Student Organizations
1. CABEIHM Student Council (CABEIHM SC)
The CABEIHM Student Council is the highest governing student organization in the College that primarily functions as a support and a governing body among all the sub-organizations in CABEIHM. CABEIHM SC was always aiming to provide a platform for students’ interest and opinions under the college while establishing quality activities to its members as a way of preparing and nurturing their competencies to participate actively in wide-range activities and opportunities outside the college. With every project of the council, the objectives of building camaraderie among its members, enhancing students’ skills, knowledge and leadership potentials, and assisting the learning of students in their endeavor, remains intact at the core of each project.
2. Entrepreneurial-Action-US (ENACTUS)
ENACTUS is a community of students, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.
3. Hospitality Management Society (HMS)
The Hospitality Management Society aims to enhance student skills, knowledge and leadership potentials, through activities that will prepare students to become effective leaders and good citizens. Also, to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and information, as well as to assist Hospitality Management students in developing habits of seeking their skills, knowledge and keeping up in the fields through participation in discussion groups and attendance at seminars.
4. Junior Financial Executives (JFINEX)
Junior Financial Executives aims to produce competitive students who will become competent future financial professionals. The purpose of this organization is to encourage financial literacy, skill development, knowledge sharing, and responsible decision-making. Contributing to the advancement of students' knowledge and instilling a true leadership attitude toward success and improvement of all.
5. Junior Marketing Association (JMA)
Junior Marketing Association is a professional student-managed national organization devoted to creating venues for future marketers all over the Philippines to excel through opportunities that will enhance their knowledge and experience.
6. Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP)
The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is a national youth organization, guided by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) that commits to develop and empower its members to enable them to grow from academic to professional level as future People Managers of society.
7. Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants is an organization that aims to establish the unity and harmonious relationship among accountancy students to develop socio-civic and cultural consciousness among students through social, economic and cultural development projects, to promote and uphold moral values beneficial to the interest of the accounting students and to build academic excellence and to gain educational advancements in the field of Accountancy.
8. Tourism Management Society (TMS)
The Tourism Management Society (TMS) is an organization that aims to keep the students abreast with the current trends and issues in the tourism industry and help them develop leadership potential and interpersonal skills of its members.
Student Activities
- 1. CABEIHM Freshmen Students (CABEIHM Freshmen Orientation)
2. CABEIHM Students and Faculty Community (CABEIHM Online General Assembly)
3. CABEIHM Students and Faculty Community (CABEIHM Day Celebration)
4. CABEIHM Student Leaders and Faculty (CABEIHMians Brigada Eskwela)
5. BatStateU ARASOF Community (Material Recovery Collection)
6. BatStateU ARASOF Community (International Coastal Clean-up)
7. TM Students, TMS Officers and Faculty (Tourism Management Society Assembly)
8. Tourism Management Students, Sustainable Tourism Students, Community of Nasugbu and TMS Officers and Faculty (Saving Baybay: A Call for Collaborative Conservation and Preservation of a Community Legacy)
9. TM Students, TMS Officers and Faculty (Mental Health for All. Greater Mindset- Greater Opportunities for Everyone in Everywhere)
10. 2nd year MICE Students, TM Students, TMS Officers, Faculty, CABEIHM Extension Service, STI Balayan and Colegio De Santo Domingo De Silos (Interschool Tourism Skills Competition: Strategic IEC for Bayside Tourism Cluster Communities)
11. BSBA Marketing Management Students, BSBA Program Chairperson, JMAANC’s Officers and Adviser (Junior Marketing Association ARASOF Nasugbu Chapter General Assembly: Let's Do This: Be a Marketista sa Gitna ng Pandemya)
12. JMAANC’s Officers and Adviser and selected beneficiaries of the activity (JMAANC Gift Giving: Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
13. BSBA Marketing Management Students and JMAANC’s Officers (Juan Big Idea Nationwide: The Great Reset of Innovative Trends in the New Millennium)
14. BSBA Marketing Management Students and JMAANC’s Officers (MADWORLD 2022: Bravery Over Adversity)
15. All BSA Students, JPIA Adviser, BSA faculty and guest lecturers (JPIA Local Chapter General Assembly)
16. All students of BSA program (BSA Weekly Tutorial Session)
17. All students of BSA Program (Monthly Doze of Accounting)
18. All students of BSA Program (Battle of Accounting Wizards)
19. Young working professionals and other community members who need financial advisory (Extension Services: Financial Literacy Webinar)
20. Selected students of BSA Program (BALANSE Cup)
21. Selected students of BSA Program (2022 PICPA Batangas Quiz Bowl Chapter Level)
22. Selected students of BSA (Program2022 PICPA Southern Tagalog Accounting Quiz)
23. Online business sellers and interested community members who also want to establish and start their own online businesses (Building A Quality and Effective Cost Management Practice in an Online Business)
24. Online business sellers and interested community members who also want to establish and start their own online businesses (Heightening MS Excel Knowledge: A Pivotal Piece to Excel in the Business World)
25. HMS Officers, adviser, faculty and members (BSHM/HRM Online General Assembly thru webinar)
26. HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (Mental Health Awareness Webinar)
27. HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (Food and Beverage Webinar)
28. HMS Officers, HM Students, Adviser, faculty members (Mr. and Ms. HMS)
29. Selected BSHRM/BSHM students and Adviser (Launching of Online Mini Chefs-on-Parade Year 3/ Online skills competition)
30. Selected BSHRM/BSHM students and Adviser (BSHM/HRM General Assembly)
31. HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (Food and Beverage Webinar)
32. BSHRM/BSHM students and Adviser (Launching of Mini Chefs-on-Parade Year 4/ Skills competition)
33. BSHRM/BSHM Students, HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (Cocktail Mixing with Flairtending Seminar and Workshop)
34. BSHM Students, HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (HM Night 2022)
35. BSHM Students, HMS Officers, Adviser, faculty and members (HM Night 2023)
Student Organizations
1. College of Arts and Sciences Student Council
The College of Arts and Sciences Student Council (CASSC) is the student governing body of the College of Arts and Sciences and its sub-organizations that aims to promote wellness and advocates towards professional mastery of the students through student activities and programs. CASSC believes that the total development of the youth can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant quality education as preparation for life thru inculcating leadership, good governance, positive dynamism, and vicarious experiences for the total development of CAS Students.
2. Criminology Executive Student Organization
The Criminology Executive Student Organization believes that promoting core ethical and performance values will instill good characters in the students. The character development of the students can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant quality education.
3. Communication Arts Society
The Communication Arts Society believes that a person is a rational being, full of potential, and an active learner who possesses strength and wisdom. He is imbued with virtues of faith, truth, justice, humility as exemplified by the life and teachings of Christ. The Communication Arts Society exists to develop these potentials and enhance these innate qualities making the students of Communication an ideal media person whose presence provides relevant information and updated news concerning the common good of the republic.
4. Criminology Students Organization
The Criminology Students Organization believes that the total development of the youth can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant quality education as preparation for life through inculcating leadership, good governance, positive dynamism, and vicarious experiences for the total development of BSC Students.
5. Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization
The Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization believes in molding the students with well-balanced and relevant quality education as preparation for life through inculcating, leadership, discipline, and positive values, dynamism and providing vicarious experiences for the total development of FAEO students.
6. Association of Psychology Students
The Association of Psychology Students believes that knowing and understanding every
individual contributes in creating peacefully and orderly environment in the University. It aims to provide meaningful activities and seminars which will help students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills. Moreover, the organization aims to utilize the knowledge and skills learned and trying to promote a healthy and wholesome university environment.
7. Peer Counselors’ Group
The BatStateU ARASOF- Nasugbu’s Peer Counselors’ Group believe that every person has an incredible potential, and with that, the capacity to change positively. The organization was established to aid and help students’ mental and emotional health, which may have an influence on their academic performance. Also, to be trained in basic counseling skills for future use.
Student Activities
- College of Arts and Sciences College Orientation
- Teacher’s Day Celebration
- Seminar About Study Habits
- Christmas Bench Jingle Demonstration
- Christmas Bench Jingle Demonstration
- CASama: 500 kits of Love
- RUN FOR A CAUSE: College of Arts and Sciences Fun Run
- CAS Week 2023
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology Program Welcoming Ceremony for AY 2022-2023
- Small Group Session: Creative Groups for Psychology Students
- Peer Mentorship Program
- Launch Barangay Mental Health Program (Handle Basic Psychological Knowledge)
- Mental Health Week
- Psych Week 2022
- Psychological First Aid Training
- Psychological Health Line
- SPED Students Enrichment Activity
- Election of the Association of Psychology Students Officers for the AY 2023-2024
- Communication Arts Society General Assembly
- BAC Study Unit
- CARS Podcast
- Film Pitching Competition
- CARS Cultural Exhibit
- Special Make-Up Effects Contest
- Parol Making Contest
- CARS Hotline
- CARS Workshop Series
- Launching of Social Media Calendar (FAEO)
- BSFAS Program Orientation
- Webinar on “Fisheries Resource Management: FMA and EAFM Concepts” (Webinar Series Pt.1)
- International Coastal Cleanup Drive 2022
- Webinar on “Overview of Ornamental Fish Industry and Its Opportunities” (Webinar Series Pt.2)
- BSFAS Donation Drive
- Ornamental Fish Fair
- Mangrove Tree Planting Activity
- Webinar on “Philippine Fisheries laws” (Webinar Series Pt.1)
- Webinar on “Universal Fishing Limitation and Boundaries” (Webinar Series Pt.2)
- Election for the new set of FAEO officers for the A.Y. 2023-2024
- Facilitation of Student Development Programs
- Peer Counselor’s Group Basic Counseling Training
- YOU MATTER: Group Meditation
- Vent-O Box: A Stress Coping Activity
- Guide-Line: Promotion of the Guidance Services
- Guidance and COunseling Week
- Criminology Coping Rites
- “Fire Arson Investigation: Know How’s” Webinar
- CSO 911 Unit
- 2-Day Criminology Festival
- Road Safety: Know-How’s to Avoid Accidents
- Ethics Webinar “We Believe in Making a Difference
- Friendly Match of martial Arts and Mass Promotion Ceremony
- Testimonial of Newly Registered Criminologist.
- Slogan, Poster Making and Photography Contest (Find Hope in Humanity Through Juan's Lense)
- The Search for Outstanding Criminology Student of the Year (3rd year & 4th year) and Rookie of the Year (1st & 2nd year)
Student Organizations
College of Informatics and Computing Sciences Student Council (CICS SC)
The College of Informatics and Computing Sciences Student Council (CICS-SC) is the governing student body in BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu CICS Department. CICS-SC’s aim is to represent students' concerns, distribute funding for student activities, and enhance the CICS students' experience. The council involves community service, innovation, leadership, professional advancement, and social opportunities for Computer Science, and Information Technology students. The council also guides the students of the CICS Department to maintain a quality and harmonious environment that shall stiffen the bond of its members.
Student Organizations
College of Engineering and Technology Student Council (CET SC)
The College of Engineering and Technology Student Council (CICS-SC) is the governing student body in BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu CET Department. CET-SC’s aim is to represent students' concerns, distribute funding for student activities, and enhance the CET students' experience. The council involves community service, innovation, leadership, professional advancement, and social opportunities for Computer Engineering, and Electrical Technology students. The council also guides the students of the CET Department to maintain a quality and harmonious environment that shall stiffen the bond of its members.
Student Organizations
- CONAHS Student Council
- The CONAHS Student Council promotes the mission of the Batangas State University through leadership, action, and awareness. The members of this student council activelyencourage the students to improve and enhance their knowledge in the medical care of every individuals which include the opportunity to interact with licensed professionals. Our Council holds various discussion forums, increase public awareness and health care training sessions.
- Philippine Association of Nutrition: Delta Epsilon Chapter
- The Philippine Association of Nutrition: Delta Epsilon Chapter (PANDEC) aimed to promote nutrition consciousness, camaraderie between future health professionals and to be a source of accurate and valid data regarding nutrition.
Student Organizations
CTE Student Council (CTEC)
The College of Teacher Education Council is an organization that provides efficient duty and accountability to serve the school and the community through enunciating teaching and learning environments, create educational content and motivate people using effective written and oral communication skills. It is also set to deliberate students’ progress by fostering a well-trained competence, perseverance, and benevolence to public service. The CTE Council also embodies the whole studentry of the College of Teacher Education who are fully equipped with all the essential skills and knowledge vital in the facilitating of effective teaching and learning. The council also helps to ensure the attainment of success of all the undertakings set forth by the College of Teacher Education.
Social Science Council (SocScie)
Social Science Council is a united organization that helps to provide the acquired knowledge that every member should need. It assembles every being to apply the virtues and culture that would let them grow with all the potential to be great leaders of tomorrow.
Human Kinetics Society
Human Kinetics Society is an academic and sports organization as college-based students’ organization recognizes for its goal of honing physical, mental, social, and emotional faculties of the individual through different activities. One of its objectives is to encourage all BPEd students in exchanging ideas through educational, physical, social, cultural and spiritual activities to uplift and develop a good camaraderie among students and smooth relationship with the faculty. This organization also sets up different projects and humanitarian activities to help its members to be responsible and become good leaders. The organization is being advised by Mr. John Ian V. Cumal.