Batangas State University Rosario Campus, serves as a representative organization for Human Resource Development Management students of BatStateU Rosario for the JPMAP FEDERATION which is an organization that handles and provide activities for students under the course program of BSBA HRDM majors. Throughout the years, the organization had accomplished various activities not just in the academic field but also other forms of activities for the benefit and welfare of the student members. Truly, the core of the JPMAP is to empower its members in engaging them in various activities and in honing and exhibiting their talents and potentials.
This is the recent activity of JPMAP Organization conducted last March 28, 2023, this activity was via Google Meet and Facebook Live that gives each participants the chance to gain knowledge about the said topic. Its purpose is to engage the members in an interactive session with practitioners who are experts on their field and in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the seminar’s topic. It was indeed a successful event for the JPMAP organization.
The Junior Financial Executives is a Sub-Organization of the CABEIHM Department in BatStateU-Rosario. The organization promotes a sense of responsibility among the Financial Management Students of Batangas State University-Rosario.
General Assembly 2022
The Society of Aspiring Managers is an academically-centered organization dedicated to the promotion of individual development that aspires to influence the next generation of managers and business owners. This organization provides assistance to the three departments of Human Resource Development Management, Financial Management, and Marketing. This organization believes in the philosophy “The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never be want.” Similarly, the purpose of this organization is to train and nurture future leaders endowed with academic brilliance, links to values and wealth generation, service-oriented abilities, and a commitment to university and community development. In addition, the Society of Aspiring Managers plays an essential role in modifying its advocacy from the standpoint of service, quality, and values. This reflects the importance that fostering harmony among its members' collaborative efforts will culminate in a cohesive service mission for the whole CABEIHM department.
Teacher Education Students’ Association (TESA) was formerly known as Future Educator Society (FES). This organization takes the lead in enhancing and upholding the academic excellence, extension services and values formation, serving under the education department together with its members. Teacher Education Students’ Association is a socio-academic organization which initially started on academic year 2010-2011.
Organization’s Philosophy:
Enlighten the educators’ minds in line with academic excellence, values, virtues, dignity, and extension services.
Ensuring to be an alliance of its members from Batangas State University - The National Engineering University, Rosario Campus pursuing academic excellence as well as its social, mental, spiritual, and emotional development of the registered members.
An organization enhancing and upholding academic excellence, extensive services, and values formation among its members.
- Promote camaraderie among the clubs and organizations existing in the institution.
- Ensure the of the proposed activities before the school year-end.
- Produce educators who are highly and globally competitive.
- Promote the BSU Trust to and among its member.
To promote mutual understanding among the organizations existing within the campus, uplifting academic excellence, service, and virtues among the members, and pursuing all the activities proposed within the school year.
Last Activity of the Organization
UPRIGHT MARKETING ORGANIZATION is an organization that leads and conducts several activities, both academic and non-academic. It is comprised of group of executives from the marketing management department who hold specific positions and responsibilities with the aim of developing and enhancing the potential of every student and showcasing their capabilities in all aspects of becoming better individuals. This organization also involves cooperation and participation among all marketing students in joining every activity or event that will definitely build great experiences and positive connections among each other as true Marketistas.
General Assembly – Oath Taking (September 9, 2022)
General Assembly (September 9, 2022)