World Engineering Day 2022
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Engineering Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow.
World Engineering Day 2022
The World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development (WED) is an official International day proclaimed in 2019 by UNESCO is an opportunity to celebrate engineering and the contribution of the world's engineers for a better, sustainable world by addressing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Themed “Build Back Wiser: Engineering the Future,” the UNESCO WED on March 4, 2022 revolves around engineering as a leading role in the achievement of these goals across their socio-economic and environmental dimensions.
Starting March 2020, Batangas State University has traditionalized annually celebrating WED alongside UNESCO. This year, BatStateU does so through the university's CIEE, the Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, joining with the event themed “Engineering Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” - an integration of three pillars that constitute the framework of responsible engineering education.
Sustainable Development. The university recognizes that engineering education and capacity- building are key to gearing and sustaining the drive of engineering toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) attainment; thus, it continues to expand its reach through partnerships and projects that strengthen this initiative. Through the advancement of SDGs in academics, research, and extension services, as well as in the University's activities and management, BatStateU is committed to inculcating the SDG vision across all levels of the institution.
Innovation. Critical to our economic, social, and environmental future, innovation is the vehicle for excellence and continuous improvement, especially in engineering and its education. The situation of today calls for immediate, coordinated investments in the academe, industry, and education to realize sustainable objectives.
Futures Thinking. Moving forward and maintaining momentum towards the sustainable goals necessitates awareness and careful thought as to survey not only for potential roadblocks, but opportunities to fast-track accomplishment, as well. Futures thinking is that ideology to best identify critical junctions in a plan, assisting in both the creation of the roadmap and its navigation. Visualizing emerging challenges in future scenarios opens opportunities to innovate solutions and build wiser.
This event includes a messages and talks from leaders, innovators, and champions locally and abroad, each serving as a conduit to continue the conversation on engineering, development, and SDG attainment in all fields sustainability, innovation, and futures thinking. The program also includes an exhibition of projects led by engineering students of the university in celebration of WED.
Batangas State University welcomes students, faculty, and alumni, as well as industry and government partners to be part of WED 2022 as an opportunity to collectively celebrate engineering.

WED 2022 Day 1
- Date: March 04, 2022
Batangas State University celebrated World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, WED 2022,
globally themed Build Back Wiser: Engineering the Future. The three-day event was participated in by leaders, innovators, and champions local and international
focusing on Sustainable Development Goals, Innovation, and Futures Thinking.

WED 2022 Day 2
- Date: March 07, 2022
On its second day, the anticipators were welcomed by the Associate Professor - Vice President for Research, Development & Extension Services himself - Engr. Albertson D. Amante. Opening the forum, he reminded the participants to continue the conversations in engineering, development and SDG attainment in the respective fields of engineering and different HEI's in the Philippines. The host of the conference, Engr. Junnix Kaalim, introduced the invited delegates as well. They are distinguished leaders, innovators and champions in their communities and specialized fields.

WED 2022 Day 3
- Date: March 08, 2022
The 8th of March 2022 marked the third and last day of BatStateU's celebration of World Engineering Day (WED). For the past two days, the university - through the initiative of the Center of Innovation for Engineering Education - has invited local and international resource speakers and partners from different fields of engineering and education who discussed global goals for 2030 and the ways by which they can be achieved and sustained. This time, in accordance with the WED theme “Build Back Wiser, Engineering the Future”, WFEO announced the launch of the “WED Hackathon” which encourages university students worldwide to design and simulate engineering projects that aim to solve real-world problems and advance the UN's sustainable development goals.
Program Details

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