Development and Validation of Outcomes-Based Instructional Materials in Professional Education Courses: A Flexible Learning Set-Up
Romarate, M.A., Aquino, A.B., Quizon, G.R., Punongbayan, E.J., Balilla, L.A., Ramos, N.P.
Duration: August 17, 2020 to December 29, 2021
Completed: June 2022 (Terminal Report was signed and approved dated June 24, 2022)
Budget: 43,670.00
This study aimed to develop outcomes-based instructional materials for three (3) professional teacher education courses such as Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education, Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum, the Teacher and the Community, and School Culture and Organization Leadership. As basis in the development process, it surveyed the types of instructional materials used and the extent of their availability. Furthermore, it determined the challenges met by faculty members and students in the utilization of these instructional materials. The study used the descriptive-developmental research design with the questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. The respondents were the professional teacher education faculty members and pre-service teachers of Batangas State University. The results showed there are various instructional materials used in the three professional courses which include module, video, eBooks and PDF, slide, computer, textbook, cellular phone, handout, software applications, multimedia, study guide, journals, television, film, tablet, and pamphlets. In one way or another or from time to time, these instructional materials were utilized based on appropriateness and suitability. Both the facilitator and student meet many challenges in the utilization of these instructional materials. The findings of the study were used in the development of outcomes-based instructional materials following the sequence of activity, analysis, abstraction and application.
Keywords: development, evaluation, outcomes-based, instructional materials, flexible learning
Development of a TPACK-Based Professional Development Framework for the New Normal in Education
Aquino, A.B., Dadayan, A.A., Rosel, M.E., Francisco, M.J.V.
Duration: August 17, 2020 to December 29, 2021
Completed: June 2022 (Terminal Report was signed and approved dated June 9, 2022)
Budget: 18,000.00
The latest outbreak of coronavirus 2019 (CoVID-19) led the shift of the Philippine educational sector to the new normal using the flexible and alternative delivery of instruction. Technology’s role in the 21st century help teachers in the delivery of lessons and student learning. This study aimed to examine the competence on online technological pedagogical content knowledge of a sample of faculty members, investigate the respondents’ online teaching attitude and ability, and develop a professional development framework based on technological pedagogical content knowledge for teachers under the new normal in education. The researchers utilized the quantitative method of research using the descriptive comparative design. A total of 501 faculty members from Batangas State University was the respondents of the study. A four-part questionnaire was utilized in the study. Mean, standard deviation, z-test, inferential test of analysis of variance, Tukey HSD / Tukey Kramer, Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis were the statistical tools used. Based on the data gathered, findings indicate the faculty members have good knowledge in all domains of technological pedagogical content knowledge with technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological content knowledge emerging as the predictor of faculty members’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. Although found not to be correlated with technological pedagogical content knowledge, online attitude and ability on course design, course communication, time management, and technical competence were considered very important by most of the faculty members. Thus, a professional development framework in the new normal based on technological pedagogical content knowledge of teachers was prepared. This framework could prove to be valuable in professional development of faculty members in the University. Furthermore, the framework may be considered as a basis in the organization’s professional development plan especially relating to the technological pedagogical content knowledge development of faculty in Batangas State University. This might also lead to the detection of valuable faculty learning episodes with respect to technological pedagogical content knowledge development, which may subsequently add to the existing literature in the said topic in the new normal.
Keywords: TPACK, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, University
Bayan ko, Mahal ko; Bayan ko, Linis ko - Solid Waste Management Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Nasugbueños
De Luna, D.P., Valdez, M.L.A., Diaz, C.H., Tayobong, A.B.
Duration: August 17, 2020 to September 30, 2021
Completed: January 2022 (Terminal Report was signed and approved dated January 11, 2022)
Budget: 21,000.00
Nasugbu faces challenges in successfully implementing its Solid Waste Management Plan as required by RA 9003, particularly in the area of residential wastes. The study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of waste segregation, recycling, and composting among the residents of Nasugbu, Batangas. The study surveyed 425 permanent residents of Nasugbu aged 20-64 years old. The results of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents have a high level of knowledge, positive attitude, and moderate level of practice when it comes to residential waste management. Furthermore, the study showed a weak association between the respondents' educational attainment and their knowledge of waste segregation, recycling, and composting (η=0.05) but medium association when correlated with their barangay (η =0.51(Knowledge); η =0.58 (Attitude); η =0.60 (Practice)). Lastly, the study also indicated a significant difference in the level of Knowledge (F (7, 417) = 3.80, p= 0.001) and Attitude (F (7, 417) = 2.47, p= 0.017) of the respondents and their educational attainment, as well as between Job Status and their attitude (F (2, 422) =3.31, p= 0.038) towards household waste management practices. The study proposed an Information, Education, and Communication Campaign to revitalize the solid waste management initiatives in the Municipality.
Keywords: Residential Waste Management, Recycling, Waste Segregation, Composting, KAP, Nasugbu. IEC Campaign
MET: A Web-based Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs)
De Jesus, N.M, Buenas, L.J.E.
Duration: August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019
Completed: January 2019 (Terminal Report was signed and approved last October 2019)
Budget: 121,500.00
Providing universities with high technology – enabled automation tools to support the administrative decision-making processes will enable them to achieve their objectives. For an institution to succeed in its everyday tasks, it should cope up with the emerging and modernized management services constituted, among others, by cloud, mobile, and business analytic technology. With this, the institution’s operations and management efficiency is ensured. The main objective of the study is to develop an information system that will automate and optimize the monitoring of project’s target versus actual accomplishment and a mobile application for the evaluation process of extension program, activities, and projects. The researcher used descriptive – developmental method of research. Using random and purposive sampling, a total of sixty (60) extension task force and extension trainings participants were surveyed.
Results interpretation depicted that the developed system is indeed feasible for implementation and more effective than the traditional operations in the extension services and was interpreted in the evaluation as highly acceptable in all criteria. Further, it is concluded that the respondents were very satisfied with the features of the new system and agreed that the system was efficient, functional, reliable, usable and secured. The researchers recommend integration of other features which is necessary in order to provide a complete system that guarantees quality services to the community and to the respective extension services unit.
Keywords: MET, extension services, monitoring, evaluation system
Bata, Bata Bakit mo Ginawa? A Narrative Analysis Why Children Commit Crimes Practices of Nasugbueños
De Luna, D.P., Valdez, M.L.A., Diaz, C.H.
Duration: August 13, 2018 to March 31, 2019
Completed: January 2019 (Terminal Report was signed and approved last October 2019)
Budget: 18,500.00
The increasing number of children in conflict with law (CICL) and the current move in the legislative branch to lower down the criminal liability age to 9 or 12 years old necessitates the need to reexamine why children commit crimes using a different lens. The study aimed to describe the recurring themes in the lived experiences of male and female CICL with drug-related cases and to propose a gender-responsive framework as basis for the development of programs for CICL. Using the qualitative research design, the study focused on 5 male and 3 female CICL custodies of various Bahay Pagasa in Batangas. The qualitative data were analyzed using coding and narrative analysis framework particularly following the Holistic-Content Approach by Lieblich, et al. Results of the study revealed that the male CICL lack parental attachment and bond which has reinforced influence of delinquent peers and adoption of deviant behaviors while the absence of maternal guidance and experience of violence inside the home among female CICL has catalyzed the desire to escape and strengthen attachment to delinquent peers. Considering these, a gender-responsive framework that focuses on equality of access and opportunities as well as gender-sensitive interventions and facilities is endorsed.
Keywords: CICL, crimes, delinquent peers, gender-responsive
Community Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Awareness of the Ecological and Socio-Economic Uses of Mangroves in Calatagan, Batangas, Philippines
Valdez, M.L.A., Cudiamat, M.A.
International Journal of Conservation Science
Volume 13, Issue 4: ISSN: 2067-533X
December 2022
Mangrove forests are a complex assemblage of flora that plays significant roles in the sustainability of human and environmental well-being for numerous reasons. However, a lot of mangrove forests have been converted for other purposes and uses in the past years. Limited knowledge about unsustainable aquaculture, coastal infrastructure, urban development, pollution, and overexploitation of mangrove timber resources has led to the loss of mangroves globally. Thus, to address these challenges regarding the insufficiency of mangrove and conservation-related knowledge and awareness, this study was conducted to identify the community stakeholders’ knowledge and awareness as regards the ecological and socio-economic uses of mangroves in the fringing mangrove forest in Barangay Kilitisan, Calatagan, Batangas, Philippines. The study employed the mixed method of research and the purposive sampling technique with the interview, focused group discussion (FGD), and survey questionnaire as the data gathering instruments. The respondents of the study include 20 fisherfolks who served as key informants purposively chosen from the barangay. The findings of the study revealed that the stakeholder’s knowledge of mangrove taxonomy and biology was evident. They have moderate ecological and socio-economic awareness as regards the uses of mangroves. There is a significant difference in the level of awareness according to sex while no significant difference was noted in terms of educational attainment and monthly income; extension projects and activities may be recommended to scale up sustainability initiatives of the mangrove forest in Barangay Kilitisan, Calatagan, Batangas and calls for collaboration among the local government officials and stakeholders in redefining and strengthening the sustainability initiatives for the fringing mangrove forest to preserve ecological balance and to reduce the ongoing deterioration of other associated marine resources.
Keywords: Mangroves; Fringing Forest; MAU Index; Status of knowledge; Awareness; Ecological; Socio-economic uses; Marine resources
Development of a TPACK-Based Professional Development Framework for the New Normal in Education
Aquino, A.B., Dadayan, A.A., Rosel, M.E., Francisco, M.J.V.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
IJIET 2022 Vol.12(10): 1012-1016 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.10.1713
October 2022
The role of technology in the delivery of education in this time of pandemic help teachers in the delivery of lessons and student learning. This study examined the competence on online technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of a sample of faculty members and their online teaching attitude and ability and develop a professional development framework for teachers under the new normal in education. This quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect data from 501 faculty members from Batangas State University as respondents. Findings indicate the that pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge and technological content knowledge are the predictors of faculty members. Online attitude and ability were also considered very important by most faculty members. Thus, a professional development framework in the new normal based on technological pedagogical content knowledge of teachers was prepared.
Index Terms – TPACK, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, University Faculty
Good Coral Cover and High Biodiversity in Non-MPA Reefs of the Verde Island Passage as a Basis for Increased Protection and Conservation
Azcuna, M.E.Ma.A., Corral, J.M., Velasquez, E., Saco, J.A.
Applied Sciences ׀ Special Issue: New Frontiers in Reef Coral Biotechnology
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5758
June 6, 2022
The Verde Island Passage (VIP) is a region in the Philippines with a high index of biodiversity. Baseline coral reef assessments were conducted in four provinces along the VIP (Batangas, Marinduque, Occidental Mindoro, and Oriental Mindoro) to compare coral reef abundance and biodiversity in marine protected area (MPA) and non-MPA sites. The average abundance of coral and other substrates (e.g., macroalgae, sponges, rock, sand/rubble) were measured, and the numbers of coral genera were identified for each site. Batangas showed equal coral cover and coral species richness for MPA and non-MPA sites. Marinduque showed equal coral cover for MPA and non-MPA sites, and the non-MPA site had higher species richness. Occidental Mindoro showed higher coral cover and species richness in the non-MPA site compared to the MPA site. Oriental Mindoro was the only exception, showing higher coral cover and species richness in the MPA site compared to the non-MPA site. The findings indicate that many non-MPA coral reefs in the VIP have potential to become MPAs, thus warranting their protection and conservation. Continued monitoring and assessment should be conducted to build on the growing database of biodiversity data that are being compiled for the VIP.
Keywords: coral reef; biodiversity; Verde Island Passage; marine protected areas (MPA)
Crab-Infesting Bopyrid Isopods in The Philippines
Corral, J.M.
Research Center of Integrated Coastal Zone Managementx
(Kuroshio Science), Kochi University
ISBN 978-4-86338-339-5 C3040 ¥3000Ε
March 2022
The bopyrid isopod is a marine parasite that is known to infect decapods such as crabs and shrimps. This parasite is unique in using crustaceans as both intermediate and definitive hosts. Bopyrid is diverse with 605 species, as reported by Williams and Boyko (2012)1, but may have increased its number at present. The highest diversity of bopyrids are within the North West Pacific, followed by the East Asian Sea and the Central Indian Oceans. Infestation of bopyrid causes negative effects on the morphology and reproductive capacity of decapod hosts.
Taxonomic research on bopyrid was well conducted in Japan among the Asian countries. Records was published as early as 1933 by carcinologist Prof. Sueo M. Shiino in the Memoires of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, titled as Bopyrids from Tanabe Bay and produced five volumes from 1933 to 1939, not to mention his many separate taxonomic publications on bopyrid isopod2. In 2000, a preliminary check list of isopod crustaceans in Japan was published3, where 85 species of bopyrid species was listed.
Keponinae is a bopyrid subfamily that infest brachyuran crabs1, 4. This parasite is of great interest to the fishing industry because it inhibits the reproduction and body condition of crabs5, 6. In Japan, 14 species were known for this subfamily, but subsequently two species were added to the Japanese fauna4, 7.Inthe Philippines, bopyrid infesting brachyuran crab was first recorded by Prof. Harriet Richardson during the expedition of the U. S. Fisheries Steamer Albatross in the Philippine waters in 1907-19088. Richardson collected ten species of bopyrid isopods, but only one species from the subfamily Keponinae was described to infest a true crab, the Xanthid crab. The subsequent publications for bopyrid isopod were recorded mostly from hosts Anomuran and shrimps. Until recently, Dela Cruz et al. (2020) recorded a parasitic isopod infecting a portunid crab collected in Manila Bay9. This recent publication added to the only record of a bopyrid isopod infecting brachyuran crab more than 100 years ago. A preliminary list of bopyrid isopods in the Philippines is given in Table 1. So far, 31 bopyrid species are known.
The Philippines is endowed with natural resources including the decopod crustaceans. A comprehensive checklist of Philippines decopods was published by Prof. Eulogio P. Estampador of The University of the Philippines in 1937 and updated the list in 195910, 11. The listing includes 522 species belonging to 207 genera and 58 families. From this, about 307 species of brachyuran crabs were listed. Following this, many other taxonomic reports have been published on brachyuran crabs. Despite this diversity of crabs in the Philippines, studies on parasitic isopods have not received much attention. Considering the rich biodiversity of the country, the Philippines may have an abundant undescribed bopyrid isopod species.
Keywords: crabs, isopod, Keponinae
Differences in the Parasitic Effects of a Bopyrid Isopod and Rhizoncephalan Barnacle on The Portunid Crab, Chatybdis Bimaculate
Corral, J.M., Henmi, Y., Itani, G.
Parasitology International 81 (2021) 102283 pp 1-4
January 2021
Bopyrid isopods and rhizocephalan barnacles are obligate parasite crustaceans which harm their decapod hosts. However, to the best of our knowledge, studies have not compared which of these parasites has a greater parasitic effect on its hosts. Here, the parasitic effect of the bopyrid isopod, Allokepon hendersoni, and an unidentified sacculinid rhizocephalan species, infesting the same population of portunid crabs, Charybdis bimaculata, was investigated and compared for the first time. Samples were collected from the bycatch of a trawl fishery in Tosa Bay, Japan. A total of 2601 crabs were collected, of which 14 (0.55%) were parasitized by the bopyrid and 21 (0.82%) by the rhizocephalan. One of the two female crabs parasitized by the bopyrid was ovigerous (with much fewer eggs than unparasitized females). No ovigerous crab was found from the eight females parasitized by the rhizocephalan. Because only two female crabs were parasitized by the bopyrid, the following analyses were made using the male crabs. Both parasites reduced the wet weight (crab condition) and the cheliped size (secondary growth) of C. bimaculata, but the impact of the parasitism did not differ between the parasite species. The size of the abdominal flap of male hosts was reduced by the bopyrid infestation; however, rhizocephalan infestation caused enlargement of the abdominal flap, which is an indication of feminization. The present study provides information on how the effect of these two parasitic castrators on the same host crab varies. A moderate decrease in crab condition and cheliped development was common among the parasites, suggesting that the degree of impact might be favorable for the survival of the two parasites species.
Keywords: Bopyridae, isopoda, sacculinidae, Rhizocephala, Portunidae, ANCOVA
Customers’ Satisfaction relative to the Operational Services of the College of Arts and Sciences: Basis for its Continuous Quality Improvement
Valdez, M.L.A., De Luna, D.P., Diaz, C.H., Corral, J.M., Tayobong, A.B.
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS)
ISSN: 2456-7620;
Volume-5, Issue-6, pp. 1903 - 1912
November 2020
In higher education institutions, quality assurance focuses on the process of verifying whether products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the customers’ evaluation as regards their satisfaction relative to the operational services of the BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus’ College of Arts and Sciences within the rating period covering July up to December 2019. Specifically, it tried to determine the respondents’ evaluation of the operational services rendered by the College in terms of politeness/courtesy given by staff/service provider; reasonable time of service delivery; knowledge and competence of staff/ service provider; accomplishment of purpose of visit/transaction; no extra fees / charges other than what is required; professional treatment and assistance given; and physical setup and condition of the facilities. Likewise, corrective measures were proposed geared towards its operational services’ continuous quality improvement. The study employed the descriptive research method and included a total of four hundred twenty-eight (428) respondents chosen through the convenient sampling method. Findings of the study revealed the Outstanding Service rendered as the overall result of the customer satisfaction survey of the College of Arts and Sciences. However, improvement or changes may still be considered specifically in these two dimensions: the accomplishment of purpose of visit/transaction and the physical setup and condition of the facilities.
Keywords: College of Arts and Sciences, Continuous Quality Improvement, Customers’ Satisfaction, International Organization for Standardization, Operational Services, Quality Assurance
Illegal Drug offenses among Children in Batangas, Philippines: A Narrative Introspection
Valdez, M.L.A., De Luna, D.P., Diaz, C.H.
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS)
ISSN: 2456-7620
Vol-5, Issue-6, pp.: 1974-1984
November 2020
The increasing number of children in conflict with law (CICL) and the current move in the Philippine legislative branch to lower down the criminal liability age to 9 or 12 years old necessitates the need to reexamine why children commit crimes using a different lens. The study aimed to describe the recurring themes in the lived experiences of male and female CICL with drug-related cases and to propose a gender-responsive framework as basis for the development of programs for CICL. Using the qualitative research design, the study focused on 5 male and 3 female CICL custodies of various Bahay Pagasa in Batangas. The qualitative data were analyzed using coding and narrative analysis framework particularly following the Holistic-Content approach. The male CICL lack parental attachment and bond which has reinforced influence of delinquent peers and adoption of deviant behaviors while the absence of maternal guidance and experience of violence inside the home among female CICL has catalyzed the desire to escape and strengthen attachment to delinquent peers. Considering these, a gender-responsive framework that focuses on equality of access and opportunities as well as gender-sensitive interventions and facilities are endorsed.
Keywords: Children in Conflict with Law, Illegal Drug Offenses, Gender-responsive Framework, Narrative Analysis
Brahmaviharas Gleaned in the Selected Works of the 14th Dalai Lama: Implications on Noted Filipino Students’ Values
Valdez, M.L.A.
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS)
ISSN: 2456-7620
Vol.5, Issue 6, pp 1893-1902
November 2020
Nowadays, the complexities of life have led to negativity which threatens the very core of love in people's hearts and minds. Contemporary men live in a world struggling to rehabilitate themselves from disharmony. His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama has given a lifetime of selfless devotion to the pursuit of solutions in service of mankind, with insightful ideals within his literary masterpieces. Thus, this qualitative study analyzed His Holiness’ selected literary works pointing out events and situations on how the Brahmaviharas of the Buddhist tradition are manifested in his works. Findings of the analysis revealed that agape can be traced back to the early days of Buddhism and is expressed in many of its teachings; that His Holiness manifested the fundamental tenets of agape, which underscore the Brahmaviharas or loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity; and that readers may draw out implications on Filipino students’ values specifically their mapagkandiling pagmamahal, pagkamahabagin, kaligayahan and kahinahunan from his writings. By practicing the Brahmaviharas, a great feeling of contentment may result from gratitude and appreciation of life's simple joys even during unprecedented times.
Keywords: Agape, Brahmaviharas, Compassion, Equanimity, Filipino Students’ Values, His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, Loving-kindness, and Sympathetic Joy
A new species of Mallinella Strand 1906 (Araneae: Zodariidae) from Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas Province, Philippines
Caurez, C.L., Barrion, A.T.
Asia Life Sciences (ALS)
ISSN 0117-3375: Vol 29 Issue: 2, pp 333-340
September 2020
A new species from the genus Mallinella Strand 1906 under the name of Mallinella alonalon Lualhati-Caurez & Barrion n. sp. was collected through pitfall trapping under the vegetation in the lower elevation of Mt. Maculot, in Barangay Pinagkaisahan, Cuenca, Batangas Province, Philippines from January to June 2018. The new taxon is described and photographs were provided to facilitate species identification. Mallinella alonalon n. sp. is a member of annulipes-group and runs close to M. calilungae (Barrion & Litsinger 1992) found in the Philippines based on its epigynum and spermatheca but can be distinguished from the latter with its unique dorsal pattern, bigger body size and not neatly arranged PVS. This new species is 6th species of Mallinella species collected and recorded in the Philippines and the first recorded species of Mallinella from Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas Province.
Keywords: ant-eating spiders, Mallinella alonalon new species, Zodariidae, Araneae, Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas Province, Philippines
Wireless Charging from Direct Current Source Using Magnetic Resonance
Destreza, F.G., Apolinar, K., Buen, PZ., Umandal, J.C.
International Research Journal on Innovations in Engineering, Science and
Technology (IRJIEST)
ISSN 2449-464X, Vol 4, 2018, pp 31-33
This research presents a wireless AC-to-DC low power transfer over a distance. The distance of remotely located targets from the transmitter coil and receiver coil which has the load is the major concern in these applications. The transmitter and receiver circuits are constructed. Two inductively coupled coils are designed and used in both transmitter and receiver sections. Through experiments, it was observed that with such a design, the power transfer has a limited range, and the range will be smaller for smaller receiving coils and improper alignment. It was also observed that the output voltage increased correspondingly with an increasing number of turns and coil diameter and good output voltage is harvested with the optimized transmitter circuit resistance 340 Ω and is 12 VDC. Experiment results showed that the system could transmit at a distance of 35inches with an output load voltage of 3 VDC.
Keywords: Wireless power transfer, Transmitter, Receiver Coil, Magnetic resonance
Effectiveness of Multimedia Based Educational Tool for Computer Hardware and Software Installation
Salac, R.M.A., Buenas, L.J.E., Salac, D.M.V.
International Research Journal on Innovations in
Engineering, Science and Technology (IRJIEST)
ISSN 2449-464X, Vol 4, 2018, pp14-19
The use of multimedia in teaching and learning processes leads to higher learning and offers a potential avenue for improving student understanding and skills. This research aims to develop an educational multimedia educational tool for Computer Hardware and Software Installation course. The researchers utilized the Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (ADDIE) instructional design for the completion of the research study. After the development phase, the developed educational tool was evaluated based on the following: (1) level of acceptance in terms of design, ease of use and overall functionality; (2) level of satisfaction in terms of content, tutorials and simulator and; (3) overall effectiveness of the multimedia-based tool. A survey questionnaire was developed and utilized to evaluate the level of acceptance and satisfaction of the students and teachers on the developed multimedia tool. For the level of effectiveness, a pre-test and post-test was conducted using the National Competency rating sheet to determine the performance of the respondents.
The evaluation result revealed that design, ease-of-use and the overall functionality of the developed multimedia tool is highly acceptable with a weighted mean of 4.39. On the other hand, the respondents are very satisfied with content, tutorials and simulator with an average weighted mean of 4.31. These results proved that the developed multimedia tool has the features and functionalities to be considered as an effective supplementary tool for teaching and learning the said course. Moreover, the components included on the developed tool are significant to help the users deepen their knowledge about the course. In addition, the integrated hardware and software simulator helped them to strengthen their skills and understand every component of a computer system. The result of the t-test from the two groups of respondents showed that the developed multimedia educational tool is an effective courseware in teaching Computer Hardware and Software Installation.
Keywords: Multimedia Tool, Courseware, Educational Tool, Installation, Hardware and Software.
Reception Analysis of Vice Ganda’s Films
Villaveza, J.
The 2nd International Conference on Media Science & Digital Communication 2022
“Resistance and Responsibility”
December 3 – 4, 2022
Online: Zoom
Reception Theory by Stuart Hall posits that media audiences may or may not decode messages in media texts the same way as it is encoded by the producer/s. Thus, audiences’ reception may be influenced by certain factors. This study aimed to determine and analyze the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films with focused on the following characters’ traits: physical attributes and other symbolisms, personality, behavior, interaction with certain individuals, and ways of solving conflicts. The study advanced a thesis argument stating that there is a corroboration between the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films and their personal experiences and observations with the non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities. The study employed a Qualitative Narrative Research Design with the utilization of Deductive Approach in Coding as the method. The findings of the study revealed that audiences are primarily considered as Dominant or Preferred Readers, for they decode Vice Ganda’s starred-films the same way as producers encoded messages/meanings into the films. However, there still exists a negative audiences’ reception towards Vice Ganda’s films. More so, results proved that corroboration exists between the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films and their personal experiences and observations with the non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities.
Keywords: Vice ganda’s starred films, reception analysis, non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities, corroboration, types of readers
Villaveza, J.
Inter National Communication 2022 Conference
Reconfiguring Communication Discipline in A Post-Truth Society
October 27 – 29, 2022
Online: Zoom
Reception Theory by Stuart Hall posits that media audiences may or may not decode messages in media texts the same way as it is encoded by the producer/s. Thus, audiences’ reception may be influenced by certain factors. This study aimed to determine and analyze the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films with focused on the following characters’ traits: physical attributes and other symbolisms, personality, behavior, interaction with certain individuals, and ways of solving conflicts. The study advanced a thesis argument stating that there is a corroboration between the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films and their personal experiences and observations with the non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities. The study employed a Qualitative Narrative Research Design with the utilization of Deductive Approach in Coding as the method. The findings of the study revealed that audiences are primarily considered as Dominant or Preferred Readers, for they decode Vice Ganda’s starred-films the same way as producers encoded messages/meanings into the films. However, there still exists a negative audiences’ reception towards Vice Ganda’s films. More so, results proved that corroboration exists between the audiences’ reception of Vice Ganda’s starred-films and their personal experiences and observations with the non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities.
Keywords: Vice ganda’s starred films, reception analysis, non-conforming sexual orientations and gender identities, corroboration, types of readers
Prevalence and parasitic effect of the bopyrid Megacepon goetici on the varunid crab Gaetice depressus in Hirokawa Beach, Wakayama, Japan
Corral, J.M.
66th Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Seminar
June 22, 2022
Venue: 459 Shirahama, Nishimuro, Wakayama 649-2211, Japan
The effects of infestation by the byporid isopod Megacepon goetici on the varunid crab Gaetice depressus were investigated. This crab is one of the most common crabs in Japanese intertidal shores where it plays a key role in structuring the benthic community. Samples were collected in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. From a total of 1694 crabs, 61 (3.6%) were parasitized by bopyrid isopods. No ovigerous females were parasitized, which may be evidence of parasitic castration of female host crabs, as has been described in other parasitized brachyuran crabs. Total weight was reduced in both males and females, and infested crabs also exhibited subtle lateral and dorsal carapace swelling due to the presence of parasites under the carapace. We therefore conclude that the morphology and the reproductive capacity of G. depressus were significantly affected by the bopyrid isopod.
Keywords: bopyrid isopod, Megacepon goetici, crab, Gaetici depressus, parasitized, carapace
Development of a TPACK-Based Professional Development Framework for the New Normal in Education
Aquino, A.B., Dadayan, A.A., Rosel, M.E., Francisco, M.J.V.
2022 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology (ITET 2022)
May 13-15, 2022
Online: Zoom
The role of technology in the delivery of education in this time of pandemic help teachers in the delivery of lessons and student learning. This study examined the competence on online technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of a sample of faculty members and their online teaching attitude and ability and develop a professional development framework for teachers under the new normal in education. This quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect data from 501 faculty members from Batangas State University as respondents. Findings indicate the that pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge and technological content knowledge are the predictors of faculty members. Online attitude and ability were also considered very important by most faculty members. Thus, a professional development framework in the new normal based on technological pedagogical content knowledge of teachers was prepared.
Index Terms – TPACK, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, University Faculty
Good Coral Cover and High Biodiversity in Non-MPA Reefs of the Verde Island Passage as a Basis for Increased Protection and Conservation
Azcuna, M.E.Ma.A, Corral, J.M., Velasquez, E., Saco, J.A.
International Symposium on New Frontiers in Reef Coral Biotechnology
May 5, 2022
Online: Zoom
The Verde Island Passage (VIP) is a region in the Philippines with a high index of biodiversity. Baseline coral reef assessments were conducted in four provinces along the VIP (Batangas, Marinduque, Occidental Mindoro, and Oriental Mindoro) to compare coral reef abundance and biodiversity in marine protected area (MPA) and non-MPA sites. The average abundance of coral and other substrates (e.g., macroalgae, sponges, rock, sand/rubble) were measured, and the numbers of coral genera were identified for each site. Batangas showed equal coral cover and coral species richness for MPA and non-MPA sites. Marinduque showed equal coral cover for MPA and non-MPA sites, and the non-MPA site had higher species richness. Occidental Mindoro showed higher coral cover and species richness in the non-MPA site compared to the MPA site. Oriental Mindoro was the only exception, showing higher coral cover and species richness in the MPA site compared to the non-MPA site. The findings indicate that many non-MPA coral reefs in the VIP have potential to become MPAs, thus warranting their protection and conservation. Continued monitoring and assessment should be conducted to build on the growing database of biodiversity data that are being compiled for the VIP.
Keywords: coral reef; biodiversity; Verde Island Passage; marine protected areas (MPA)
ALERTO: An Android-based Accident Hotspot Tracker Notification System Utilizing Analytics and GPS Tracking Algorithm
Madriaga, I.Jr
International Conference on Information Technology Education (ICTE) 2022
November 19, 2022
Online: Zoom
Road traffic accidents are now considered as the top leading cause of death worldwide that is unrelated to any medical diseases. Furthermore, CALABARZON, had the most traffic injuries in 2018, accounting for 16.5 percent of all car accidents nationwide. Thus, the objective of this study is to develop an application that will notify the user when they are 200 meters near or heading to an accident hotspot, this will help them to be more cautious and attentive when traversing different routes of Nasugbu. ALERTO is a mobile application that provides information about the different accident hotspots in the municipality and alerts the user about them. RAD and K-means clustering were applied to the development of the study. The researchers used the RAD methodology since it is efficient to use for a shorter time frame for it focuses on prototyping and feedback rather than planning, so the development is faster. K-means clustering was used in grouping the accident hotspots in the different areas of Nasugbu. A survey was used to evaluate the system. After the evaluation, the gathered data were tallied, computed, and interpreted. Based on the results, most of the accidents in Nasugbu happen along the National Road of Barangay Lumbangan, Bilaran, and Banilad. The absence of road signages and without thoroughly checking the vehicle condition are the leading causes of the occurrence of an accident in the municipality. Respondents highly accept the mobile and web applications and strongly agree with their effectiveness
Keywords: Android, Accidental Hotspot, Analytics, GPS, K-means
Pre-service Teachers Preparedness on Teaching Physical Education and Health: Basis for Instructional Material Development
Barredo, E.S.
9th International and 10th National Teachers and Education Students’ Conference (TEStCon)
“Shaping Futures of Education through Research and Innovation”
November 17 – 18, 2022
Online: Zoom
The main objective of this study is to assess the level of preparedness of the pre-service teachers to develop the instructional materials.
This study used descriptive research method through survey questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument. The respondents of this study were one hundred twenty-five (125) students of bachelor of elementary education. The responses were tallied, tabulated and analyzed to provide a conclusion and recommendations in the study. The findings of the study revealed that the preparedness of a pre-service teacher on teaching physical education and health is necessary.
This study concluded that PowerPoint-presentation has the highest available learning materials in teaching physical education and health. Also, this study concluded that the impact of available learning materials on teaching P.E and health among respondents will help students support their learning. Thus, the researchers developed module in Teaching Physical Education and Health to improve their learning in regards to their preparedness for teaching Physical Education and health.
Keywords: Pre-service Teachers, Preparedness, Physical Education and Health
GradeXpert: A Proposed Online Kto12 Gradebook with Mobile Viewer for Laboratory School of Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu
Manalo, M.A.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
The current system employed by educational sectors follows the manual computation and distribution of grades and information dissemination regarding students' academic achievements and performances. With the power of the Internet and mobile technology, the study aimed to provide the institution with a practical software application to support the increasing demands of stakeholders for a reliable system.
The main objective of this study is to develop and evaluate an efficient grade encoding tool with a mobile viewer that assists teachers and administrators in data processing and information dissemination and stakeholders’ inquiries regarding student academic achievements.
This study utilized descriptive-developmental research design and applied Extreme Programming approach as the development methodology. System Specialist was consulted to validate the system's functionality using different testing methods. The administrator verified the formula used for the grading template is correct.
Based on the findings, the respondents were very satisfied with the system's features and agreed that the system performs its intended purpose based on user's requirements and specifications and is ready for implementation. The system provides functionality to generate secure, accurate, and comprehensive report for information dissemination. The school can adopt and utilize the system, replacing the manual process.
Keywords: GradeXpert, Internet, Mobile Technology, Gradebook, Mobile Grade Viewer
Prototype Design of Power Generating Device utilizing Solar Panel with Gyroscopic Light Tracker
Manalo, M.A.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
Electricity is one of the most prominent needs in the lives of many people. Since global warming and shortage of electricity became major problems in our country, the search for an alternative source of power has been increasing. Solar power has proved as one of the best alternative power sources since it is abundant in nature and a renewable form of energy. With that, the researchers initiated the improvement of ordinary solar panel by integrating gyroscopic light tracker allowing it to move based on the sun’s direction. Researchers also noticed that the position or location of the solar panel could affect its capacity to absorb much heat energy from the sun.
This study aimed to develop a device that will provide sufficient power supply in case of power loss and emergency purposes. Engineering method was utilized to support the team in reaching the desired solution to the problem.
The project had undergone several stages to create a fully-functional device. Modification was made before the launch of the actual project and conducted a thorough evaluation with the experts. The project remarked as Excellent which ascertains that it passed the quality standards set by the experts and panel of evaluators.
Keywords: Electricity, Renewable Energy, Power Generation, Gyroscope, Solar Tracker
GRABage: Online Waste Report Collection and Management System
Salac, R.M.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
Waste management is necessary today because waste generated by humans is also increasing with the rapidly growing population. Currently, the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) of Nasugbu uses a manual approach in the waste management system, such as scheduling garbage collection. Hence, the researchers developed an application that can notify waste collectors and residents and prioritize barangays with urgent needs for waste collection. This application will also help the MENRO monitor the waste management and garbage collection process.
The researchers used the descriptive developmental research design and agile methodology in the development of the application. In addition, the researchers used the questionnaire to measure the level of acceptability and level of satisfaction of the end- users and IT experts on the developed application.
The findings revealed that Image Capturing, Calendar utility, and, GPS integration is needed to be included in the developed application to make it more usable and innovative. The level of acceptance of the developed system is highly acceptable, and it conforms to the ISO/IEC 25010 standards as evaluated by the IT Experts. And lastly, both the IT Expert and the end-user are extremely satisfied with the usability and user experience of this application.
Keywords: Agile Development, Garbage Collection, SMS, GPS, Management Information System
TARA: Tracking and Routing Application for PUV Drivers and Commuters with GPS Technology
De Jesus, N.M.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
The main objective of the study was to help commuters by providing an innovative way of tracking and routing the public utility vehicles transportation. The system has a mapping feature that allows drivers to visualize designated routes and where they should stop. Descriptive-developmental method of research was the methodology used. Using random and purposive sampling, a total of one hundred sixty (160) PUV drivers and commuters were surveyed. Results interpretation depicted that the developed system is indeed feasible for implementation and more effective than the traditional PUV routing and mapping scheme and was interpreted in the evaluation as highly acceptable in all criteria. Further, it is concluded that the respondents were very satisfied with the features of the new system and agreed that the system was efficient, functional, reliable, usable and secured. The researchers recommend integration of other features like integration of online payment and automated computation of refresh time in the area coverage up to 10km to ensure the quality of transportation services to the society.
Keywords: tracking, routing, PUV drivers, commuters, GPS
PantryFinder: Online Community Pantry Mapping and Donations Management System Utilizing GPS Technology
Salac, D.M.V.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
This research study aimed to develop a mobile application intended for community pantry owners, pantry seekers and donors in Lian, Batangas. Using the application, pantry seekers can easily find or locate different community pantries around their area. On the other hand, pantry owners to can easily manage their community pantry as well as the donations they are receiving. For the donors, they will be aware what are the supplies and essentials items needed by community pantries.
The researchers utilized the agile method for the development of the application to easily adapt changes based on its phases. After the development, the application was evaluated using a questionnaire to measure its level of acceptability. Frequency count, weighted mean and Likert scale were used to interpret the data collected.
The result of the evaluation proved that the developed system is highly acceptable and was proven to be more efficient, functional, usable and secure. The different modules can support the requirements needed by the users. It was concluded that the developed system will be beneficial in terms of donation management, locating as well as managing community pantries.
Keywords: community pantry, mapping, GPS, donation management
PENSYS: Digitalized Informer and Registration System for Senior Citizen Pensioners
Samonte, B.R.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
This study focused on the development of a web and mobile application for a convenient and efficient registration of pension (registration, archiving, updating and retrieval) for the senior citizens, and for the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) Personnel to have convenient dissemination of information to the pensioners and records management.
The researchers adopted the Agile Software Development Model as a framework of the project. It is based on iterative development which demonstrates the process or mechanism in software development which includes requirement planning, development, testing, deployment, and review phases. The study has thirty-two (32) randomly selected respondents: 30 senior citizens and 2 OSCA personnel.
Based on the findings, the developed system was highly acceptable in terms of its effectiveness, reliability, and user-friendliness for it received a respectable rating from all respondents. It also showed that the system has passed the overall criteria of its technical quality evaluation as evidenced by positive remarks in the test cases performed. Significantly, the findings showed that that the developed system is ready and is capable to be implemented as an effective platform for records management and organization and information dissemination tool in OSCA.
Keywords: pension, web application, OSCA, digitalized informer
Grocery Store Recommender App: A Tool for Effective Implementation of Social Distancing
Paytaren, A.V.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
The fast COVID-19 epidemic increased the difficulties faced by the Philippine retail industry throughout the research period and constraints such as limited store capacity hampered both customers and business owners. This research sought to create a system that would help users identify less crowded grocery shops and record information before entering them. The researchers used the Iterative Model to perform any iterations so to reach the set requirements. The research approach used is the Descriptive Method, in which the primary objective is to describe the characteristics of the population under study. In the beginning, the researchers conducted a study to find out how consumers bought goods and met target sales. The developed system was evaluated by the respondents based on the following criteria: (1) the issues and challenges encountered by the store owner; (2) the level of acceptance of the store owner; (3) the level of satisfaction of the customers. The developed system was given the highest ratings of Highly Acceptable in terms of Usability, Functionality, and Reliability. It was proven that the developed system can perform the tasks it was expected to perform as the components included are considered to be a great help to store owners and customers.
Keywords: Iterative Model, QR Code Generator, QR Code Scanner, recommender
Development of OTP-Based Bicycle Locker System
Roxas, M.B.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
This study aimed to create a system that would encourage residents of Nasugbu, Batangas to use bicycles as their primary mode of transportation. To accomplish this, bicycle lockers have been designed with OTPs (one-time-passwords) to increase their security. Apart from the physical lockers, the researchers designed and developed the system's controller and web page.
Researchers conducted technical tests to determine the developed system's performance in terms of alarm sensitivity, average storage and retrieval time, and locking mechanism durability. The two lockers were developed with the help of a machine shop. Researchers developed the webpage using Atom Text Editor, the PHP, and XAMPP. The researchers used decibel meter to determine the sound level and stopwatch to determine alarm response time.
The average sound pressure level was 114.2 decibels, and average response time was 3.75 seconds. Average time required to operate the locker system during the storage and retrieval phases was 1.301 minutes and 1.921 minutes, respectively. Researchers used brute force testing to determine the locking mechanism's durability. A pound- force of 50 was applied using hands, a hammer claw, and a prybar, but it had a negligible effect on the door and had no effect at all on the locking mechanism.
Keywords: OTP, bicycle, locker, microcontroller, security
The Environmental Factors that Influence Tourist Decision in Visiting Nasugbu, Batangas
Mendoza, A.M.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
Throughout the years, Nasugbu Batangas had been making its name to be known by most travelers outside the municipality. This study was conducted by the researchers with the purpose of gaining insights from the tourists of Nasugbu and delivering the output as a valuable awareness. Those environmental factors can be a huge impact on our tourist visits and a great awareness of solutions can be a helpful reminder in conserving the beauty of the environment while having leisure. This research paper is a descriptive study and is supported by the data gathering procedure through online survey forms. The results were analyzed through the use of Frequency, percentages, weighted means and ANOVA.
Based on the result, the majority of the respondents were single males ages 18 to 24 years old, with a monthly income of less than 10,957 and mostly are originated from Batangas. The outcomes also revealed that most of the respondents are tourists who visit Nasugbu, Batangas with the purpose of family and friends. In seeking more information, the results concluded that these tourists are likely to stay for 1-2 days in Nasugbu, Batangas and are majorly aware and complying with the rules and regulations of the community destinations.
Keywords: Environmental Factors, Tourist Profile Variables, Nasugbu Batangas
The Impact of the Modes of Teaching and Learning to Faculty Members Work Performance in Batangas State University -ARASOF
Macaraig, S.D.
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom
For HEIs, the shift in the modes of teaching and learning has been a difficult transition. Classes must continue despite the challenges posed by the COVID19, forcing everyone to adjust to a new normal. The study's goal was to determine the impact of the modes of teaching and learning on faculty members' performance at Batangas State University -ARASOF. The research method used was descriptive research, and a survey questionnaire as research instrument was distributed thru Google form sent to the respondents. The respondents are permanent and temporary faculty members at Batangas State University -ARASOF, the data revealed that respondents’ frequently used discussion as a mode of teaching in traditional teaching and learning because they believe it’s effective, while the online mode of flexible teaching and learning was the most frequently, but the blended mode was perceived as the most effective by the respondents. It also revealed that the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences has the highest average work performance in both modes of teaching and learning. The study found a significant difference in faculty performance in the modes of teaching and learning. The researchers recommended that faculty members should always strive to improve and develop their work performance.
Keywords: Modes of Teaching and Learning, Faculty Members, and Work Performance
Backyard Tilapia Farming in Nasugbu, Batangas: Challenges Encountered and Benefits to the Community
Azcuna, M.E.Ma.A., Corral, J.M., Justiniano, G.G., Sanga, A.N.
6th International Conference for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (ICFAS 6)
First Asian Fisheries Social Science Research Network Forum (AFSSRN F1)
November 24-26, 2021
Online: Zoom
The Backyard Tilapia Farming Project in Nasugbu, Batangas showed great promise of livelihood enhancement and food security to its beneficiaries. Production in four (4) tilapia fishponds run by local beneficiaries was assessed for two crops. Regular monitoring of fish biomass and adjustment of feed intake enabled calculation of Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). There was wide range in biomass and FCR per cropping. The first cropping showed an average body weight range of 87 – 200 grams/fish and an FCR range of 1.57 – 10 while the second cropping showed an average body weight range of 73 – 188 grams/fish and a FCR range of 2.99 – 10. Some of the challenges encountered during tilapia grow-out that affected production were: initial stocking mortality, occurrence of predators, Azolla overgrowth and inefficient feeding that resulted in high FCR values. Nevertheless, the beneficiaries were fulfilled with the training and experience they gained, and the project created a value chain in tilapia production to supplement the tilapia market in Nasugbu, Batangas.
Keywords: backyard tilapia farming, fish biomass, FCR
MET: A Web-based Monitoring and Evaluation of Target Extension Program, Activities, and Projects (PAPs)
De Jesus, N.M., Buenas, L.J.E.
2nd International Conference on Information Technology Education ICITE 2021
October 27-29, 2021
Online: Zoom
Providing universities with high technology – enabled automation tools to support the administrative decision-making processes will enable them to achieve their objectives. For an institution to succeed in its everyday tasks, it should cope up with the emerging and modernized management services constituted, among others, by cloud, mobile, and business analytic technology. With this, the institution’s operations and management efficiency is ensured. The main objective of the study is to develop an information system that will automate and optimize the monitoring of project’s target versus actual accomplishment and a mobile application for the evaluation process of extension program, activities, and projects. The researcher used descriptive – developmental method of research. Using random and purposive sampling, a total of sixty (60) extension task force and extension trainings participants were surveyed.
Results interpretation depicted that the developed system is indeed feasible for implementation and more effective than the traditional operations in the extension services and was interpreted in the evaluation as highly acceptable in all criteria. Further, it is concluded that the respondents were very satisfied with the features of the new system and agreed that the system was efficient, functional, reliable, usable and secured. The researchers recommend integration of other features which is necessary in order to provide a complete system that guarantees quality services to the community and to the respective extension services unit.
Keywords: MET, extension services, monitoring, evaluation system
Plastic Bottle and Paper Waste Reward Machine
Roxas, M.B.
International Symposium on Environmental and Green Chemistry for
Sustainable Development 2021 (EnvChem 2021)
June 9, 2021
Online: Zoom
Waste is a huge and growing problem for everyone. Whenever we don’t find any worth or value on objects, well just throw them away and calling it as a garbage. But, if we don’t manage those hundreds of wastes, it will greatly affect the environment and all of us in the future. This was the motivation of the researchers, to create some spark for the people to find some value on the waste by trading it for new things. Researchers have developed a waste recycling reward machine which exchanges paper waste and plastic bottles for reward points. Engineering Design Process were followed rigorously by the researchers which includes identifying the problem, researching and brainstorming, building, testing, improving and presenting the solutions. The researchers used experimental method to gather the needed data. Based on the findings, the greater the weight of the plastic bottle and the paper waste, the more the reward points. For the plastic bottles, the size and capacity greatly affect the reward points. While for the paper waste, the users need to input more numbers of paper to gain more points. There’s a limit for the capacity of the developed system to accept continuous waste but the load cell can provide accurate and precise weight results. The developed system if implemented can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Also, help the community to be smart in managing their own waste and develop a sense of responsibility for establishing a better future for everyone.
Keywords: Plastic Bottle; Paper Waste; Reverse Machine; Reward Points, Weight
Automated Rain Monitoring System Using Standard Rain Gauge with SMS And Web-Based Notification
Pega, R.D.
International Symposium on Environmental and Green Chemistry for
Sustainable Development 2021 (EnvChem 2021)
June 9, 2021
Online: Zoom
Rainfall is hardly steady in potency or span across a broad area that is why the continuous details about local states is of specific significance to farmers and those affected with irrigation. Scientists studying about crop production, soil erosion, water and river controls with regards to water reservoir and ground water flowing into rivers, need systematic way of monitoring rainfall. The purpose of the design project is to develop a rain monitoring system that is more efficient and easier to manipulate by employing a warning system. Improvement of monitoring with the use of web-based technologies while sending warning notification via SMS gateway with definitely give the project an advantage over its contemporaries. The project also aims to develop a device for monitoring of the amount of rain fall and provides the condition of the rainfall through website, online android application and short messaging system for updates. The researchers used the Engineering Design Cycle as the research methodology in the development of the project due to the fact that it ensures achievement of the best output by following a looping cycle of systematic problem solving. With the excellent results of evaluation, the proposed system is widely acceptable to the user, specifically the Municipality of Nasugbu, Batangas, since the system will be of great help in monitoring rain densities using the available technologies such as Android, short messaging system and the web.
Keywords: AndroidGauge, RainGauge, SMSGauge, WebGauge, SMSNotification, AutomatedRainGauge
Three New Ant-Eating Spider Species of Mallinella Strand, 1906 (Araneae: Zodariidae, Zodariinae) From Isla Verde Island, Batangas, Philippines
Caurez, C.L., Barrion, A.T.
38th Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Association of Systematic Biologists of the Philippines (ASBP)
May 31 - June 2, 2021
Online: Zoom
A faunistic exploration and inventory from Isla Verde, Batangas, Philippines revealed the presence of three new species of Mallinella Strand, 1906 under the name of: Mallinella sanantonioi n. sp., Mallinella luzonensis n. sp., and Mallinella parangahasdila n. sp. These new taxa are members of the annulipes-group and can be differentiated from Mallinella callilungae (Barrion & Litsinger 1992) based on various defining characters such as bigger body size, different dorsal patterns, different embolus and RTA, different epigynum and spermatheca and difference in the number and length of PVS present. Photographs of habitus, epigynum and pedipalp were provided to facilitate species identification. These three new species are the first recorded Mallinella in Isla Verde and new records for the Philippines.
Keywords: ant-eating spiders, Isla Verde Island, Mallinella, new species, new records, taxonomy, Zodariidae
To Serve and Protect: A Phenomenological Study on The Lived Experience of a Covid-19 Frontliner-Survivor
De Luna, D.P.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
This study aimed to provide a contextual explanation to the meaning behind the act of serving among COVID-19 frontliners despite having experienced the difficulties of those they serve. Using the phenomenological research design and in-depth interview as a method of bracketing, the study focused on the lived experience of a senior police officer in Nasugbu, Batangas who tested positive to the virus during one of a routine testing, is now recovered, and back in the frontline to serve. The results of the coding, categorization and analysis of the interview transcript reveals 18 subthemes which were further categorized into 4 main themes – Sense of duty to others, Sense of helplessness and desperation during sickness, Sense of confidence and prevailing over the sickness, and Sense of being more prepared to serve again. These themes may provide an opportunity to expand understanding of the motivation behind the act of serving during a public health crisis such as COVID-19.
Key words: COVID-19, Frontliner, Police Officer, Phenomenology, Act of Service
Bata, Bata, Bakit Mo Ginawa? A Narrative Analysis of Why Children Commit Crimes
Diaz, C.P., De Luna, D.P., Valdez, M.L.A.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The increasing number of children in conflict with law (CICL) and the current move in the legislative branch to lower down the criminal liability age to 9 or 12 years old necessitates the need to re-examine why children commit crimes using a different lens. The study aimed to describe the recurring themes in the lived experiences of male and female CICL with drug-related cases and to propose a gender-responsive framework as basis for the development of programs for CICL. Using the qualitative research design, the study focused on 5 male and 3 female CICL custodies of various Bahay Pagasa in Batangas. The qualitative data were analyzed using coding and narrative analysis framework particularly following the Holistic-Content Approach by Lieblich, et al. Results of the study revealed that the male CICL lack parental attachment and bond which has reinforced influence of delinquent peers and adoption of deviant behaviors while the absence of maternal guidance and experience of violence inside the home among female CICL has catalyzed the desire to escape and strengthen attachment to delinquent peers. Considering these, a gender-responsive framework that focuses on equality of access and opportunities as well as gender-sensitive interventions and facilities is endorsed.
Keywords: Children in Conflict with Law, Narrative Analysis, Gender-Responsive Framework
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among Millennial Employees of The Local Government Offices in the 1st District of Batangas
Macaraig, S.D., Gonzales, R.J., Apacible, C.L., Quising, J.M.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
In the face of uncertainties organizational handlers have come to the realization that organization’s success can no longer be sustained through improved products and services alone but through satisfied and committed employees. This reality has therefore conspicuously placed employees as one of the crucial success factors at the disposal of organizations. When employees are committed to their organization, there is every tendency that the achievement of strategic and predetermined organizational objectives among other vital objectives becomes possible. When employees are satisfied with work conditions, they tend to exhibit certain behaviours. This behaviours though may not be recognized by the formal system of the organization, have a compelling benefit to the organizations as it has been described as important for the growth, success, effectiveness and productivity of any organization. The focus of the study is to determine the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees working in the different local government offices in the 1st District of Batangas. The study aimed to investigate the difference between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees when they are grouped according to their demographics. Lastly, the study also explored the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The researchers used the descriptive-survey method of research and the statistical utilized were frequency, Pearson r and Anova. The findings of the revealed that majority of the respondents are female, single, college graduate, job order employees and have already rendered 0-3 years of service in their respective local government offices. Moreover, the study also showed that the millennial employees feel a moderate satisfaction on their job; that they are committed to the organization; that there exist a weak positive and significant correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and lastly, that there is no significant difference between each of the profile of the respondents and their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In the light of the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the millennial employees of the different local government offices in the 1st district of Batangas are moderately satisfied with their job; that the respondents exhibit commitment to the organization; that there is a weak positive correlation between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees which is considered to be statistically significant; lastly, there is no significant difference between the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the profile of the respondents.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Millennial Employees, Local Government offices
Botika Finder: A Web-Based Medical Store Locator with Mobile Application
Salac, D.M.V., Perez, K.M.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The study aimed to develop a web-based and mobile application that can locate medical stores in the towns of Nasugbu and Lian. In addition, the developed system can help customers to find and connect with medical stores to provide them with information about medicines and other medical products along with its price and availability of stocks. Customers can also give their feedback about the services provided to them by the medical stores.
The application was developed using Rapid Application Development (RAD) which is based on the prototyping approach and iterative development. It involves gathering of customer requirements, early testing of the prototypes by the customers using iterative concept, reuse of the existing prototypes, continuous integration and rapid delivery. After the development of the final prototype, a survey questionnaire was developed and it was evaluated by 399 customers and 6 medical store staff based on ISO 25010 software quality. To analyze and interpret the evaluation result, ranking, weighted mean, and Likert scale was utilized.
After the evaluation phase, the respondents rated the developed application as completely acceptable in terms of functionality, reliability, performance efficiency and usability. Likewise, the respondents were very satisfied with the features of the developed application.
Keywords: locator, medical store, mobile application, RAD, ISO 25010
Development of Low-Cost Fish Dryer with Energy Harvester
Roxas, M.B., Cabral, R.S., Miranda, A.C., Caballes, N.D.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
Fish drying is the most popular traditional way of fish preservation. But contaminants and other external factors like unpredictable weather affects the drying process. This leads researchers to develop a Low-Cost Fish Dryer powered by electricity. To solve the biggest constraint which is power interruption during the process, researchers utilized the solar panel as energy harvester to serve as backup power supply.
Researchers intend to increase the efficiency of energy harvesting of solar panel through sensors, geared DC motor and other types of heating elements. Using engineering cycle and data gathered through experimental setups and observation through system simulation, the development of the system was achieved.
In traditional fish drying, it takes 4-8 days to reach the desired level of dryness. But using the system, it took only 4-8 hours. In all tested fishes weighing 1-2 kilograms, the weight reduced to almost half of its original value before reaching the desired level of dryness. The researchers also found out that a solar panel at fixed position gets more than 50 % of the energy from sun’s rays. But by tracking the sun, the charging rate of solar panel increases up to 60% more than its original rate, increasing its efficiency.
Keywords: Preservation, Solar panel, Energy Harvester, Sensors, Engineering Cycle Model, Prototyping
Proposed Municipal Emergency Response Network for Nasugbu, Batangas
Pega, R.D.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The researcher developed a project which modernizes the way of notifying the agencies of the Municipal government in the event of disasters, crime, accidents, fire and other unnecessary and unexpected events. The project will be playing a good role in report generation and mapping system of the agencies such the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine Red Cross and the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Office of Nasugbu, Batangas.
In an event or an emergency situation (accidents, crime, fire, natural disasters, etc.), there can be several sources of information about an event which are vital in rendering fast and accurate emergency response. In this case, a witness or a victim may personally seek the assistance from the Barangay itself, as the officials on duty can be the first responders. The “MERN Box” which will be installed in the Barangay Head Quarters or at home. Based on the information, the official will identify what assistance is needed, hence, the color of the button to be pressed. In a button – pressed, it will call the agency and send a text message about the needed assistance thereafter. The “Box” will also send a message to the servers indicating the type of event, the date and time, the name of the Brgy. Chairman, etc. (a text message which is similar to the information that come from the crowd who uses android / smart phones, PC or tablets).
As a home security device, the MERN box processes the data coming from sensors installed all over the house area. The box will notify the homeowner via SMS and at the same time, send data to the server.
In case the information came from the crowd, an android and a web application are available to submit reports.
This project uses all available technologies such as the traditional call and short messaging system, Android applications, the Internet, Database and Web Server implementation, as well as the development of a customized device, to collect, process and transmit data in more accurate and fast manner. The use of the presently known modules of microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and Arduino/ Gizduino with a GSM/GPS shield module will be the primary components of the project’s hardware aspect. Both are well-known open source platform, based on simple input/output manipulation that uses open source programming languages.
Keyword: Rescuers, Responders, Net4Rescue, RaspberryDroid, Responders App., MERN Box
Jedlag: An Android-Based Java Editor for Learning and Gaming
Destreza, F.G.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The JEdLaG: An Android Based Java Editor for Learning and Gaming is intended for students taking Java Programming. Developed software contains tutorial, gaming and java programming language that would be a big help for the students in doing the activities and learning using smart phone. It is an application that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The application aimed to develop tool to train and help the students enhancing their knowledge in java programming. The operation of the application provides smooth and manageable application.
The researchers used the Fourth Generation Techniques (4GT), it enabled the software developer to present desired results that leads to automatic generation of code to create results. 4GT implementation to a product development, the developer gathered data that helped in developing meaningful documentation, design strategies and perform all other solution integration activities.
The developed application is evaluated by the select students in java programming. Base on the evaluation, most of the respondent’s level of familiarity in Java programming is intermediate. The respondents’ level of acceptance on the developed application on its portability, user friendliness, functionality and efficiency is Highly Acceptable. The respondents’ level of acceptability on the developed application in its tutorial, editor and gaming quiz features is Highly Acceptable.
The researchers were able to develop an application that tooled the learning process of java programming students by using smart phones. The application has a user-friendly interface, helpful functions and could be installed in another android operating system.
The JEdLaG application is a good learning medium that enhanced the student’s knowledge and skills in Java Programming.
Keywords JEdLaG application, Java editor, 4GT, Gaming
Automatic Medicine Reminder Kit
Atienza, A.V.Jr., Salazar, K.J.M., Cargado, G.S., Hernandez, M.B.M., Dime, R.B.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
Taking several prescription pills and the process of aging is associated with an increased risk of medication error. Medication reconciliation is an important element of elders’ safety. Aside from forgetfulness, some elders are unable to read the names written on the medicine packaging. This may lead to negative consequences for elders. The researchers aimed to develop an assistive device that will remind them to take medicine regularly. The final design is composed of alarm system, six pill compartments, as well as sensors and microcontrollers and other main components needed to operate the system. Moreover, the data was obtained by experimental and through observations.
The dimension of the design project is portable and made up of light-weight materials. In accordance of the tests and evaluations of the study, the distance connectivity of the belt alarm was properly connected and reliable enough to receive the signal (data) from the medicine kit. By conducting a test case, the level of functionality of the offline webpage functions well. The Automatic Medicine Reminder should be adapted and implemented to lessen and avoid poor adherence in taking medication. The design project is a low-cost product compared to other existing automatic medicine reminders in the market. For the enhancement of the system, the researchers may consider creating Android application for easy monitoring and input elder’s medication schedules as well as adding components like cooling system to prevent losing pill efficacy.
Keywords: Medicine Kit, Wristband, Alarm System, Microcontroller, Automatic
Weather Condition Notification System Utilizing Application Program Interface towards Weather related Disaster Preparedness for Nasugbu, Batangas
Salac, R.M.A.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
Nasugbu, is one of the affected areas in the Batangas province when Typhoon Haiyan locally known as Yolanda landed last November 6, 2013. It was followed by another Typhoon Rammasun, locally known as Glenda in July 2014 which caused greater damage. These still happened despite of communication channels – the usual protocols followed by the disaster coordinating council. Along this concern, the researchers were inspired and motivated to develop an information system for MDRRMO Nasugbu so that municipality of Nasugbu and its residents would always be updated to the current weather conditions. Likewise, the system will help them disseminate information to the community about disaster preparedness and awareness during weather-related calamities. Since Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in disaster prevention and mitigation response.
The researcher used the Agile method in developing the system that involves the Planning, Design, Develop, Test and Evaluate phases. Weather monitoring, Map and SMS API’s were integrated to system to achieve its functionality.
From the evaluation of the respondents, it shows that the system quality of the developed is Perfectly Acceptable in terms of Functionality, Reliability and Usability. Furthermore, the respondents are Extremely Satisfied with system features.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Reduction, Weather Monitoring, SMS Notification, API, AGILE Method, ICT
Management Information System for University Student Organizations and Activities
Samonte, B.R., Contreras, J.B., Dela Vega, J.L.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
Today's management information systems rely largely on technology to compile and present data through the help of Management Information System (MIS). The researchers develop a management information system for the student organizations and activities that will serve as the system support method to their daily operations.
The descriptive research method was used to gather all the necessary information, so the study may be analyzed statistically and developmental method is used for the development of the system. This method of research applied prominently in this study because it presented the assessment of the level of satisfaction, accuracy, and acceptance of the developed system.
The researchers presented the system and mobile application to the respondents, which are also the users, for them to answer the given questionnaire accordingly. After evaluation, the researchers concluded that the user encountered problems in different areas using the manual system and that the developed system was confirmed to be more useful in many areas and improves the accuracy, efficiency, reliability and security of the whole process.
Keywords: MIS, Student Organization and Activities Office
Smart Peso Application for Municipalities with SMS Notification
Madriaga, I.C.Jr., Castro, O.L., Cristoria, K.C., Sorio, R.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The necessity of having a localized online and smart system for Public Employment Service Office (PESO) in every municipality plays a big role in giving the local residents an opportunity to work near their homes and families, in consequence, congestion to metro areas will be lessened.
In order to automate the process, the researchers have to come up to develop a smart online application that will seek to give job recommendations to applicants about job vacancies and opportunities nearby their vicinity and insights for companies about the potential applicants for immediate personnel placement.
The researchers used the Fourth Generation Technology as an approach in developing the system. The 4GT approach consists the four stages namely: Requirements Gathering, Design Strategy, Implementation using a Fourth Generation Language and testing stage.
The developed system is a better alternative to the existing system and process being used by the Public Employment Service Office. The developed system also met the jobseeker’s, employer’s and administrator’s requirements. Based on the results of the evaluation conducted by the researchers, they found it highly acceptable and very satisfactory that leads to a more powerful insights about the local’s employability and better communication between employers and applicants.
Keywords: PESO, Smart Job Matching, 4GT, localized job search.
UTMS-ARASOF: Unpublished Theses Management System for Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu Library
Estilo, K.G.B.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
The study introduces a management system that will address numerous issues in relation to proper utilization and management of unpublished theses of Batangas State University ARASOF Library. The system introduces the use of Radio Frequency Identification Technology or RFID that improves the workflow instructions implemented in relation with unpublished theses in the library such as: proper handling, record keeping, borrowing and returning of each unpublished theses to ensure proper monitoring. The system also provide efficient reports for the convenience of the users of library department.
The researcher used Incremental Development Model which serves as the paradigm of the system. The researcher used MaxMiner Algorithm to determine the frequency of each college departments in submitting copies of unpublished theses.
Based on the findings, the developed Unpublished Theses Management System, it is efficient to use and can be implemented by Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu Library because of its high remarks given by the respondents.
Keywords: Management System, RFID Technology, Algorithm, Unpublished Theses
CSS Droid: An Android-Based Computer System Servicing Training App with Virtual Computer Hardware Assembly
Paytaren, A.V.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
Computer System Servicing (CSS) covers basic and common competencies such as installing, maintaining, configuring, and diagnosing computer systems and networks. There are programs in the Higher Education Institution (HEI) that offers courses with curriculum that highlights the taking of the assessment for National Certification for CSS. The objective of the study is to develop an application that will provide a platform to practice and review with the aid of virtual computer hardware assembly. The level of acceptance in terms of reliability, usability and efficiency of the developed app will be evaluated by selected students from the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences (CECS) of Batangas State University ARASOF Nasugbu. The researcher used forms, manuals and reports relative to CSS assessment and certifications. There are one hundred nineteen (119) respondents in the study. For the development of the software, the researcher adopted the Boehm’s Spiral Model as a method that were used in the initiation and fulfilment of the project. The study was able to identify the problems encountered and developed application was rated Highly Acceptable which emphatically endorses the use and implementation in HEI’s.
Keywords: CSS, computer assembly, virtual computer, android application
The Spiders of Mt. Maculot Cuenca, Batangas, Philippines: Diversity and Feeding Guild Structures
Caurez, C.L., Barrion, A.T.
14th NOCEI Research Forum
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom
This study was conducted to determine and describe the diversity and feeding guild structures of spiders present in Mt. Maculot, in the municipality of Cuenca, province of Batangas, Philippines. Sweep netting, pitfall traps, tube method, vial tapping and manual hand-picking by visual searching were used in collecting spiders from January to June 2018. Eighty-six spider species were documented in Cuenca belonging to 39 genera and 18 families from 1024 matured individuals. Higher number of spider families inhabiting the ground (61%) was recorded compared to the families inhabiting the canopy (39%). Dominant family in the ground were the hunters led by the Family Salticidae while Araneidae dominated the canopy. There are more families belonging to the active hunters (45%) compared to the sit and wait ambushers (44%) and web-spinner (11%). The spider community structure of Mt. Maculot in Cuenca, Batangas have a moderate species diversity (H’=2.867) with moderate dominance (0.086) and low evenness (0.463). Data showed that family Araneidae have the highest species richness (37%) and abundance (36%) among the 18 families and dominated the recorded population by having 32 species and 12 genera from 372 individuals. The exhibited richness and abundance can be attributed to the visible and accessible webs during collection. Moreover, the area of collection also has a low anthropogenic activities and disturbances that enables spiders to build their webs. The abovementioned data and information are the first baseline data and information and the general representation of the spiders in Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas Philippines.
Keywords: spiders, diversity, Araneae, Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas
Assessment of Financial Management Practices of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME's) In Nasugbu, Batangas
Hernandez, M.C.
APCORE 2020 International Virtual Conference
December 2 - 4, 2020
Online: Zoom
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been identified as important contributors to economic development who are facing a range of challenges which work against their progress, one of which is financial management. This study aimed to assess the financial management practices of small and medium enterprises in Nasugbu, Batangas. The researchers used the descriptive method with a questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data from 34 respondents. Frequency, percentage, and mean were used as statistical tools in the study, and analysis of variance was used to determine the significant differences between variables. The data gathered were tallied, analyzed and interpreted. The results of the study revealed that majority of the respondents implement financial management practices. Financial management practices such as financial planning, investment, and working capital management are highly applied by small and medium enterprises in Nasugbu, Batangas. It was also revealed that there is a significant difference in the application of financial management practices of small and medium enterprises when they are grouped according to business profile. The outcome of this study may be useful for the entrepreneurs to focus on financial management practices in order to enhance their business performance.
Keywords: Financial Management, Small and Medium Enterprises, Financial Planning, Investment, and Working Capital Management
Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Among Millennial Employees of the Local Government Offices in the 1st District of Batangas
Macaraig, S.D.
APCORE 2020 International Virtual Conference
December 2 - 4, 2020
Online: Zoom
In the face of uncertainties organizational handlers have come to the realization that organization’s success can no longer be sustained through improved products and services alone but through satisfied and committed employees. This reality has therefore conspicuously placed employees as one of the crucial success factors at the disposal of organizations. When employees are committed to their organization, there is every tendency that the achievement of strategic and predetermined organizational objectives among other vital objectives becomes possible. When employees are satisfied with work conditions, they tend to exhibit certain behaviours. This behaviours though may not be recognized by the formal system of the organization, have a compelling benefit to the organizations as it has been described as important for the growth, success, effectiveness and productivity of any organization. The focus of the study is to determine the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees working in the different local government offices in the 1st District of Batangas. The study aimed to investigate the difference between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees when they are grouped according to their demographics. Lastly, the study also explored the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The researchers used the descriptive-survey method of research and the statistical utilized were frequency, Pearson r and Anova. The findings of the revealed that majority of the respondents are female, single, college graduate, job order employees and have already rendered 0-3 years of service in their respective local government offices. Moreover, the study also showed that the millennial employees feel a moderate satisfaction on their job; that they are committed to the organization; that there exist a weak positive and significant correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and lastly, that there is no significant difference between each of the profile of the respondents and their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In the light of the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the millennial employees of the different local government offices in the 1st district of Batangas are moderately satisfied with their job; that the respondents exhibit commitment to the organization; that there is a weak positive correlation between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the millennial employees which is considered to be statistically significant; lastly, there is no significant difference between the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the profile of the respondents.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Millennial Employees, Local Government offices
Wireless Sensor Devices for Water Quality Monitoring with Data Analytics
Buenas, L.J.E
2nd International Conference on Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics
October 23, 2020
Online: Zoom
Monitoring of aquaculture lake resource is complex as several parameters are needed to be taken in account when monitoring its water quality. To address the problems regarding the manual water quality monitoring of Taal lake, the researcher applied the technology of wireless sensors in determining the dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature. Wireless camera for color of water and weather Application Programming Interface (API) for weather condition, wind direction and air temperature were also utilized. Real-time detection of the said parameters can be retrieved by different concerned stakeholders, especially the BFAR-BIFTOS staff and the fish cage owners and operators through the web-based application, TALAWQMS (Taal Lake Water Quality Monitoring System) and through SMS Notification. Moreover, data analytics in forecasting dissolved oxygen, pH, water and air temperatures, water transparency, ammonia, sulfide and water quality which are contributors to massive fish kills was also conducted using the cloud based reporting and analytics platform, PowerBI. With different water parameters and historical data from January 2012 up to May 2020, machine learning was applied in predicting water quality of the lake. Eight machine learning classification models were experimented in order to select model with the highest predicting accuracy. Out of the selected models, Gradient Boosting Classification yielded the highest percentage in predicting the water quality. Finally, the developed policy brief satisfied the necessary requirements to become a concise reference for the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and the local government of Batangas towards a more responsive and sustainable aquaculture management of Taal Lake.
Keywords: Aquaculture, Data Analytics, Taal Lake, Wireless Sensor, Water Quality
Marine Shore Biodiversity of Verde Island: Preliminary Assessment at the heart of the World’s Center of the Center of Marine Shorefish Biodiversity
Azcuna, M.E.Ma.A.
33rd Regional Symposium on Research, Development, and Extension Highlights/STAARRDEC
November 19, 2020
Online: Zoom
Verde Island Passage is the center of the center of the world’s shore fish biodiversity. Despite its popularity, little is known on the diversity of Verde Island, which is located at the heart of the passage. In addition, other marine shore communities of the island such as coral reef, intertidal, mangrove, and phytoplankton have not been assessed. This study, therefore, surveyed the different marine ecosystems of Verde Island. Specimens were either photographed or collected to serve as voucher materials and deposited in the marine repository hub of Batangas State University. Hard coral cover and composition varied across sampling sites (San Agustin, San Antonio, and San Agapito). Branching and foliose forms of corals dominated the site in San Antonio, whereas massive forms dominated the other two sites. For macrophytes, Padina sp. and Halodule pinifolia predominated the intertidal area, which may be attributed to the difference in substrate and depth between the two sampling sites. About 35 fish species were recorded in Verde Island, dominated by families of Pomacentridae (damselfishes), Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes), and Labridae (wrasses). A total of 22 species of invertebrates belonging to 12 families were identified. Sea cucumber species with commercial value, such as Holothuria atra, were also observed. Seven mangrove species were observed, with only less than 10 individuals for each species. Phytoplankton species that are known to potentially form harmful algal blooms were observed. For the conservation status of the identified marine organisms, only Chaetodon trifascialis (chevron butterflyfish) is classified as nearly threatened, whereas others are of least concern or have no data. The results of this study may serve as baseline information on the diversity of marine organisms for the protection and development of an environmental management plan of the island.
A Sponge-associated fungus (Family: Microstromataceae) strain ISP2-SIL-003-A produces genistein and daidzein with estrogen receptor-mediated CA2+ influx activity
Azcuna, M.E.Ma.A
40th APAMS Philippines 2020
November 16-18, 2020
Online: Zoom
The known compounds genistein and daidzein were obtained from the broth culture of a fungus isolated from the Philippine blue sponge Xestospongia sp. Genomic sequencing (18S rRNA) identified the fungus as either Sympodiomycopsis sp. or Microstromatales sp., both under the family Microstromataceae. The aforementioned compounds have a wide range of reported biological activities (e.g. antimicrobial, anticancer). This is the first report of genistein and daidzein showing a block effect on dorsal root ganglion cells, as measured by decreased intracellular Ca²⁺ levels post-administration.
Keywords: sponge fungi; dorsal-root-ganglion activity; marine natural products; sponge symbiosis (3–10 keywords separated by semi colons
Best Presenter - Management Information System and Technology
“TARA: Tracking and Routing Application for PUV Drivers and Commuters with GPS Technology”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
2nd Best Presenter – Humanities and Social Sciences
“Caught on Cam: Student's experiences on Self-Recorded Videos”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
2nd Best Presenter- Management Information System and Technology
“Grocery Store Recommender App: A Tool for Effective Implementation of Social Distancing”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
2nd Best Paper for Faculty Quantitative Research
“Development of OTP-Based Bicycle Locker System”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
3rd Best Presenter – Education
“The Impact of the Modes of Teaching and Learning to Faculty Members Work Performance in Batangas State University -ARASOF”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
3rd Best Presenter - Management Information System and Technology
“PantryFinder: Online Community Pantry Mapping and Donations Management System Utilizing GPS Technolog”
15th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
June 3, 2022
Online: Zoom Video Conference
Best Paper Presenter for the Information Technology Track
“MET: A Web-based Monitoring and Evaluation of Target Extension Program, Activities, and Projects (PAPs)”
2nd International Conference on Information Technology Education ICITE 2021
October 27-29, 2021
Best Presenter - Management Information System and Technology
“Smart Peso Application for Municipalities with SMS Notification”
14th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom Video Conference
2nd Best Presenter - Management Information System and Technology
“UTMS-ARASOF: Unpublished Theses Management System for Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu Library”
14th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom Video Conference
3rd Best Presenter - Management Information System and Technology
“CSS Droid: An Android-based computer system servicing training app with virtual computer hardware assembly”
14th NOCEI Research Forum and 2nd Virtual Research Forum.
May 21, 2021
Online: Zoom Video Conference
2nd Best Presenter
“Survey of Vulnerable, Threatened and Economically Important Marine Organisms of the Verde Island Passage”
33rd Regional Symposium on Research, Development, and Extension Highlights / STAARRDEC
November 19, 2020
Online: Virtual