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Currently, three student organizations operate on BatStateU Lobo Campus, creating a vibrant and dynamic student community. These organizations provide students with valuable opportunities for leadership, collaboration, and holistic development, enriching their academic journey and contributing to a more engaging, inclusive, and empowered university experience.

College of Agriculture and Forestry Student Council (CAF-SC)

The College of Agriculture and Forestry Student Council (CAF-SC) serves as the highest governing student organization in the college, dedicated to advocating for student welfare and academic excellence

Society of Young Agriculturists (SOYA)

An organization committed to the promotion of agricultural development in the community and well-being of young agriculturists of BatStateU Lobo.

Society for the Conservation of Coastal and Mountain Ecosystem (SCCME)

Pioneered in 1997 that provides informal as well as formal education about the ecological and economic values of coastal and mountain ecosystem.