

Academicians, engineers, environmentalists, scientists, and researchers are welcome to submit original research papers for oral or poster presentation in the IRCIEST 6. Papers to be submitted must be written within the scope of the conference thematic areas:

Artificial Intelligence Energy and Environment   Marine Science
Automation and Control Engineering Education Materials Science
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Food and Agriculture Nanotechnology   
Data Science and Analytics ICT Science and Technology Education
Electronics Instrumentation and Control Technopreneurship 

Structured abstracts should be written in standard American English. The paper not have been previously published and should not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Moreover, papers to be submitted should not have been presented in other conferences or exhibits.

Structured abstracts (using the prescribed format) must be submitted via email at no later than October 20, 2023.

All structured abstracts shall undergo a blind peer review process, which will be done by the Committee on Paper Review, composed of a pool of experts on a specific field of study. Authors whose papers will not be included in the oral presentation will be invited to submit their outputs as posters.

Authors of accepted papers for presentation must be registered no later than November 15, 2023. For multiple authorship, at least one of the authors must be registered before the said deadline so the paper will be included in the conference proceedings.

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Albertson D. Amante
Conference Chair
Mobile: +639175620916
Conference Website: