The vulnerability of the Philippines as an archipelago is evident in a series of disasters that struck the country. Philippines’ 832 municipalities are in coastal areas where 62% of the total population of the Philippines live. Its 36,289 km of coastline made this tropical region predisposes the island to rainy and dry seasons due to variations in the trade wind intensity and tropical convergence activity of the Pacific Ocean.
A notable disaster in the Philippine coastal community was the storm surge brought by Hurricane Haiyan in 2013 leading to a loss of 6,300 people and damage to properties amounting to £1.8 Billion. In addition, Philippines geographic location in the “Pacific Ring of Fire” surrounded it with trenches and fault lines which may cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

This SEACAP (Solutions for Environmental Adaptation of Coastal areas in Philippines) workshop will serve as a platform for both experts from the UK and Philippines to better interpret and adapt environmental resilience in coastal communities as well as understand the culture, practices, needs and limitations in developing coastal resilience.
The 5-day scientific workshop aims to gather researchers of various disciplines interested in helping the Philippines become environmentally resilient on disaster and degradation of natural resources. Senior and Early Career Researchers (ECRs), from both the UK and the Philippines, from various disciplines such as environmental and coastal engineering, communication and information systems, big data data, internet of things and built environment are the intended audience. It will help strengthen the capacity of local participants in realizing the relevance of emerging technologies in environmental resilience. It will also provide a good opportunity to develop multidisciplinary approaches for effective environmental resilience management of coastal communities.
UK-Philippines Researcher Links Workshop
The programme, ‘British Council Researcher Links’ provides opportunities for early career researchers from the UK and internationally to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations.
As part of this programme, we are now recruiting early career researchers and other relevant stakeholders to participate in the above workshop, jointly organized by University of Wolverhampton, UK and Batangas State University, Philippines.
Proceed here for details on how to participate in the workshop.