A webinar entitled as “Quality Assurance in Research” was conducted last March 18, 2022 and Dr. Romano O. Neyra, Professor and Senior Director for Engineering of FEU-Tech was the resource speaker. He divided his discussion into four and the most important was the first part which was about the definition of quality assurance in research. The second part was about the procedures of Quality Assurance in research and Dr. Neyra said that the participants can get an idea from the webinar especially to those who were in institutions like schools or companies conducting research. The third topic was about the important things to consider in data collection and analysis and the last part was about the benefits of Quality Assurance Research (QAR). Dr. Neyra started the discussion by defining quality assurance and research. He reiterated the difference between the two terms but he stressed out that they were interrelated to each other. Dr. Neyra also discussed the six research processes which were popular to all even if the researchers were conducting an applied or basic research.