Agriculture Program

Dr. Myrna A. Garcia
Assistant Professor IV
Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (Farming System)

Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban
Assistant Professor IV
Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture major in Crop Science (on-going)

Asst. Prof. Eva L. Ilagan
Assistant Professor II
Doctor of Philosophy Agriculture major in Farming System (on-going)

Asst. Prof. Melmar D. Eje
Assistant Professor II
Master in Agriculture (Horticulture)
Forestry Program

Dr. Romel U. Briones
Associate Professor V
Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (Forestry Resource Management)

For. Ermark B. Abenir
Instructor III
Master of Forestry (Agroforestry)

For. Ericson E. Coracero
Instructor I
Master of Science in Environmental Management
For. Herbert G. Bañados, Jr.
Instructor III
Master of Science in Environmental Science
General Education

Dr. Rizza R. Gonzales
Assistant Professor IV
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

Dr. Jeannette D. Arcega
Assistant Professor III
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management