All submitted structured abstracts shall undergo a blind peer review evaluation on the originality of the work, scientific soundness, completeness and accuracy, coherence of the content, and compliance with the format.
Submission of Structured Abstract
Authors should submit the 1-page structured abstract using the prescribed format via email at irciest2023@g.batstate-u.edu.ph. All files to be uploaded must be in .doc or .docx format with filename: Paper_Title Keyword _Author's Last Name.doc.
- Example: Paper_Vibration Severity_Ronquillo.docx
- The deadline for submission of structured abstracts is on October 20, 2023. For more details, please see the Submission tab.
Blind Peer Review of Structured Abstract
- The blind peer review process will last for about two weeks to give ample time to the members of the Committee on Paper Review to thoroughly evaluate the papers and provide insightful suggestions and recommendations.
- After the review of the Committee on Paper Review, authors whose structured abstracts have been accepted for oral or poster presentation may anticipate receiving a Notice of Acceptance from the date of their submission until October 23, 2023.
Submission of Full Paper
Shortlisted papers that will be participating in the Best Paper Competition will be notified to submit their full paper using the prescribed format on or before October 27, 2023.
Registration of Participants
- All paper and poster presenters must be registered no later than November 15, 2023.
Contact Information
Assoc. Prof. Albertson D. Amante
Conference Chair
Email:Â irciest2023@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
Mobile: +639175620916
Conference Website:Â https://batstate-u.edu.ph/irciest2023/