6th International Research Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Science, and Technology (IRCIEST)
November 22-24, 2023
Pablo Borbon Campus, Rizal Avenue,
Batangas City, PH, 4200
Conference Theme:
Propelling Transformations and Accelerating Reforms through Research and Innovations

The International Conference aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To provide an avenue for local and international researchers to convene and share the most innovative research practices for the continuous development and productivity of faculty and student researchers in the areas of engineering, science, and technology
- To acquire a more profound concept of the advancements in engineering and engineering education, scientific innovations, and technology upgrades through intensive lectures facilitated by renowned international experts and through the presentation of highly relevant research outputs
- To effectively screen research papers for possible publication in a refereed international journal
- To increase professional interactivity among university officials and national and international research practitioners and educators through an intellectual gathering in an environment conducive to creative and critical thinking
Batangas State University, The National Engineering University, is now on the 6th installment of its biannual International Research Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Science, and Technology (IRCIEST).
As the fourth industrial revolution continues to accelerate into a new phase, there is a need for industries and society to keep pace with the modern era. While technologies and innovations usher us into development, the rapid change also accumulated new sets of challenges preventing us from achieving our full potential. As a higher academic institution with a national mandate to intensify scientific, innovative, and technological research and development initiatives that would lead to the development of various fields of discipline, BatStateU-The NEU answers to the call for new approaches and solutions that will address these challenges - Hence, the 6th IRCIEST.
Focusing on this year’s theme, “Propelling Transformations and Accelerating Reforms through Research and Innovations,” the conference zeroes in on the deeper exploration of new approaches, tools, and technologies that can pave the way for transformation across the academic ecosystem and beyond, empowering stakeholders across diverse fields to stay attuned to the continuously evolving global landscape.
Contact Information
Assoc. Prof. Albertson D. Amante
Conference Chair
Email: irciest2023@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
Mobile: +639175620916
Conference Website: https://batstate-u.edu.ph/irciest2023/