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Research & Development

Research Core of BatStateU JPLPC-Malvar focuses on both Social Science and Developmental Research. Social Science is any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. On the other hand, Developmental Research is a systematic study of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness. Having a dominant number of social science faculty researchers, the campus produces research on psychology, management, criminology, and education in which outputs are utilized for the improvement of life and education in the campus and other beneficiaries. The campus also generates product-based research on Information Communication Technology and different fields of industries in which technologies created are transferred to various industries to revolutionize products and work-oriented processes.

Laurice E. Tolentino Contribution Of Batangas Delicacies to the Development of Provincial Ecotourism (International Conference) De La Salle Araneta University via MS Teams
(January 26-27, 2023)
(IOER) Organization of Educators and Researchers INC. Via Zoom
(March 29-30, 2023)
Job Satisfaction and Teaching
Effectiveness in Emergency Remote Teaching among Higher
Education Facultyt (International Conference)
Society for Strategic Education Studies Tarlac Agriculture University
(November 23-24, 2023)
Genalyn P. Lualhati ‘Filipino Farmers’ Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change  (International Conference)  De La Salle Araneta University via MS Teams
(January 26-27, 2023)
Glenda M. Dimaano Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) Community Needs Assessment in Tingloy Batangas (International Conference)  De La Salle Araneta University via MS Teams
(January 26-27, 2023)
Mary Ann C. Abril Civic Life in the Digital Space of Pre-Service Teachers (International Conference)  De La Salle Araneta University via MS Teams
(January 26-27, 2023)
Nora V. Marasigan Predicting Internship Success of Pre-Service Teachers (International Conference)  (IOER) Organization of Educators and Researchers INC. Via Zoom
(March 29-30, 2023)
Romel M. Aceron Academic-Research Writing Among Graduate Students of Batangas State University, Philippines(International Conference)  Sorsogon State University at Sorsogon Convention Hall
(March 1-4, 2023)
Industrial Technology Students’ Beliefs on the Impact of Parental Guidance and Support to their Online Learning in the University  (International Conference) Sorsogon State University at Sorsogon Convention Hall
(March 1-4, 2023)
Acquired Communicative Competence of University Graduates Employed in Industries  (Regional Conference) 4th DLSAU International
Multidisciplinary Research ConferenceOnline via MS TeamJanuary 21-22, 2022De La Salle Araneta University
Rinalyn G. Magtibay Banana Blossom Mung Bean (BBM) Burger Patty Development for a Sustainable Food Production (International Conference) Phil Association of Colleges and Universities of Industrial Technology (PACUIT)
Bulacan State University E- Library
(August 1-3,2023)
Richard Bañez Signifier Choice of Student Artists in Thematic Construction of Digital Visual Arts (Regional Conference)  Laguna State Polytechnic University
Hybrid Platform
(June 16, 2023)
Learning Experiences and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Southeast Asian Multicultural Literature  (International Conference Literature Educators’ Association of the Philippines Palawan State University via Zoom Cloud Meeting
(October 28, 2023)
Norxine L. Montalbo Increasing Quality and Recovery Rate of Cacao Through Design Improvement of Winnowing Machine at Options Inc. (International Conference)  Central Bicol University of Agriculture Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau
Abra State Institute of Science and Technology
Vietnam National University of Agriculture Universiti Teknologi MARA
Feng Chia University-Taiwan Leave a Nest Japan
On-site (Caceres Hotel, Naga City, Philippines)
(September 28-29, 2023)
Optimizing Press-Glazing Production Line Efficiency Through Tile Aligner Fabrication (International Conference) Ajman University
(December 4-6, 2023)
Enhancing Quality Control Through the Design and Implementation of an Impact Tester Tool (Regional Conference) Ajman University
(December 6-8, 2023)
Johnrey Manzanal DRIVEMATE: Empowering Safe Driving through Real-time Traffic Sign Detection and Speech Feedback on Mobile Devices Using YOLOv5 Algorithm and TensorFlow Lite (International Conference)  University of Brawijaya
Bali Indonesia
(October 24, 2023)
Melvin V. Babol The Development of Record Management System for MSWDO of San Jose Batangas (International Conference BSRU
Bangkok, Thailand Online
(October 28, 2023)

Rachelle Q. Braza

Natural Hazards Awareness and Disaster Risk Reduction Practices: Basis for Designing a School Disaster Management Plan (International Conference) Society for Strategic Education Studies
Tarlac Agriculture University
(November 23-24, 2023)
Joel R. Cornejo


Optimizing Machine Downtime Reduction in the Squaring Process: A DMAIC Methodology Approach in Ceramics Manufacturing Industry (International Conference) Ajman University
(December 6-8, 2023)
Rosana C. Lat Smart Bins The Next-Gen Segregation and Data-Relay Revolution (International Conference) Ajman University
(December 6-8, 2023)