychology students’ interests and promoting camaraderie among its members. We provide members the opportunities to grow and develop into productive, effective, highly motivated, well-rounded, and versatile Psychology students. An organization that upholds its core values - Knowledge, Action, Positivity, Well-being, and Altruism.

Society of Development Communicators
"The Society of Development Communicators seized itself as an organization capable of promoting human development — physical, mental, social and moral as well as producing competent, highly motivated and responsible communicators equipped with a strong commitment to excel in their respective field of specialization."

Student Broadcasters of Development Communication

The Student Broadcasters of Development Communication serves as a Catalyst of Change for societal development and academic excellence through through radio and tv broadcasting.

Spartan League of Nurses
The Spartan League of Nurses is an organization, that aims to promote social well-being, in order to advance and protect our collectives and alienable rights as citizens and students, in order to upload and embody the College's and University's honour and ideals, and order to become active participants of the University and society, hereby constitute ourselves into an independent, civic-minded and socially aware student body.

Campus Gospel and Light Bringers
The Campus Gospel and Light Bringers is a campus-wide religious organization that supports the university’s adherence to develop morally upright leaders of the society and to instill God’s Word to the heart and mind of each student through small groups and give high regard to the faith of every individual.

CABEIHM Student Council
The highest governing student organization in CABEIHM that unites and uplifts the diverse condition of the whole student body, secure the blessings of autonomy and independence, promote and protect students’ right and welfare, and foster a strong academic community that aligns with the vision, mission and core values of the University.

Alliance of CABEIHM Graduate School Students (ACGSS)
"The Alliance of CABEIHM Graduate School Students (ACGSS) is dedicated to the enhancement of the graduate school experience at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University (BatStateU-NEU). The association has been established to serve as a foundation for building unity, support, academic excellence and work professionalism among graduate students under the College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management and Customs Administration (CABEIHM). The ACGSS will accomplish these goals by designing experiences that focus on, but are by no means limited to, academic support and opportunities for fellowship, service and other analogous activities"

Public Health Alliance for Spartan Society
"PHASS is strategically positioned to lead, influence and contribute to the awareness of students to various public health issues allowing them to create meaningful change in and for the community."

CONAHS Honors Society
"CONAHS Honors Society is an organization dedicated to ensuring brilliance, eminence, and vitality that aims to create a collaborative learning environment for Honor Students in the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University. It acts as an active part of the academic community that always strives to enhance and foster pride in the College and the University. It is also more than just an organization that recognizes academic achievement as it seeks to contribute to the maximum intellectual and skill development of future healthcare professionals in the service of humanity."

Association of Social, Physical, and Technopreneurial Enthusiasts (ASPHYTECH)
The Association of Social, Physical and Technopreneurial Enthusiasts, also known as ASPHYTECH is a sub-organizations of the College of Teacher Education, together with the other three sub-organizations in the college. Its members consists of students from the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED), Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies (BSED - SSTU), and Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Home Economics (BTLED - HE). The organization is committed to develop strong relationship among students in fastering teamwork and cooperation, develops skills and social awareness in the ever-changing world.

Federated Association of MAEd Students (FAMAS)
The FEDERATED ASSOCIATION OF MAEd STUDENTS (FAMAS) is a student organization which primarily addresses the MAEd students’ apprehensions. Furthermore, the student body provides an avenue to engage the students to the differentiated activities promoting continuous professional development and inclusivity across the various fields of discipline.

Integrated School - Junior High School Student Council
The Integrated School Junior High School Student Council is a student government which leads the students and concerns with their welfare. It lets the students express their voices and apprehensions towards the department matters. The organization intends to lead the IS-JHS body wholeheartedly. It aims to serve and provide the students with activities in which they develop camaraderie and solidarity. It would help the students to be a responsible and dependent individuals.

Integrated School - Senior High School Student Council
The Integrated School – Senior High School Student Council (IS-SHSSC) is the mother club and only organization of the Senior High School Department of Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus - Integrated School. By leading and taking charge of the welfare of the senior high school student body, the council oversees and supervises all the activities of the department and promotes the concerns and interests of the community through unified cooperation and camaraderie in pursuit of greatness and excellence. The council functions as the representative which forms a structure that undertakes goodwill and initiatives that benefits the various aspects of student life.

English Language Students Society
The English Language Students Society aims to provide activities for all bonafide BAELS students wherein they could explore and enhance their talents, skills and abilities by providing them opportunities to develop their personalities as students; physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of the personality. Moreover, highlighting their understanding of English, notably in vocabulary and effective usage of grammar. The organization therefore commits on its objective to enlighten the BAELS students on the career opportunities that they may pursue in the future. And to promote the program and to make people recognize the program.

Criminology Students Society
"The CRIMSOC (Criminology Students Society) is a student organization that represents all criminology students at the College of Arts and Sciences of the Batangas State University - The National Engineering University - PB. Its main mandate is to protect criminology students' rights and ensure their voices are heard. The CRIMSOC also aims to develop leadership skills among its members and to provide training and opportunities for young minds to become effective public servants. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, the organization strives to create a supportive community of criminology students who are dedicated to making a positive impact in their field."

CAS Honor Society
CAS Honor Society is an organization which aims to establish a cooperative academic atmosphere among Scholars and Honor students in the College of Arts and Sciences in Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus is committed to upholding excellence, integrity, and responsibility in our future scholarly endeavors.

Vox Cambiari
Vox Cambiari is an organization that develops and promotes journalism within the students while practicing the shared values of Responsibility, Integrity and Service. The organization is responsible in covering different events that happen within the community of BS Development Communication.

Seeds of the Nations
The BatStateU – Seeds of the Nation is a socio-civic and religious organization based on Batangas State University promotes spiritual growth as well as academic excellence at the same time.

Missionary Families of Christ- Youth
MFC Youth is a religious organization envision to share Christ and advocate a pro-life culture in our university. This organization seeks to provide a venue for our fellow college students to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and build lasting Christian friendships in the university.

Red Spartan Law Student Council
The RED SPARTAN LAW STUDENT COUNCIL is a recognized university-wide student organization responsible for improving the academic and social experiences of law students. It organizes events, provides academic support, advocates for student interests, and fosters a sense of community within the law school. It works alongside the College of Law in building a culture of excellence among students and in producing lawyers who are not only academically competent but also morally upright.

San Juan

Teacher Education Student Association
"The Teacher Education Students’ Association is the primary student organization of teacher education students that seeks a gradually foremost role, bind a strong determination that foster cordial relationships among students, maintain the sense of moral and social responsibility and encourage a high standard scholastic value in the chosen field"

Junior Marketing Association

The organization is composed of marketing students whose focus is on actions that will benefit its people and prone their talents and skills with kindness, loyalty and respect.


Society of Aspiring Managers (SAM)

The Society of Aspiring Managers aims to become one of the well-performing organization of the university and develop successful leaders, managers or entrepreneurs with courage and consistency towards their duties and responsibilities. The organization also aims to support the advocacy of the university. The Society of Aspiring Managers aims to promote oneness towards its members, collaborative efforts for a common goal and to give service to the university and the need of the community.

Teachers Education Student Association (TESA)
The Teacher Education Student Association is an organization of the students enrolled in the college of teacher of education in BatStateU Rosario. They focus on enlighting the educators’ mind in line with academic excellence, values, virtues, dignity and extension services.

UPright Marketing Organization (UPMO)

UPright Marketing Organization- BatStateU Rosario is an organization formed to meet the additional needs of every marketing student that can make them more competitive in the real world of business after graduating from our university. Its primary aim is to organize different events on the subject of marketing that will give them an actual application of what they have learned in their classrooms and to be an instrument that will bring out the best from them.

Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX)
The Junior Financial Executives Batangas State University-Rosario provides a venue for students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Financial Management, to network with professional financial organizations. The JFINEX is known for producing quality events that empower students' involvement and strengthen the knowledge of its subordinates about financial literacy.

Junior Peoples Management of the Philippines (JPMAP)

"The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines will play as an organization that will help in the shaping of Human Resource Development Management Students as effective leaders and responsible citizens of the country."


INvincible Council of Accountants and Managers (INCAM)

The INCAM Lemery is a school-wide democratic student organization. Power and authority emanate from the student constituency.

Future Educators' Society

The FUTURE EDUCATORS' SOCIETY is an organization that shall develop its members the real essence of being a future educator. It shall help every member to become well-rounded individual that shall lead in the society in the future with their chosen profession.

Organization of Bachelor of Industrial Technology Students

"ORBITS is an organization that shall develop in every member the real essence of being an Industrial Technology student. It shall help every member to become well-rounded individual that shall lead in the society in the future and become model of others."

Sports and Cultural Club

"SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB is an organization that shall develop their potentials in Physical Education in every one self for being a student and a successful and productive individual in the near future."

Multi-Faith Ministry

Multi-Faith Ministry is an organization that will give spiritual development in our students.